The Human Spinal Cord Text Page 393
Functions The Spinal Cord is the vehicle of communication between the CNS and the PNS.
Spinal Cord Protection Surrounded by Vertebrae Covered by Meninges Central canal contains CSF
Spinal Cord Structure (fig. 12.4 page 393) The spinal cord extends through the openings formed by the vertebrae up through the skull and into the base of the brain.
Spinal Nerves connect out to the PNS through openings in the vertebrae Spinal Nerves connect out to the PNS through openings in the vertebrae. (31 pairs of spinal nerves)
Cross section of the spinal cord shows an outer region of white matter and an inner region (H-shaped) area of grey matter.
Grey Matter area that contains motor, sensory, and inter-neurons. Contains cell bodies of neurons and non-myelinated fibers
White Matter Consists of myelinated inter-neurons. These inter-neurons run in tracts.
Ascending Tracts - carry information to the brain Descending Tracts - carry information from the brain.