Tatiana Fernández Sirera (Barcelona, 4 May 2017) RIS3 Monitoring Group Tatiana Fernández Sirera (Barcelona, 4 May 2017)
Monitoring for accountability and/for learning? Adapted and extended from: Van Mierlo et al. (2010) Reflexive monitoring in action. A guide for monitoring system innovation projects
RIS3 monitoring: a bottom-up approach Monitoring of projects: output indicators in relation to objectives provided by stakeholders (quantitative and qualitative). Monitoring of instruments: Information from projects aggregated at instrument level. Monitoring of the smart specialisation process: Monitoring stakeholders’ investment decisions aggregated at sectoral and technological level. Evaluation of RIS3 impact: Contribution from 1+2+3 to RIS3 objectives.
Standard monitoring and evaluation scheme
Different kind of indicators Statistical & Administrative indicators R&I as % of GDP % of companies introducing technological innovations % of researchers employed in the private sector Number of start-ups % of companies that have developed or acquired R&D Companies that innovate % of companies that use risk capital to finance investment in innovation Output indicators (from RIS3 projects) Private investment in R&D Collaborative R&I projectes Start-ups Jobs created Projects linked to the circular economy Researchers participating in RIS3 projects Other indicators Projects from competitive calls Foreign Direct Investments Clusters Start-ups