Prescription Opioids By: Mia and Parker
Slang Name and Terms Hillbilly Heroine Percs Happy pills Vikes Tuss Big boys Morph Prescription Drugs are legal as long as you follow the directions given on the bottle and do not give any of your drug to anybody
Ways to abuse Opioids Opioids can be abused by taking the drug in the form of a pill, injected with a needle, and also can be smoked When opium is combined with other drugs the effects can be even greater. “Black” is when you combine opium with marijuana and methamphetamine
Short term Effects of Prescription Drug Abuse Soon after taking a “hit” of opium you start craving for more Dry mouth Heavy feeling in the arms and legs Nausea and vomiting Clouded mental functioning
Long Term Effects of Prescription Drug Abuse Insomnia Collapsed veins for people who inject the drug Damaged tissue inside the nose for people who snort it Infection of the heart lining and valves Constipation and stomach cramping Liver and kidney disease Sexual dysfunction in men Irregular menstrual cycles for women
Effect on community A rise in homeless people A rise in people going to jail because they are stealing for drug money
Fun facts Over 90 Americans die overdosing on opioids in a day Users use it sometimes so they can’t feel or remember anything. The poppy plant can produce up to 80 different alkaloids that help with pain relief During the opium wars the british traded china opium so that china would get addicted and trade with britain
What does it look like?
Works Cited Abuse, National Institute on Drug. “Opioid Overdose Crisis.” NIDA, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1 June 2017, Abuse, National Institute on Drug. “Opioids.” NIDA, National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Iv. Narcotics.” Drugs of Abuse, DEA, “OPIOIDS AND MORPHINE DERIVATIVES EFFECTS.” Foundation for a Drug-Free World, “Prescription Drug Slang and Street Terms.” Prescription Drug Abuse, Prescription Drug Abuse, 2017,