Today’s lesson objective is To comment on how writers use language to argue. To be able to do this we will be analysing linguistic and literary features used by writers shape and influence meaning through a example text. By the end all students should be able to recognise and comment on how writers’ choices and techniques have an effect on readers.
C You must recognise the more obvious implicit meanings and attitudes of a writer and show a sense of audience and an awareness of appropriate uses of language. A You must also communicate information at both a straightforward and a complex level using well constructed paragraphs, appropriate sentence structures, and show accuracy in G S & P
What is arguing? (when writing or analysing) Remembering (knowledge) The key thing about an argument is that you present both sides and come to a clear conclusion.
Hands up if you play or have ever played on a game device or played an game on playstation/xbox, computer, phone etc
How would you rephrase the Comprehension How would you rephrase the meaning of arguing? To give reasons for or against something: to say or write things in order to change someone's opinion
Can you make a distinction between arguing and persuading? Analysing Can you make a distinction between arguing and persuading? When you are persuading people, you don't need to show both sides - all you have to do is present your ideas.
Peer Assessment To improve your answer, try to..... The best paragraph was ..... because... Focus on including more...