Campus Focused Workshop on Advanced Networking Paul Love Chair, Topology Working Group Campus Workshop Houston 10-11 April 2002
Outline Internet2 Engineering Objectives Hopes for & Threats to End-to-End Performance A few words on Abilene 10 April 2002
Engineering Objectives of Internet2 Provide our members with superlative networking Performance Functionality Understanding Make superlative networking strategic to research & education 10 April 2002
End-to-End: Challenge, Aspirations & Threats Support services of advanced networks E2E (eyeball2eyeball) Performance Current target: 80Mb/s across the country Multiplies where possible Functions Multicast IPv6 Quality of Service Measurement Security 10 April 2002
What are our Aspirations? Switched 100BaseT + well-provisioned Internet2 networking @ 80 Mb/s (for now) But user expectations and experiences vary widely Don’t take the easy way out Boost expectations & experiences - raise the bar Raise the bar again – work hard to stay out there 10 April 2002
Threats Distance Fiber: dirty connections, bad light/connectors BW = C x packet-size / ( delay x sqrt(packet-loss )) (Mathis, Semke, Mahdavi, and Ott, CCR, July 1997) Fiber: dirty connections, bad light/connectors Switches: full/half duplex & 10/100 mismatches, head of line blocking Routing: Asymmetric, increased distance Provisioning: a “straw” somewhere Host: OS & TCP stack, H/W, Apps 10 April 2002
Abilene: Current Core 10 April 2002
Abilene Network Map 10 April 2002
Abilene International Peering 09 January 2002 Abilene International Peering STAR TAP/Star Light APAN/TransPAC, Ca*net3, CERN, CERnet, FASTnet, GEMnet, IUCC, KOREN/KREONET2, NORDUnet, RNP2, SURFnet, SingAREN, TAnet2 Pacific Wave AARNET, APAN/TransPAC, CA*net3, TANET2 Sacramento Los Angeles Washington NYCM BELNET, CA*net3, GEANT*, HEANET, JANET, NORDUnet SNVA GEMNET, SINET, SingAREN, WIDE LOSA UNINET OC3-OC12 San Diego (CALREN2) CUDI AMPATH REUNA, RNP2 RETINA (ANSP) El Paso (UACJ-UT El Paso) CUDI * ARNES, CARNET, CESnet, DFN, GRNET, RENATER, RESTENA, SWITCH, HUNGARNET, GARR-B, POL-34, RCCN, RedIRIS
Abilene: 10Gb/s Upgrade 10 April 2002
Raw HDTV/IP testing Packetized raw HDTV (1.5 Gbps) ISIe, Tektronix, & UW project/DARPA support Connectivity and testing support P/NW & MAX Gigapops, Abilene and DARPA Supernet, Level(3) SC2001 public demo November, 2001 SEA -> DEN via L(3) OC-48c SONET 10 April 2002
Raw HDTV/IP Demo DARPA PIs Meeting: SEA->DC area 1/6/02 18 hrs of continuous, single-stream raw HD/IP UDP jumbo frames: 4444 B packet size Application level measurement 3 billion packets transmitted 0 packets lost, 15 resequencing episodes e2e network performance Loss: <8x10 -10 (90% confidence level) Reordering: 5x10 –9 Transcontinental 1-Gbps TCP (std 1.5 kB MTU) requires loss at the level of 3x10 –8 or lower First shown at SCInet2001 with a SEA<>DEN OC48. Involved Abiloene, DARPA Supernet; P/NW & MAX gigapops. ISIe, Tektronix, & UW project/DARPA support 10 April 2002
Where things are at Present Infrastructure of large capacity Besides the HDTV/IP demos we have examples of 240Mb/s flows But flows aren’t predictable – even 40Mb/s People don’t know what they should expect 10 April 2002
Why Care? Faculty needs keep advancing: Effective access to remote facility: quickly move large datasets. PPDG: 400 Mb/s to CERN by 2003 Interactive access: video or control or VoIP Very low loss/jitter We (in several senses) need to deliver Low aspirations are dangerous to us, to our goals 10 April 2002
Baseline BW Requirements for the US-CERN Transatlantic Link 10 April 2002 With thanks to Harvey B Newman, CIT