Cold War Gets Hot!
I. Arms Race A. Soviets get atom bomb, 1949 B. Both sides get hydrogen bomb (800 X power of a-bomb) C. Next: Inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) D. “Mutually assured destruction” (MAD)
World destruction
II. Space Race Soviets launch Sputnik, 1957 Superpowers race to the moon America puts the first man on moon- 1969
III. Cuba A. US controlled, owned much of Cuba (Platt Amendment) B. Fidel Castro overthrew dictator (Batista) in 1959 C. Cuba became communist, Soviet ally D. US “Bay of Pigs” invasion failed E. US tried, failed to kill Castro… 13 TIMES!!!
IV. Berlin A. Germany and capital divided after WWII B. Thousands fled to West Berlin C. To stop them, East Germany built Berlin Wall (1961) D. Completely cut W. Berlin off from rest of Germany E. 5,000 attempted to go over wall- 200 killed