DHS Mock Interview Begin This tutorial is meant to guide a new or seasoned worker through a process to aid in the interview and eligibility process. Access to a completed DHS-1171 is needed to go through the train of thought process.DHS-1171
Supplemental Training Aid Workers who take this training module must have completed the Eligibility Specialist New Worker Training Session (If you have not taken the four week training, please do not continue with this module as you will not be familiar with acronyms, policy and interview basics but come back soon!) PreviousNext
Interviews PhoneIn Person FAP and CDC interviews can be conducted over the phone SDA interviews must be completed in person PreviousNext
Resources Online Forms Policies and ProceduresPolicies and Procedures DHS-1171 PreviousNext Take a moment to review these items before continuing on in this tutorial.
Pop Quiz! If a client applies for MEDICAID, should you conduct an interview? A) yes, either over the phone or in person A. B) no, not at all B. C) Only if the client will require an MRT referral but it is not required, just helpful. C.
Incorrect Be sure to review policy and all possible answers for the correct choice! PreviousNext
Incorrect This question requires you to recall anytime a Medicaid application could result in the specialist needing to make a visual observation! PreviousNext
Correct! When a client will need an MRT referral, an in person interview is helpful to complete the 49 series of forms. PreviousNext
Congratulations! Now that you are starting to think outside of the cubicle, lets move on! PreviousNext
What now? If a client states on the application that they have assets (by checking yes, but not stating the type) what do you do now? A) In the interview, ask the client to list the type of assets. If the client is applying for MA call the client to clarify. A. B) Deny the application, it is not complete. B. C) Process the application as is and let the client respond to the DHS-3503 Verification Checklist. C.
Correct! In order to process the application correctly you should make every effort to obtain all information prior to processing! PreviousNext
Incorrect! Dont deny it! You need to give the client an opportunity to provide additional information in the interview or with VCLs. PreviousNext
Incorrect! Various types of assets cannot be inputted without additional information. For example, if a client states they have a retirement account you would need to know more information before you enter it as an asset. Is it an IRA, 401K, or pension from a former employer? You want to generate a VCL for proof of the account but you also want to make sure you are asking for proof for something that actually exists. PreviousNext
Getting the hang of it? Lets take a moment to make sure we arent moving too fast. Here is an example of an interview that did not obtain the required information. VIDEO LINK PreviousNext
What went wrong? What should the interviewer have asked about the disability information? A) Do you have a current application on file with the Social Security Administration? A. B) What was the date that you became disabled? B. C) Both A & B C.
Incorrect Well, almost!! Yes, you would have to ask if there is a current application on file at the Social Security Administration, but that is not all of the information needed. PreviousNext
Incorrect Well, almost!! Yes, you would have to ask when they became disabled, but that is not all of the information needed. PreviousNext
Correct!! This was a trick question. Not only would you need to know if they have a current application on file, but if they do is it in the appeals stage? If not, when will they re-apply for benefits? You must also have the date of disability for many of the disability screens. This is important because if they go through the MRT process, they will be deemed disabled as of a specific date. PreviousNext
Here is an example of what to do! VIDEO LINK PreviousNext
Notes Notice that the interviewer asked: 1.If the client has an application on file with SSA 2.What the onset of disability was 3.If the client would be able to obtain current medical records as well as get a form completed by their physician 4.If there was any income in the home (which would disqualify them from receiving SDA) PreviousNext
One more thing…. In order to properly determine eligibility, sometimes you need to ask the tough questions. PreviousNext
What about me? If a client states they are homeless, but provides an address that has a case match, do you need to ask them any other information? A) No, take their word for it, its probably just their mailing address. A. B) Yes, ask them whose address they provided. B. C) No, asking a homeless client about their living situation can make them feel bad. C.
Incorrect We should never take group composition lightly. If they live with others who also have a food case we need to clarify if they purchase and prepare together. We also must know their relationship with other members of the household as certain relationships are mandatory group members on one case. PreviousNext
Correct!! If the client states it is a friend or family members address we must now ask them if they purchase and prepare with a group. Remind the client that per policy we dont consider them to be homeless unless they are sleeping in a shelter, in their vehicle or on the streets. Clarify how many nights they sleep at that address and be sure the client can get mail there. PreviousNext
Incorrect While asking a person about their situation can make the person feel bad, it is necessary in order to determine eligibility. We often have to ask tough questions so learning how to do so in a sensitive manner is important. Unfortunately getting to the information can mean asking multiple probing questions. PreviousNext
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