nodullär Lightweight Aggregates Waterproofing Thermal Insulation GBC INDIA empowering environment nodullär Lightweight Aggregates Waterproofing Thermal Insulation Tried , Tested & Trusted
empowering environment GBC INDIA empowering environment GBC INDIA , A Green Building Centre set up in Ahmedabad , Gujarat with the objective of empowering environment providing innovative products designing, solutions aiming to improve energy efficiency in buildings, keeping environment, and socio-economics developments bringing sustainable green technologies to the Building & Construction Industry. GBC INDIA always strives to modernize its indigenous traditional methods by developing , innovating and manufacturing resulting a product / material to a world class quality Experienced in working in Construction Industry as an water proofers since 1991, With India’s best known eminent Architects & organizations like ISRO,RBI, LIC ,NDDB , L&T and the likes. Developers of INSULITTE , India’s First Green Technology based Concrete For HEAT / ROOF Insulation , India’s Largest Suppliers/Importers of Lightweight aggregates under the brand ‘Litagg’ Selected among Top 30 Innovators from India in DST- Lockheed Martin Growth Programme , organised by FICCI We know Your Roof Best
nodullär- Lightweight Aggregates Roof / Terraces by defination is the covering on the uppermost part of a building structure . A roof protects the building and its contents from the rain / heat /earth quake effects of all climate primarily in India against rains, heat , cold etc., Majorly traditionally proven technologies like Brickbats / Integral Type are used as waterproofing But nowadays this has been leads to failure , majorly because it Imposes unnecessary structural load on the building , besides resulting in : Cracks reappeared due to temperature variations , causing water leakages Damages to mother slab on restoration / repair Lack of skilled manpower Non-Availability of good quality bricks nor its quantity available as waste/excess Not confused to be good waterproofing , it is used as filler for heat proofing Innovating Traditional Methods
nodullär- Lightweight Aggregates nodullär aggregates are round in shape with coarse texture, off white / ivory coloured with a cellular structure inside , are pelletized and processed resulting in light , porous aerated modules with a tough outer shell aggregates, used for roof/heat insulation . In addition each of the nodullär balls also acts to form of geometric barrier which helps to : Displace and irradiates heat over a larger surface area the air entrapped thus , reduces the rate of heat transfer compared with dense, natural aggregates. Resulting the use of nodullär in concrete improves, (i.e. reduces) the thermal conductivity. Therefore , the thermal properties of nodullär have been used widely to improve thermal insulation in buildings and structures. Description
nodullär- Lightweight Aggregates Finished Surface Mixing Manually/Mixer Screed in Slope Finishing with Tiles /China Mosiac Application Process
nodullär- Lightweight Aggregates ¤ Overdeck /Roof /Terraces Waterproofing cum Heat Insulation ¤ Light weight fill Roof/ Floor /sunk ¤ Drainage for Roof Gardening /Landscaping ¤ Light Weight Concrete ¤ Cavity Wall Filling ¤ Precast (blocks/walls) elements Wide Applications
nodullär- Lightweight Aggregates Eco-Friendly / Green Building Light weight material Enhanced Geometrical advantages Good Compressive Strength Excellent Thermal Properties Reduces Heat transmission through slab and increases Building comforts Reduction in Structural Dead load Sound Proofing , Fire Resistance Low Water Absorption High durable , Long lasting Hassle free application ( DIY – Do It Yourself ) Advantages
nodullär –Lightweight Aggregates PROPERTIES & COMPARISION : PROPERTIES nodullär BRICKBATS / Integral Type VERMICULITE / PERLITE Oven Density Of aggregates kg/m3 @650 @2000 (Bricks) @300 / @100 Thermal Conductivity W / m K 0.12 2.16 0.12 / 0.06 Cement consumption Per m2 for 75mm thickness @10.76** kg @17** kg 16.14** kg / 20.00** kg Compressibility NO YES / YES Application 1000m2 per 75mm thick 4-5 days 12-15 days Production Process Waste product Fertile Soil used High fossil fuel Embodied energy Average Low High
nodullär- Lightweight Aggregates Material : Calcined Siliceous minerals Size : 4-15mm Shape : Normal round nodules Aggregates Density : 600-650 Kg/m³ Thermal Conductivity: 0.12 W/mK (Tested in national laboratory) Technical Specification
nodullär- Lightweight Aggregates Application Video
GBC INDIA- Litagg Corporation Range of World class Lightweight Aggregates Now in India Hydrotone Vermiculite LECA-Expanded clay Sintagg Sintered Flyash Aggregates Perlite Porroc Pumice