Solicitation for Projects using STP/SNK/TA Federal Funds – FY2022 March 2018
Agenda Ohio STP and KY SNK Eligibility and Available Funds Application Prioritization Process Questions Transportation Alternatives (Ohio & KY)
What’s new? Electronic application Improved Project Applicant Assistant New technology element Annual cycle trial
Eligible Applicants Area Development Districts Cities Counties Towns Transit Authorities Other units of government eligible to sign contracts with KYTC or ODOT
Eligible STP/SNK Project Types Widening/new roadway Reconstruction, realignment Signalization Access management Safety improvements Transit capital Bike/pedestrian Intermodal facilities Freight
Basic Project Eligibility Projects are in or consistent with the 2040 Plan STP/ SNK are located within the urbanized boundary TA can be anywhere within the region Applicant provides non-federal match (at least 20%) Process is a reimbursement arrangement Maximum 2 applications per LPA
Program Synopsis Type Area (roadways must be functionally-classified) Eligible Phases Funding Available Maximum Funding Request per Application Max Applications per Sponsor Ohio STP Urbanized Area PE-RWS, ROW, UTIL, CON $20 m $6 m 2 Ohio TA OKI Planning Area $2.6 m $750,000 Kentucky SNK PE (Design), PE-RWS, ROW, UTIL, CON $7.5 m $5 m Kentucky TA $1.6m $500,000
Application Online application - Contact information Project name, description, primary goal Cost estimates by phase Certifications Transportation factors Planning factors Attachments (including map) Must have updated ADA Transition Plan Certification of Title VI Plan
STP & SNK Prioritization Process Highway Factor Non Highway Freight Factor Transit Bike/Ped Planning Factors for All Projects Total Score 105 points 60 points 45 points
Transportation Factors for Roadway Projects Safety* Impact on Safety Average Daily Traffic (ADT) * Travel Time* (index or model based) Impact on Travel Time Freight* (% trucks) IRI * or Bridge Rating * Complete Streets Status of Project * Data available from PAA
Transportation Factors for Roadway Projects (continued) Project Applicant Assistant for Roadways
Transportation Factors for Transit Projects Project Type (vehicles, fixed facility, support) Ridership Impact Impact on Safety & Security Time to Implementation Impact Existing Physical Condition
Transportation Factors for Bike/Ped Safety Impact on Safety Network Connections Feasibility Existing Surface Conditions Complete Streets Project Status
Transportation Factors for Non-Roadway Freight Projects Modal Traffic Flow Impact on Roadway Congestion Impact on Safety Project Status Reliability Existing Facility Conditions
Planning Factors for STP/SNK Technology Environmental Justice Economic Vitality Investment/Employment Bonus Air Quality Intermodal Elements Replacement/Expansion Strategic Regional Policy Plan Local Plans Local Share History of Project Delivery
Technology New Element (STP/SNK only) Awards points for equipment, technologies or materials that advance the state of transportation in the region. Connected vehicles Autonomous vehicles Optimized systems Advanced materials All modes eligible
Environmental Justice Factor Overall impacts to designated Environmental Justice communities Benefits – direct or indirect Negative Impacts – temporary or permanent Designated EJ Communities—Minority, Low Income, Zero-Car households, Elderly, Persons with Disabilities
Environmental Justice Factor (continued) Examples of Impacts: Access to a senior citizen building Relocation of a bus stop or pedestrian crossing Closure of a public sidewalk Reduced/restricted on-street parking Goal Demonstrate a working philosophy to ensure that your project will NOT cause undue or disproportionate hardship on any of the five designated communities
Economic Vitality Existing Employment Employment within ½ mile buffer OKI will score New Investment or New Employment Bonus Points Documented new investment or job creation within project area provided by the applicant
OKI Employment Calculator
Air Quality Reduction in Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction in Vehicle Hours Traveled Cleaner vehicle emissions OKI uses methodology approved by Ohio Statewide Urban CMAQ Committee 1 reduced, range of 1- 3 2 or more reduced, range of 4 or 5
Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduce Vehicle Hours Traveled No Reduction Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduce Vehicle Hours Traveled Reduce Vehicle Emissions Road resurfacing Road connector resulting in shorter route Traffic flow improvements Bus Replacement Replacing existing infrastructure New bike facility Traffic signal interconnect Geometric correction New sidewalk connection Intersection turn lanes Items to include in application: length of project, before and after signal delay (intersection improvement), impact on vehicle trips, number and type of buses being replaced.
Intermodal Elements Factor New or improved connections between modes. i.e. between barge and rail Roadway to port New pedestrian connection to transit
Replacement/Expansion Factor Long Range Plan places emphasis on maintaining existing infrastructure Range of points available depending upon nature of the project: 100% Replacement 75% Replacement/25% Expansion 50% Replacement/50% Expansion 25% Replacement/75% Expansion 100% Expansion
Strategic Regional Policy Plan Adopted in 2005 and updated in 2014 Primary goal being to bring about more consistency between regional long range transportation planning, and local land use planning.
Strategic Regional Policy Plan Points awarded for: Projects located in an area with mixed land uses and/or will enhance mixed land uses Projects serving brownfield or greyfield properties or areas where infrastructure is underutilized Projects employing techniques to minimize or offset/compensate for environmental impacts, including green infrastructure strategies
Local Planning Factor Points awarded for: Projects consistent with an up-to-date local comprehensive plan Partial points if consistent but > 5 years old
Local Planning Factor Important points to include in the application: Reference the specific location in the Comprehensive Plan, such as page number(s), where the project is referenced/supported. Highlight the Public Participation process for the plan. Describe the Land Use/Transportation relationship.
Local Share (Match) Additional points will be awarded for applicants who pledge more local match Minimum 20% local match = 0 points Up to 10 points
History of Project Delivery Applicants with projects behind schedule or canceled will be assessed penalties on new applications Staff will look at projects in the active TIP One project slips to a later year -3 Two or more slip to later year -5 Project cancelled - 10
TA Infrastructure Factors Project Type Safety OKI Plans Recommendations Connections Project Status
Transportation Alternatives Funding Sidewalks Bike/Ped Signals Safe Routes for Non-Drivers Traffic Calming Shared Use Path Facility Lighting for Safety On-road Bike Facilities Historic Preservation Environmental Mitigation Turnouts, Overlooks & Viewing Areas Vegetation Managements Control Outdoor Advertising
TA Safe Routes to School Funding Sidewalks and/or Crossing Improvements School On-Site Travel Improvements Lighting for Safety and Security Bike Racks Projects must be within two miles of a school
TA Safe Routes to School Factors School Travel Plan Education Activities Encouragement Activities Enforcement Activities Project Type Connections Project Status
Planning Factors for TA Environmental Justice Existing Employment Air Quality Intermodal Elements Replacement/Expansion Strategic Regional Policy Plan (SRPP) Local Planning Local Share History of Project Delivery Additional Funding Request
Prioritization Process for TA Projects SRTS Factor Planning Factors for All Projects Total Score TA Factor 50 points 55 points 105 points
STP/SNK/TA Contacts STP/SNK Andy Reser – 513-619-7688 Transportation Alternatives Summer Jones – 513-619-7674
STP/SNK/TA Schedule & Funding March 6, 2018 Program Announcement and Workshop June 1, 2018 Applications Due September 11, 2018 Prioritization Subcommittee September 18, 2018 Prioritization Subcommittee (if needed) October 9, 2018 ICC Approval October 11, 2018 OKI Board Approval By April 2019 Included in FY20-23 TIP
Resources Project Administration Assistant Project Application