13th Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for the Middle East Kaslik, Lebanon (11-14 November 2015) Report on activities of the OIE Regional Representation for the Middle East: 2016 Working Plan Dr Ghazi Yehia OIE Regional Representative for the Middle East
Objectives of the Regional Representation supporting the Regional Commission for the Middle East the Member Countries Reinforcing Veterinary Services capabilities to: control and manage animal diseases, notably trans-boundary diseases; support compliance with the international standards; harmonizing the national regulations for the trade of animal and animal products; improving animal diseases information system; strengthening collaboration with regional and international organisations; supporting meetings, missions, and twinnings targeting specific regional issues related to animal and public health; promoting the establishment of a network of regional reference laboratories and coordinating their activities. mobilising the OIE expertise 247 reference laboratories 49 collaborating centers promoting the international standards Terrestrial & Aquatic Codes Terrestrial & Aquatic Manuals of diagnostic
REGIONAL CHALLENGES Political disturbances in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen with regional impact: direct: hampered sanitary governance in these countries and higher risk of transboundary dissemination of animal diseases; Indirect: lack of budget, cancellation of conferences (Oman/13th conference of the RC ME), non participation of representatives to international meetings… Camel diseases Center (UAE) and sub-regional network MERS-CoV in Gulf countries: One Health Approach High risk of Rift Valley Fever (El Nino) PPR, FMD, Rabies and Animal Welfare regional strategies
Working Plan 2016 Goal 1: Promotion of OIE guidelines & standards Objective 1.1: Harmonization of regulations for regional trade Activity 1.1.1: Advise for updating veterinary legislation to comply with international standards Activity 1.1.2: Regional trade certification : Regional conference on “implementation of OIE standards on zoning and compartmentalization” (Aqaba, Jordan) Activity 1.1.3: Translation to Arabic of OIE codes Objective 1.2: Improving animal disease information system Activity 1.2.1: Translation to Arabic of WAHIS procedures Activity 1.2.2: WAHIS Advanced Regional updating seminar with Africa EN (Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt) Objective 1.3: Improving the participation to the work of the general assembly Activity 1.3.1: Regional workshop on “Participation to the OIE activities” (Lebanon) Activity 1.3.2: Forwarding draft documents preparing the OIE general session and harmonization of the ME views
Working Plan 2016 Goal 2: Strengthening the capabilities of the veterinary services Objective 2.1: Training of regional veterinary services staff to improve level of advancement in their national activities Activity 2.1.1: Seminar with Focal Points on Animal Welfare (Aqaba, Jordan) Activity 2.1.2: Seminar with Focal Points on Communication on Rabies (Dubai, UAE) TBC Activity 2.1.3: Seminar with Focal Points on Wildlife, with Africa (Aberdare / Nakuru, Kenya) TBC Activity 2.1.4: WAHIS Advanced Regional updating seminar with Africa EN (Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt) Activity 2.1.5: Seminar with Focal Points on Veterinary Laboratories (Kaslik, Lebanon) Activity 2.1.6: Seminar with Focal Points on Food Safety (Greece) TBC Objective 2.2: Information of newly nominated delegates on the OIE procedures Activity 2.2.1: New delegates seminar, May 2016 (Paris, France)
Working Plan 2016 Goal 3: Assistance to member countries Objective 3.1: Evaluation of the Vet. Services to comply with OIE standards Activity 3.1.1: PVS Pathway: PVS (follow-up) in KSA, UAE, Jordan, Lebanon Activity 3.1.2: Twinning like project on strengthening veterinary services between Italy (IZS) and Lebanon (MoA/DAR) Objective 3.2: Assistance in diagnostic capabilities Activity 3.2.1: Twinning between RSA (OVI) and France (Institut Pasteur) with Yemen (CVL) on RVF Activity 3.2.2: Twinning between Kuwait (CVL) and France (Cirad) on PPR Activity 3.2.3: Twinning between Yemen (CVL) and France (Anses) on bee diseases Activity 3.2.4: Project of twinning between Jordan (JOVAC) and France (Cirad) on PPR recombinant vaccine Activity 3.2.5: Project of twinning on aquatic diseases: KSA/Canada Activity 3.2.6: Project of twinning on veterinary education: UAE (Fed. Univ. of Al Aïn) with France (ENVA) & Lebanon (USEK) with France (ENVT) Objective 3.3: OIE dossiers support Activity 3.3.1: Disease status and endorsed control programme recognition training (Kaslik, Lebanon)
Working Plan 2016 Goal 4: Specific regional concerns Objective 4.1: Camels Activity 4.1.1: Establishment of a camel laboratory center & network in the Middle East Activity 4.1.2: Sub-regional conference on camel diseases in UAE/Abu Dhabi Activity 4.1.3: Missions & conference on MERS-CoV in GCC countries Objective 4.2: Equines Activity 4.2.1: Follow-up on implementation of HHP concept Objective 4.3: Animal welfare Activity 4.3.1: Follow-up on implementation of the regional animal welfare strategy: regional seminar on AW on animal handling and transportation (Aqaba, Jordan) Activity 4.3.2: Technical assistance for modelling the control of stray dogs Objective 4.5: Zoonotic diseases Activity 4.5.1: Regional conference on rabies TBC before the World Rabies Day & technical assistance for implementation of subsequent recommendations Activity 4.5.2: Technical assistance on brucellosis vaccination in Oman
Working Plan 2016 Goal 5: Regional and international cooperation Objective 5.1: REMESA/ RELABSA/REPIVET/RESEPSA /RECOMSA/REEV-MED Activity 5.1.1: Assistance to newly regional members (Jordan and Lebanon) and participation to the related meetings Objective 5.2: One Health concept cooperation Activity 5.2.1: Antimicrobial resistance : AMR regional steering committee meetings & ministerial related conference Activity 5.2.2: MERS-CoV follow-up missions and conferences with Gulf Countries Objective 5.3: Cooperation with FAO on TADs Activity 5.3.1: FMD/PPR PCP meeting in Cairo, Egypt Activity 5.3.2: GF TAD RSC meeting
Working Plan 2016 Goal 6: Regional office management Objective 6.1: Improvement of the team work to optimize results Activity 6.1.1: Upgrading of the IT network Activity 6.1.2: Communication improvement (website, information dissemination to the delegates and focal points…)
Timetable 2016
Timetable 2016
FMD PCP Regional Advisory Group meeting (March 2014) Country 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Algeria OIE-CP Bahrain 1 2˟ 3 4 Egypt 2 Iran Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Libya 1˟ Morocco Mauritania Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria Tunisia UAE Yemen
PPR Regional Strategy
PPR in Middle East Prevalence All ME at risk Not present Endemic (OIE/WAHID) Not present Lebanon 1997 Jordan 2000 UAE 2009 Bahrain 2011 Syria Qatar Last occurrence Endemic Egypt Iraq KSA Yemen Iran Last occurrence Syria Iraq Iran Egypt All ME at risk KSA Yemen
PPR in Middle East Vaccination Ring vaccination Mass vaccination No Iran Egypt Ring vaccination Vaccination Iraq KSA Yemen Mass vaccination Syria No vaccination Syria Iran Iraq Egypt KSA Yemen
Regional Animal Welfare Strategy 2014-2019 Activating of the ME Coordination Group to elaborate the Implementation Plan Strengthening the transportation and handling components: AW Focal Points seminar (Aqaba, Jordan, March) Introducing a new component on stray dog management
OIE Regional Commission for the Middle East 13th Conference of the OIE Regional Commission for the Middle East Kaslik, Lebanon (11-14 November 2015)
مطبوعات منظمة الصحة الحيوانية (OIE) Translated documents مطبوعات منظمة الصحة الحيوانية (OIE) للعام 2013 إضغط هنا الفهرس النشرات الدورية Periodicals المعايير الدولية 03 International Standards 12 Periodicals مجلات أخرى 26 Other periodicals الدراسات الفنية 29 Technical series أبحاث ذات الموضوع الواحد 33 Thematic Publications دراسات 44 Proceedings مقالات قيد التحضير 63 Forthcoming titles الأسعار والتوزيع والشراء 65-79 List and prices
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