Seagrass San Carlos Bay 11/19/13 Florida Coastal Office Melynda Brown- Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves
What is Seagrass Vascular Photosynthetic Occurs in tropical and temperate waters Species adapted to variety of environmental conditions Indicator Species 9/20/2018
Benefits of Seagrass Improves water quality and stabilizes sediment Nutrient and carbon cycling- higher than rainforests Provides shelter, nursery and food source for 90% of commercial and recreational important fisheries 9/20/2018
Value of Seagrass ~2.2 million acres of seagrass in Florida waters, Provide ecological services worth over 40 billion each year (Carlson and Yarbro, 2009). = $20,000 per acre of seagrass A recent study for Pine Island Sound/SWFL (Beever 2012) found that continuous seagrass Total Economic Value was $93,829/ acre. 9/20/2018
Syringodium filiforme Common SWFL Species Halodule wrightii (Shoal grass) Thalassia testudinum (Turtle grass) Syringodium filiforme (Manatee grass) 9/20/2018
Seagrass Monitoring Charlotte Harbor AP: -Began in 1999 -50 transects -Annually; Aug-Oct. 9/20/2018
Seagrass Monitoring DEP South District EAR: -3 River transects began in 2001 -3 CHAP transects since 2008 -Quarterly: Feb, May, August and November 9/20/2018
Stressors to Seagrass Boat traffic- waves and propscars High flow- erosion/sedimentation Tidal exposure Temperature optimal 20-30oC (68-86oF) Zieman 1982 9/20/2018
Light availability: depends on color, turbidity, chlorophyll levels Stressors to Seagrass Light availability: depends on color, turbidity, chlorophyll levels 9/20/2018
Effects of stressors High Nutrient Loading: increase in algae blooms decrease in seagrass abundance SCCF 9/20/2018
Nutrient Loading and Seagrass Production 9/20/2018
Stressors to Seagrass Salinity Levels- varies by species Dense Decreased light High salinity Decreased salinity Sparse T. testudinum S. fliforme H. wrightii Dense 9/20/2018 From Greenawalt et. al. 2004
Seagrass Abundance by Region 9/20/2018
Mean Abundance in San Carlos Bay vs. Annual S-79 Flow NEW GRAPH!! 9/20/2018
Site Specific Data 9/20/2018
Low salinities: decreased seagrass abundances and species shifts Hurricane Wilma/ highest flows 9/20/2018
SC03 Density 3,600 Hurricane Wilma/ highest flows 9/20/2018
Conclusions & Next Steps Goal: abundant and diverse seagrass beds High flow can cause variable salinities in estuaries, leads to decrease in abundance or species shifts and loss Salinity driven or other contributing factors? Combine all water quality and seagrass data for bigger picture view of affects 9/20/2018
Thank You Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves 12301 Burnt Store Rd Punta Gorda, FL 33955 9/20/2018