Appearance and Professional Image How to check yourself before you wreck yourself and other modern musings of the 2017 workplace.
The way you look Plays a significate role in your success “Appearance translates to performance” Nicole Williams – career expert at LinkedIn “Even if your boss doesn’t’ think that they’re thinking any less of you, they will subconsciously think it.” A sliding scale…. When you don’t fit in you aren’t as accepted as you are welcomed and it will show in your performance
Today… Casual wear is increasingly popular- but don’t get caught in the trap! What are the new rules for professional appearance? 20 rules… - Give it your best try – 4 minutes at your tables
1 Understand what’s appropriate in your INDUSTRY
2 Make sure your CLOTHES Fit
3 Don’t be too SEXY
4 Wear GLASSES That fit
5 Dry Your hair
6 Pay attention to your BAG
7 Don’t wear too MUCH perfume
8 Wearing nude Pantyhose Is hip
9 Wear well kept, polished Shoes
10 Avoid ANKLE Socks with SLACKS
11 Get regular PEDICURES
12 Don’t over Accessorize
13 Your JEWELRY Shouldn’t make noise
14 Pay ATTENTION To your watch
15 Facial Hair shouldn’t overwhelm Your face
16 Grow FACIAL Hair on a WEEKEND Or vacation
17 TRIM Your beard
18 A GOATEE Is rarely a good idea.
19 Wear RICH Colors to portray authority
20 Avoid NEON Colors and overly flashy clothes
Creating a positive professional image Behavior: Exhibit a positive attitude and pleasant demeanor Use a firm handshake Maintain good eye contact Appropriate introductions – introduce someone by their title and last name (Ms. Mrs. Mr. Dr. Smith), unless otherwise specified Rise when you are introducing someone or you are being introduced Nonverbal communication is important Show common respect and consideration for others
Professional Appearance Wardrobe Professional Business Wardrobe -For women: skirted/pant suit, blouse or dress shirt, clean well maintained dress shoes (generally closed-toe shoe) -For men: suit, dress shirt, tie (well maintained dress shoes) Outerwear -Appropriate for women/men: Trench coat, umbrella
Professional Work Attire
Professional Appearance Business Casual Wardrobe For women: dress pants, shirt, blouse, well maintained dress or casual shoe (no tennis shoes, flip flops, etc.) For men: slacks/khaki pants, polo shirt, or other collared dress shirt, well maintained dress or casual shoes (no tennis shoes, flip flops, etc.) **NOTHING SLOPPY**
Casual Work Attire
Office Etiquette Making a positive impression – Recognize that what you do early on will be magnified Remember your manners Be ready to learn, adapt and change Exercise professional maturity by showing good judgment and build good relationships
Office Etiquette Show a healthy respect for colleagues experience and expertise Exhibit a positive attitude and know what your role will be on the team – How can I best assist? Leave your personal life at the front door Inquire about the proper way to respond to co-workers, supervisors, clients ( Business letter head, phone call etc.)
Homework Due Friday, January 27th by the end of day!