FUSION In the Sun’s core, fusion is happening. This is when 2 hydrogen atoms collide and form a helium atom. This is where the sun gets all its energy.
Energy reaches Earth The energy begins in the core of the sun where it is 15.6 million degrees C. It travels through the sun, out the surface, and travels to Earth as heat.
Some parts of the sun vary in amount of energy SUN SPOTS – dark spots on Sun’s surface where it is significantly cooler. They are temporary and caused by intense magnetic activity on the surface of the sun. Many times solar flares result from these spots.
Solar Flares Sudden bursts of energy from the sun that have a force greater than a million hydrogen bombs. Sometimes these lead to coronal mass ejections. (The “corona” is the cloud-like aura that surrounds the sun.)
Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) are massive bursts of solar wind and magnetic fields rising above the solar corona or being released into space. It would take 8 minutes to reach Earth is the CME is aimed at us. When a CME reaches Earth it interacts with the charged particles in our atmosphere and creates a fantastic light show called the Auroras. (Borealis =Northern Lights, Australis = Southern Lights). Coronal mass ejections can disrupt radio transmissions and cause damage to satellites and electrical transmission line facilities, resulting in potentially massive and long-lasting power outages.
Videos Haunting Images from the Sun The Death of the Sun, Through the Wormhole