Idioms 3rd Grade
That new Xbox One cost his parents an arm and a leg. Wasn’t very expensive Was difficult to purchase Took a long time to purchase Was very expensive
She never believed what he said he was going to do to fix the house She never believed what he said he was going to do to fix the house. Her belief was that actions speak louder than words. Some fixes are more difficult than others Don’t trust people Doing means more than saying It’s better to do something yourself
Her mom was so predictable Her mom was so predictable. As soon as the clock hit 11 she was off to make lunch at the drop of a hat. Working hard Being use to something Easy to remember; remembering Instantly or very quickly
The teacher had done everything to help Corey prepare for his test The teacher had done everything to help Corey prepare for his test. “The ball is in your court now,” she told him. Not trying hard It’s time to study It’s your turn to make a decision or do something Preparing or making plans for something
The police were barking up the wrong tree by trying to prove that person guilty. He was no where near the crime scene. Working too hard Making a mistake or error Doing the right thing Being sneaky
She wished her talkative teacher would stop beating around the bush and just announce the winners already. Going on and on; avoiding a topic Thinking to yourself Not trying Asking lots of questions
Ms. Kramer loved her new iPhone Ms. Kramer loved her new iPhone. In her opinion, it was the best thing since sliced bread. Something easy A different way to think about things/issues Something different to try or use A good or great idea/invention
Taking on too difficult or big a challenge Agreeing to build the new highway in just six months was going to be difficult. Honestly, I think the construction workers bit off more than they could chew. Not working together Taking on too difficult or big a challenge Not being certain about something Making bad decisions
The restaurant looked very dirty from the outside but the food was amazing. I guess you can’t judge a book by its cover. Think the wrong way Judge something based on how it looks Make predictions Judge something based on its size
The school trip had been a disaster, but we did not want to think too much about it. There was no use crying over spilt milk. Planning for the future Arguing about what happened Complaining about something from the past Crying
It would be better if you applied to several jobs instead of just one It would be better if you applied to several jobs instead of just one. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t depend on one thing, person, or place. Trust that good things will happen. Make as many or as much as possible. Don’t trust all people.
While at the shopping center, mom decided to go to the grocery store and the hair salon so she could kill two birds with one stone. Organize time/events Waste time Take your time Take care of two things at once
Planning for something that may not happen Danny had already bought a $100 pair of basketball shoes before tryouts. His dad told him it was a bad idea and not to count your chickens before the eggs have hatched. Planning for something that may not happen Being overly excited about the future Trying your best to succeed and blend in Not listening to the advice of others
As he began to yawn, his mother started to smile As he began to yawn, his mother started to smile. “Time to hit the sack,” she said as she tapped him gently on the shoulder. Finding a place that’s more comfortable Doing something to gain more energy Trying to stay awake Going to sleep or bed
Letting others know; to inform someone Being overly frustrated After two hours without internet, Samuel had had enough of waiting. It was the last straw. He picked up the phone to call and complain to the internet company. Letting others know; to inform someone Being overly frustrated A final problem or issue; having enough of Trying to fix a problem
Mya asked if she could do extra credit to bring up her grade but her teacher told her “that ship’s already sailed”. Missing an opportunity or chance Trying to improve Making a big mistake Not trying hard enough
We knew grandpa was off his rocker when he called what was clearly a banana a hamburger at the grocery store. Not trying very hard Not thinking right or being confused Trying to be funny Making a mistake
She always went through the drive through at the restaurant when she was in a hurry: the employees were on the ball. Knowing what you’re doing Being slow Trying your best Treating others well
Samantha was thrilled for math class this week because there wasn’t going to be a test. That only happens every once in a blue moon. Happens all the time Excites others Doesn’t happen often Makes something fun or interesting
The NASCAR driver smiled after winning the race, telling reporters “that was a piece of cake”. Very difficult Something tasty A goal to be accomplished Very easy; not challenging
They were best friends because they always saw eye to eye on issues and challenges. To disagree with To agree with To believe each other To try your hardest
Sara was angry that her brother scared her while sleeping Sara was angry that her brother scared her while sleeping. She decided to scare him by hiding in his closet to give him a taste of his own medicine. Be mean to someone Make someone fear Make someone cry Do the same to someone else that did it to you
The farmer asked the man how many tomatoes he wanted to buy The farmer asked the man how many tomatoes he wanted to buy. The man replied, “I’ll take the whole nine yards”. To get a small amount To get all or everything To trick or tease To show you’re serious
Images can describe more than just words Instead of sending emails from the beach, Nancy decided to send pictures to her parents. She knew it would mean more because a picture paints a thousand words. Images can describe more than just words Some things are easier than others Sharing is caring Keeping people informed is important
He never trusted what his sister said about herself He never trusted what his sister said about herself. She would always put wool over other people’s eyes to get her way and make them like her. To be sociable; talkative To worry about yourself more than others To trick others into thinking well about them Unable to tell right from wrong
Mom always became angry at dad when he would sit on the fence instead of making a decision or fixing a problem. Being lazy; do-less Not trying Not thinking too much; little thought Choosing not to do something or make up your mind
Not trying or attempting an activity He hated sitting next to Johnny! Every day Johnny would look at his answers and share them with the teacher when she asked questions. Johnny always stole his thunder. Not trying or attempting an activity To take credit for something that you didn’t do To pick on others; bullying Trying not to show off
To have no idea; uncertainty To not take something seriously The principal asked the teacher how many students would be at the assembly tomorrow. The teacher shook her head and said, “your guess is as good as mine”. To have no idea; uncertainty To not take something seriously To challenge yourself and others Trying to answer a question.