Stillington Community Primary School Parents/Carers Meeting 31st January 2017
Every school good or outstanding Agenda for the meeting Welcome from Chair of Governors and introductions Key findings of the inspection report Statutory guidance for schools in special measures Local Authority plan to support Stillington CP Questions from Parents and Carers Summary Kevin Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding The platform Glynn Moakes – Chair of Governors Sarah Atkinson – Headteacher Andy Lancashire, Principal Adviser, Early Years &Primary Steven Holmes, Lead Improvement Adviser Kevin to introduce Every school good or outstanding
Strengths of the school Teaching and outcomes in English and mathematics in Key Stage 2 are good. This represents an improvement since the last inspection. Teaching is engaging in Key Stage 2 and this means that pupils have strong attitudes to learning. Conduct of all pupils in the school at different times of the day is good. Attendance is high for all groups of pupils. Pupils feel safe and parents also reported that this is the case. Parents feel well informed by the school and reported that their children are happy and well cared for in school. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Key Findings of the inspection report Across the early years and key stage 1, different groups of pupils make inadequate progress. This is the case in reading and writing. Teaching in the early years and key stage 1 does not meet the pupils’ needs closely. Teachers do not have high enough expectations of the pupils and therefore work lacks challenge. Teachers do not provide pupils with the chance to write on a regular basis and this slows their progress. Phonics is not well taught and this means progress is too slow. Behaviour in the early years and key stage 1 requires improvement because pupils are not engaged well enough in their learning. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Key findings of the inspection report The broader curriculum in key stage 1 does not do enough to reinforce pupils’ key skills including their oral communication skills. Pupils’ understanding of different types of families and relationships requires some improvement. The assessment of pupils in the early years and key stage 1 is inaccurate. Teachers and leaders have not identified underachievement and used support effectively to improve pupils’ progress. In the early years, children are not given the chance to reinforce their reading, writing and mathematics skills on a regular basis. Leaders in the school have not done enough to check that teaching is meeting pupils’ needs and this has led to inadequate progress for pupils in the early years and key stage 1. Governors have not challenged leaders robustly enough to ensure that they have an accurate view of the school’s areas for development. Andy Every school good or outstanding
What does the school need to do to improve? Strengthen leadership and management, including governance. Urgently improve the quality of teaching in the early years and key stage 1. An external review of governance should be undertaken. Andy Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Statutory Guidance School is eligible for intervention. Conversion to an academy with a strong sponsor (DfE); the school will receive a directive academy order from the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC). RSC has the option to direct closure if the school is not able to make sufficient improvements or is not viable; they must consult Governors, and Local Authority. Local Authority Statement of Action. Andy Every school good or outstanding
LA powers’ of intervention Power to suspend the delegated authority for the governing body to manage a school’s budget. Power to appoint additional governors. Power to appoint an Interim Executive Board (IEB). Proposals to closure (where there is no prospect of sufficient improvement). Andy Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding LA Actions Enhanced LA Advisory support arrangements. Strengthen leadership and teaching in EY & KS1. Exploring all options around support. Conversations with DfE to identify an academy sponsor. Andy / Jill Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Questions – key themes Andy Every school good or outstanding
Any more questions not covered by key themes All Every school good or outstanding
Every school good or outstanding Summary Next steps before half-term Strengthening of leadership Statement of action in place Then RSC proposals on academy sponsorship Parents’ forum on monthly basis– to seek feedback on improvement plans and progress Andy Every school good or outstanding