THE CAUSES OF WW1 UNIT 5: PROGRESSIVE ERA & WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Significant individuals
MILITARISM Militarism – Policy of building up strong-armed forces to prepare for war. Germany was competing with England to build battleships. “Arms Race” England had the largest and strongest navy at the time Russia also started to build up its military forces The British feared an attack on their Empire
MILITARISM Germany was competing with Russia and France to also expand the size of their army. 1880-1914 Germany: 1.3m to 5.0m men France: 0.73m to 4.0m men Russia: 0.40m to 1.2m men
ALLIANCES By 1914 all the major powers were linked by a system of alliances. When a country agreed to an alliance it meant that it would defend the alliance in the event of an attack Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy Triple Entente: England, France, and Russia The alliances made it more likely that a war would start. Once started, the alliances made war more likely to spread throughout Europe.
IMPERIALISM Imperialism – The policy of extending the rule of authority of an empire or nation over another foreign country. All the great powers were competing for colonies and territory. New colonies provided new raw materials for manufacture New colonies increased the status of a country. Also created conflict between European nations. The British feared Germany in Africa. The Austrians feared Serbia / Russia in the Balkans English Empire
NATIONALISM Nationalism – devotion and loyalty towards one’s own country. This was an age when all nations wanted to assert their power and independence. Italy – 1860 became its own kingdom Germany – 1870 united In Europe Slavs, aided by Serbia and Russia, wanted to be free of Austrian rule. Ethnic groups wanted to have their own countries United by culture and language Serbia’s National Flag
SIGNIFICANT INDIVIDUALS Franz Ferdinand – Heir to the Austrian throne. Austria-Hungarian Slavic people wanted their independence and Serbia supported them. June 28, 1914 Heir to Austrian throne Franz Ferdinand visits Sarajevo. City close to the boarder of Serbia Sarajevo was known to have strong Slavic nationalism.
THE SPARK “Black Hand” - Terrorists attack the Archduke Franz Ferdinand The Black Hand planned the assassination of Ferdinand to bring down the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and unite the Slaves Attempt #1: Bomb attempt fails in the morning. Attempt #2: Gavrilo Princip shoots Archduke and wife in the afternoon. Austrians blame Serbia for supporting terrorists.
THE CRISIS Austrians, supported by Germany, send Serbia a tough ultimatum. Serbia refuses Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia on July 28, 1914. Russia mobilises her troops to support Serbia Germany demands that Russia stands her armies down. Germany declares war on Russia August 1, 1914 August 3, 1914 – Germany declares war on France who was a Russian ally. August 4, 1914 – Germany invades Belgium, violating a term that Belgium would always remain neutral. England, honouring an alliance to protect Belgium, declared war on Germany England also did not want Germany to gain control of ports so close to England. Neutrality – The state of not taking sides, especially in war disputes.