Spanish I - - - - R. Perry| 2017-2018 - - - ……………………………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………………………. Goal - Novice High Contact Info Bob Jones High Rebecca L. Perry 650 Hughes Road Madison, AL 35758 Phone: 256-772-2547 Email: Google Classroom ________________ At the end of this course students should be able say, I can… speak in phrases and short sentences (some memorized). talk about familiar subjects. describe surroundings and people. give time, date, and weather info. give opinions on things I like/dislike with clarification. use connecting words and prepositions. ask simple questions (“and you”). respond to language that I read and hear. Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things. Flora Lewis Speaking Spanish ………………………………………….. This course is conducted in Spanish. Immersion is proven to be the most effective path to proficiency in a second language. It is normal for students to feel frustrated and lost at the beginning. Trust the process. We will have time dedicated to speaking English and clearing up misunderstandings …………………………………………………………… Materials Goals of a proficiency based classroom To use the second language 100% of the time To not be afraid of a second language environment Take risks and make mistakes! To be able to infer and circumlocute To participate and be apart of a community 1.A folder with prongs or a separate three ring binder, dividers 2.Loose-leaf notebook paper – Spiral notebook paper will not be used. 3.Pencils, black or blue pens (all assignments must be written in pencil or blue/black ink) 4. A small Spanish-English dictionary (optional) …………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………. The following topics will be used to explore speaking, listening, writing, and reading in the target language in the present tense. Various Cultural topics will be explored as well. 1st Nine Weeks- Units and topics Greetings and Introductions Weather and Days of the week People and Descriptions Likes and dislikes Activities Food Clothing Time and schedules Spanish Speaking countries 1.Students are expected to be prepared for class and respectful toward others. 2.Upon entering the classroom, students will throw away gum, opened food, beverages. 3.Students will bring to class every day the following: pencil, and Spanish notebook. 4.Students are to be in their seats when the tardy bell rings. 5.Students will remain in their seats until dismissed by the teacher. 6.Students are permitted only three “personal” passes a nine weeks. Use good judgment. 7.No unauthorized use of cell phone. Consequences: warning, conference, phone call home, referral (steps can be skipped due to severity of offense) Google Translate = plagiarism ……………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. Grades & Make-ups --Daily grades will be 30% of your nine week grade. Test (this includes quizzes) grades will be 70% of your nine week grade. The final exam is worth one-fifth of your final average. --Make ups Assignments for the week will be posted online and on the classroom calendar each Monday. It is the student’s responsibility to check available resources. If the student is absent one day only, the student is expected to be prepared for class when he or she returns. This includes tests and quizzes. In cases of prolonged absences or extenuating circumstances, of course, more time will be allowed. The attendance policy of the school will be followed in this course. Make-up tests and quizzes for excused absences will be given on Friday mornings at 7:10 in the Foreign Language classroom or during Patriot Path when offered. Students are encouraged to be prompt in order to complete the make-up test by 7:55. (All tests will be taken up at that time) 2nd Nine Weeks – Unit and topics School Family Age Birthday and Calendars Clothing and Colors Location Past times Transportation Technology 1. No discs, flash drives, jump drives, or other USB devices will be allowed. 2.. Laptops will be used at the individual discretion of the teacher. Technology requirements: 1. Students will be assigned regular homework assignments that require internet access.2. Late assignments due to technology problems will be treated as any other late assignment and deductions and/or no credit given will be determined on a case by case basis. 3. If you do not have internet access at home, please see me for an individual plan to complete online homework assignments. Computer usage can be arranged before/after school or in the media center.