ASCD 2012 Concurrent Presenter Information Meeting September 21, 2011
Congratulations! Congratulations on being accepted to present at the ASCD Annual Conference in Philadelphia. We’re excited your work will be part of the program, and we look forward to a partnership that helps us best share your work with our participants.
Getting to Know You: Have you presented at ASCD before? Yes, I’ve presented for 5 or more years Yes, I’ve presented for 1-4 years No, this is my first time presenting at ASCD
Agenda By the Numbers Contacts to Know Best Way to Contact You Checklist as of September 21, 2011 Where do I Find Deadlines, Forms, Information? Presenter Guide Using the Annual Conference Website ASCD EDge groups and Social Networking Ways to Get Answers to Your Questions Presenter Registration Making Changes to Your Stuff Cancelling Your Session What’s Next?
By the Numbers for AC2012 We accepted 500 concurrent sessions out of 1300 submissions We have 900 individual presenters working together to bring incredible content We hope to have 12,000 participants at conference
Contacts to Know You’ll be receiving a variety of communications from the Annual Conference Staff (AC Staff) over the next seven months. Below are some names and email addresses that need to be added to your address box so you don’t miss our important messages. The Official Annual Conference Email Box Lindsay Martin-Bilbrey, Annual Conference Project Manager 703-575-5672 or 405-269-0921 Debbie Brown, Conferences and Institutes Director
What’s the Best Way to Contact You? By telephone By email By carrier pigeon By message board
What Kind of Communications Will You Receive from ASCD? Monthly presenter email with that month’s checklist and deadlines. These should come each month by the 15th. Second Presenter Information Virtual Meeting: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 10 AM EST and 6 PM EST How to emails (throughout the year) How to upload handouts How to order your audio visual equipment How to find your room location
So now what? The Checklist So Far Ask yourself and your co-presenters if they’ve completed the following checklist so far (as of Sept 21) Returned my contract Sent updated session title or description, if needed, to
Where do I find Deadlines, Forms, and Information? Check the AC Presenter Guide on the AC website Check the AC Presenter EDge group site
The ASCD Presenter Guide The ASCD Annual Conference Presenter Guide is found at OR Go to and look for the Presenter Guide under the heading Get More
What’s in the Presenter Guide? Presenter Frequently Asked Questions Presenter Registration instructions Information on You are Here, Digital Guide, Print Guide Handouts information Session evaluation information Session location information A/V frequently asked questions and information How to change session or presenter instructions Working with Volunteer instructions Deadlines, links to calendars, and other helpful forms
Using the Annual Conference Website After the Presenter Guide, the AC website is the best place to get conference updates. Please bookmark this page in your browser and make it a priority to check through it at least once a month.
Using ASCD EDge and Twitter as a Presenter EDge: By logging in and joining the 2012 ASCD Annual Conference Presenter and 2012 Annual Conference Groups, you’ll be sure to stay up to date with announcements, forms, and deadlines. You’ll need to check this. If you Twitter, follow Lindsay at @redlmb and ASCD at @ASCD for conference updates. Hashtag #ascd2012.
Need an EDge account? You can sign up at Watch a step by step video on how to get started
You should join the following two EDge groups EDge Groups to Join You should join the following two EDge groups 2012 Annual Conference Presenters (this group is for presenters only; you’ll need to request permission and I will add you once you submit a request) 2012 Annual Conference To search for these groups, log in to EDge. Once you see your dashboard, look for the search bar that says “Search ASCD Edge”. Type in 2012 in the search bar. The first two groups that come up in relevance should be the 2012 Annual Conference Presenters and the 2012 Annual Conference group.
Can’t find the answer? Best way to get information from AC Staff Couldn’t find the answer to your question on the AC website, Presenter Guide, or ASCD EDge? Send one email to with your question, the session ID you’re referencing, and your full name. Please allow ten business days for a response. If you don’t receive a response, please send one more email or call Lindsay at 703-575-5672
Where Is Your “Stuff” Published? Your “stuff” (session description, title, presenters, affiliations, city, state, room location, etc.) is published in variety of places at a variety of times. Because of this, it might be listed differently depending on when you’ve sent us updates
Places to Find Your “Stuff” You Are Here: Most update to date information is found at This is updated weekly by staff. Please allow seven business days for changes you’ve submitted to appear here. Changes will be made daily after March 19, 2012. Digital Program Guide: All information in this guide is current as of October 30, 2011. It will be available to the public December 1, 2011. Print Program Guide: All information in this guide is current as of February 24, 2012. It will be available to the public for pickup March 23, 2012. AC Website Program Change Page: Updated daily February 24-March 26, 2012. It will be available online February 24, 2012-April 24, 2012. Session Description Print Insert: All information in this insert is current as of March 13, 2012.It will be available to the public for pickup March 23, 2012. Conference Daily Newspaper: Available daily onsite at Conference. This information is provided to the newspaper staff each day by 6 pm March 23-25, 2012.
Changes to Your Session & Presenters All changes or cancellations must be submitted in writing to In order to be featured in our digital guide, we must receive your changes by October 30, 2011. In order to be featured in our print guide, we must receive your changes by March 2, 2012. The most current information regarding sessions is always found at
Changes to Your Presenters Because of the high number of correspondence we receive, we ask that each time you make a change to your presenter line up, please send the most current presenter list (with full name, affiliation, city, and state of each presenter) to us to help us keep accurate records.
Presenter Registration All presenters must register for conference. Your conference rate is $179. No other discounts will be applied. You can pay by purchase order, credit card, or check online at or by phone at 1-800-933-2723, x1. If you have not registered by February 24, 2012, and ASCD has not received a cancellation notice from you in writing, ASCD will cancel your session. Registration is a prerequiste for presenting. As you know we’ve outlined in our contract, and we wanted to highlight a couple of key points. Include notes about discount, in recognition of the work you’ll be doing.
Cancelling Your Session Cancellation notices must be sent to in writing. All session cancellations must be received by February 24, 2012 to have the most up to date program materials.
What’s Next? Checking the List Check your session description and presenters after September 28 on You are Here, to make sure your correct information is listed. If not, send us one reminder email at Register online. You can go to on October 1 to complete your online registration process. To register online with the presenter rate, you must login using the ASCD user account you used to submit your proposal with. Look for your October Checklist email around October 15th.
Questions. Thanks for helping us Questions? Thanks for helping us! We know it’s a lot of information and we appreciate your continued patience and engagement as we work through building an incredible conference!