A Word from the Author. Assalamu Alakum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuh. I hope that this file can serve as medium to helping you more easily understand Islam. You may use it as a presentation to an audience, print it, and distribute it. What you may not do is edit it in any way. If there are mistakes email me [click the icon below] with a correction and I’ll fix it promptly. Enjoy! Adnan Haniff A word from the author. InfernoBlaze5589@gmail.com
The Five Pillars of Islam For a Muslim daily life are these pillars. Every building has it’s supports. In this case, one’s faith is the support. And what is faith to a Muslim? Faith is one’s declaration to Allah’s oneness and superiority over all things and that Muhammad is his servant and messenger. This pyramid does NOT list the five pillars according to its importance. The Five Pillars of Islam © 2007 Adnan Haniff
The Five Pillars of Islam Declaration of Faith Five Obligatory Prayers Fasting During Ramadan Paying Zakah Hajj The five pillars. " O Lord, praise to You! You are the light of the heavens and the earth and all that dwell therein. Praise to You! You are the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that dwell therein. Praise to You! You are the truth, and Your promise is true, and Your word is true, and Your meeting is true, and the Garden is true, and the Fire is true, and the Prophets were true, and Muhammad is true, and the Hour is true! O Allah, to You I commit myself, and in You I believe and place my trust, and unto You I turn in repentance, and for You I fight, and through You I pass judgment. Forgive me my sins, past and future, open and hidden. You are my God; there is no God but You! " - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) © 2007 Adnan Haniff
Wudu State your intention to be purified and say Bismillah. Wash both hands up to the elbow three times. Start with right hand. Wash your hands up to the wrist three times. Wipe the whole head from the forehead to the back of the neck once. Rinse the mouth with water three times. With wet fingers, rub the outer sides of the ears with thumbs and the inner side with forefingers three times. Cleanse nostrils by sniffing water into them three times. Wipe around the neck with wet hands once. Wudu is the ritual ablution that must be completed in order for ones prayer to be excepted. Not having the Wudu completed will render any prayer invalid. After Wudu say: Ash hadu an la ilaha illal lahu wah dahu la shareeka lahu wa ash hadu an-na muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasulhu. Translation: I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I testify that Muhammad (SAW) is his servant and messenger. Wash face with both hands from forehead to chin and from ear to ear three times. Wash both feet up to the ankles three times. Start with right foot. Full Ablution Partial Ablution Fresh Wudu Required Discharges from the body (gas, feces, or urine) The flow of blood or pus from the body Vomiting Intoxication Sleeping Wet dreams or sexual intercourse © 2007 Adnan Haniff
Prayer Times and Rakats Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha It should be performed at any time between the breaking of the dawn till just before sunrise. It should be performed after the sun declines from its zenith until it is about mid-afternoon. It should be performed soon after the time for Zuhr prayer ends and extends to just before sunset. It should be performed just after sunset and extends to a period of an hour and a half. It should be performed about an hour and a half after sunset and extends to dawn. A Muslim must pray the five obligatory prayers; it’s one of the pillars that constitutes faith. Each prayer must be performed at it’s time. It is not allowed for a prayer to be done early. 2 Rakats 4 Rakats¹ 4 Rakats 3 Rakats 4 Rakats² Said aloud Said silent Said silent First two aloud, last rakat silent First two aloud, last two silent ¹For the Friday prayer, two rakats, instead of four are recited. © 2007 Adnan Haniff ²It is strongly recommended that one prays the Witr prayer afterwards
Supererogatory Prayers Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha 2 Sunnah 4 Sunnah 3 Fard 2 Fard 4 Fard ۞ 2 Nafl 3 Witr This is for those extremely dedicated Muslims who want to go above and beyond the call of duty to please Allah most high. © 2007 Adnan Haniff