Nucleic Acids DNA and RNA
What are they? Compounds composed of element: C, H, O, N, P There are 2 types of Nucleic Acids: RNA and DNA RNA: Ribo-Nucleic Acid DNA: Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acid
RNA vs. DNA The pentose sugar in RNA is Ribose Then pentose sugar in DNA is Deoxy-ribose
Functions genetic material stores information transfers information genes blueprint for building proteins DNA RNA proteins transfers information blueprint for new cells blueprint for next generation
Structure of Nucleotides Nucleic Acids are polymers assembled from individual monomers known as Nucleotides Nucleotides have 3 parts: 1- Monosaccharide with a pentagonal structure ( Made of the elements ____,____ and ____) 2- Nitrogen containing base (Made of C, H and N) 3- A phosphate group ( Made of P and O) 5
Which is which?
Simplified Drawing
Nitrogen Containing Bases There are 5 different Nitrogen containing bases DNA uses bases: A, C, G, T A: Adenine T: Thymine RNA uses bases: A, C, G, U G: Guanine C: Cytosine U: Uracil
Nucleotide chains Nucleotides chained into a polymer double helix phosphate sugar N base Nucleotides chained into a polymer DNA double helix A, C, G, T RNA single-sided A, C, G, U phosphate sugar N base strong bonds phosphate sugar N base phosphate sugar N base RNA