Students will grade as class the Geriatric Test. Find your food style? 3) TO: What are 6 essential nutrient groups and each groups function? Students will be given Nutrition and Physical Activity Project. Students will finish crossword. 2/4/14 Today’s Agenda: EQ: How will your knowledge of nutrition affect the care you provide? State Standard 9: Health Maintenance Practices 1. Apply behaviors that promote health and wellness. 2. Describe strategies for prevention of diseases including health screenings/examinations. 3. Apply practices that promote prevention of disease and injury.
Fundamentals of nutrition Nutrition: all body processes relating to food. Include digestion, absorption, metabolism, circulation, and elimination. Nutritional status refers to the state of one’s nutrition. What is wellness: state of good health c optimal body function.
Good nutrition may prevent or delay: Hypertension Atherosclerosis - arteries are narrowed by the accumulation of fats/minerals on their inner lining. Osteoporosis Malnutrition - poor nutrition.
6 Essential Nutrient Groups TO Nutrient Groups Functions Carbohydrates Provide heat & energy; supply fiber for good digestion and elimination. Lipids (Fats) Provide fatty acids needed for growth and development; provide heat and energy; carry fat-soluble vitamins to body cells. Proteins Build & repair body tissue; provide heat and energy; help produce antibodies. Vitamins Regulate body functions; build and repair body tissue. Minerals Water Carries nutrients & wastes to and from body cells; regulates body functions.
1. Carbohydrates Major source of E- Starches or sugars mainly produced by plants Breads, pastas, potatoes, peas, beans, grains (pick one) Cellulose: fibrous, indigestible form of plant carb Bran, whole-grain Helps c bowel mvmts
CHO Serving Size
2. Lipids (Fats) Provide E- Maintain body temp Cushion organs Saturated – solids Unsaturated – soft/oily Provide flavor 3 common lipids: 1. Triglycerides 2. Phospholipids 3. Cholesterol
Fats Serving Size
What transports cholesterol? Atherosclerosis Found in body cells/animal products Produces: Steroid hormones VD Bile acids Common sources: Egg yolk, fatty meats, shellfish, butter, cheeses (pick two) What transports cholesterol? HDL (high density protein) Good Takes back to liver preventing plaque build up LDL (low density protein) Bad Contributes to plaque build up leading to?
Fats Continued: Triglycerides Fat we eat broken down to fatty acids Triglyceride main function: Store E- for later; released when told by horomones 3 fatty acids = 1 Triglycerides – (also made from CHO) Found in bld plasma Elevated lead to coronary artery dz
3. Proteins Basic component of all cells Build/repair tissue Create digestive enzys Made up of 22 amino acids 13 are incomplete In beans/peas/corn 9 are essential/complete (22) In fish/yogurt/milk
Proteins Serving Size
4. Water In all body tissues Lubricates jts Protects spinal cord Essential for digestion Makes up blood plasma, cytoplasm of cells Helps body absorb nutrients Should drink 6 – 8 glasses a day
5. Vitamins Organic compounds Important for metabolism & bld clotting Allow body to use E- Some are Antioxidants (VA, C, E) – protect the body from harmful chemicals called free radicals; In fruits/veggies Free radicals are the results of O2 being used during metabolism Can damage tissues/genes Can lead to CA, CAD, arthritis
Vitamins Continued… V are classified as H2O soluble or fat soluble Water soluble v – dissolve in H2O & are not stored in the body. -Includes VB, VC, & Folic Acid Fat soluble v – dissolve in fat & are stored in the body. -Includes Vitamins A, D, E, & K
6. Minerals Inorganic (nonliving) elements found in all tissues Some are antioxidants too (Mg, Zn, Cu) - regulate body fluids (Na, K) - contribute to growth (Ca, P, Mg, Zn) - helps build tissues (Mg, S, Fe) - formation of RBC’s (Fe, Cu) - healthy skin, hair, nails (S) - maintains heart rhythm (Ca, K)
2/14/14 Today’s Agenda: Students will Medical Abbreviation Quiz. TO: What is the process for utilization of nutrients? Students will complete Utilization of Nutrition Activity. Closure – begin Nutrient Utilization for Nutrition Project. 2/14/14 Today’s Agenda: EQ: How will your knowledge of nutrition affect the care you provide? 8:1 Explain roles and responsibilities of team members. 8:5 Act responsibly as a team member. 8:3 Recognize characteristics of effective teams. 9.1. Apply behaviors that promote health and wellness.
Utilization of Nutrients Digestion- process by which the body breaks down & changes the food chemically. Mechanical- food is broken down by the teeth & moved thru the digestive tract, the process is called peristalsis. Chemical- food is mixed with digestive juices secreted by the mouth, stomach, small intestine, & pancreas. dj contains enzymes.
Utilization of Nutrients Absorption- the process in which bld or lymphatic capillaries pick up the digested nutrients. Most occurs in the small intestine Metabolism- nutrients are used by the cells for building tissue, providing E-, & regulating body functions. During this process, nutrients are combined c/ O2, and E- & heat are released. Basal Metabolic Rate- E- used for maintaining body’s own tissue, c/out doing any voluntary wk.
Utilization of Nutrients Mechanical digestion in mouth. Chemical digestion c salivary glands release amylase, changes starches to maltose. Peristalsis and gravity move food thru esophagus. Hydrochloric acid in stomach preps for enzyme break down. Pepsin breaks down proteins. Lipase emulsifies fats. 5. Liver produces bile (remember chol)
Utilization of Nutrients 6. Gallbladder stores bile & releases it into small intestine (SI) to emulsify fats. 7. Pancreas releases more lipase & amylase into SI. Proteases break down proteins into peptides. 8. SI preps food for absorption: Peptidase breaks down peptides into amnio acids; lactase, maltase, sucrase break down sugars. 9. Large Intestine – absorbs H2O & nutrients, collects food residue for excretion
Measuring Food E- kilocalorie (kcal) – heat produced during metabolism is measured by the “calorie” unit. CHO/Protein = 4cal/g Fat = 9 cal/g V/Min/H2O = 0 cal/g 1 lb = 3,500 kcal
Changes in Wt To Lose Wt To Gain Wt To Maintain Wt Inc physical activity Dec kcal intake Safe to lose 1-2 lb / wk Must cut ~500 kcal / d Dec phy act Inc kcal intake To Maintain Wt Consume 15 kcal per lb. (15 kcal)(140lb) = 2100 kcal/d
Group Activity Roll out a sheet of bulletin board paper large enough to trace someone from the tip of their head to their hips like in the picture to the right. Draw in the steps of the utilization of nutrients process. Use your book as a reference.
Group member roles/responsibilities: Artist: get supplies, and draws in the appropriate figures, helps nutritionist c info Nutritionist: writes in the appropriate info Model: will be traced, helps nutritionist c info, return all materials, & turn in drawing at the end of class
2/18/14 Daily Cerebral Exercise List all of the organs/anatomical structures that contribute to nutrition. How can you easily identify terms that are enzymes versus terms that are sugars? How is E- measured in food? How many calories = 1 lb of fat?
2/18/13 Today’s Agenda: Students will complete Daily Cerebral Exercise Students complete ADAMS Inside Out Digestive System Worksheet. TO: Students will work on completing Utilization of Nutrients section for Nutrition Project. 9:1 Apply behaviors that promote health and wellness. 9:3 Apply practices that promote prevention of disease and injury. 2/18/13 Today’s Agenda: EQ: How will your knowledge of nutrition affect the care you provide?