Emergency Response Evacuation Map – Milwaukee Please take a moment to review your closest evacuation routes and internal evacuation assembly area. Evacuation maps are posted through out the facility. 01 of 05 1 1
Emergency Response Evacuation and Alarms – Milwaukee Let us review the emergency information and details: Report all types of emergencies like medical, fire, chemical spill, bomb threat, blood clean up, workplace violence to the Security at the extension 22263. Note that this extension is staffed 24/7. In case of fire, you can also use one of the wall-mounted fire pull box stations near the location. The campus emergency number can be found on the green labels located on each phone in the building. Make sure the label is filled out with the proper building, floor, and bay location. Give the Security as much information as possible when reporting the emergency. Do not hang up until told to do so, or a threat to your personal safety is imminent. If there is an emergency in your area, position other employees to assist in directing the emergency responders to the scene. Note: Do not call 911 directly. Use the internal extension 22263 emergency number, so that the Security is aware of the emergency. They can mobilize the internal responders and ensure that the external responders get to the scene as soon as possible. 02 of 05 2 2
Emergency Response Additional Information – Milwaukee The facility is laid out by “Floor and Bay Locations” . Bay locations are marked to pinpoint building locations and should be noted on the green emergency sticker on all the phones. The building layout is designed as follows: Letter markings run A-W from East to West Number markings run 1-29 from South to North Column A-1 is located at First Street and Greenfield Ave The facility has an employee notification system which is used to notify employees regarding all types of emergencies such as a fire or severe weather. The external building evacuation and internal severe weather drills are conducted annually. Participation is mandatory for all the employees. In the event of a severe weather drill or warning, remember to stay off the skyway and avoid windows. 03 of 05 3 3
Emergency Response Additional Information – Milwaukee Emergency preparedness is everyone's responsibility. Please ensure you are familiar with this information: Each department or area has been assigned with an Evacuation Officer(s). Know who your evacuation officer(s) are, locate the evacuation map(s) in your area, and know your evacuation routes. If there are any questions, please confirm with your Supervisor. It is important that you have your identification badge with you during an external evacuation, as it will be checked during building re-entry. Do not try to leave the premise in your car during an evacuation. A headcount will be conducted during all external evacuations. It is important that you check in on either your department’s list, or that of the department you evacuated with. 04 of 05 4 4
Emergency Response Safety and Environmental Website – Milwaukee Please see the Milwaukee Safety and Environmental website for specific information regarding: Safety and Environmental contacts Safety and Environmental policies and procedures Milwaukee’s Environmental Management System ISO 14001 information RAIN A-Z Milwaukee Safety & Environmental Services I work at another location. I’ve completed all sites I work at. 05 of 05 5 5