Early Humans Yabba Dabba Do
Australopithicus Southern Ape
“Lucy” 3.9 to 3.0 million Y.A. East Africa Found by Donald Johanson
More Australopithecus Brain 1/3 size of ours Long arms No language
Australopithicus About 4 feet tall Bipedal Knuckle walker Used simple tools Ate insects, eggs, fruit
Homo Habilis Handy Man
Homo Habilis Lived in Eastern Africa 1.9 to 1.5 million Y.A. Discovered by Louis Leaky
Homo Habilis Larger brain 5 feet tall 100 pounds Apelike arms
Homo Habilis
Homo Habilis Made stone tools Scavengers for meat Lived in social groups No spoken language
Homo Erectus Upright Man
Homo Erectus 1.8 million to 200,000 Y.A. Asia, Africa and Europe Discovered by Eugene Dubois
Homo Erectus Large brain Large back teeth No chin Taller than us Very upright stance
Homo Erectus
Homo Erectus Controlled fire! Probable spoken language Lived in caves, huts Made better tools Ate variety of foods
Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis Neandertal
Neandertal 230,000 to 30,000 Y.A. Europe, western Asia, and Near East Discovered in Neander Valley, Germany
Neandertal Brain larger than ours Stocky & shortlimbed Thick bones & powerful muscles
Neandertal Hunted in groups Cared for sick, old, & wounded Had burial rituals Had simple language More complex tools
Homo Sapiens Sapiens Modern Man (and Woman)
Homo Sapiens
Homo Sapiens 100,000 Y.A. to present All around the world Cro-Magnon Man Discovered by Edouard Lartet in 1860’s
Homo Sapiens Large Brain Small teeth Fairly slender bones
Homo Sapiens
Homo Sapiens Made more than 100 tools Lived in social groups Built huts Created art Advanced spoken language
Early Humans Goodbye!