By: Izzy Talamo, Anna Mlodzinski, Sarah Letizia, Aiden Romano Current Outbreaks By: Izzy Talamo, Anna Mlodzinski, Sarah Letizia, Aiden Romano
Overview Recent outbreaks Ebola, Zika, HPV Spread and prevention Relevant
Ebola Outbreak in Congo Ebola: An infectious and fatal disease that causes internal bleeding and fevers Infected with Ebola if in contact with other body fluids Total Cases in Congo: 43 Lab confirmed cases: 2 Deaths: 4 Izzy
Ebola Outbreak in Congo Avoid areas where known outbreaks occurred Wash hands frequently Avoid bush meat Follow infection control processes Don’t handle remains
Meningococcal Outbreak Can refer to any illness caused by the bacteria named Neisseria Meningitides Often severe and very deadly Include Infections of the lining of the spinal cord and brain Spread through respiratory and throat exchanges Symptoms: Fever, stiff neck, flu, Increased sensitivity to light
Meningococcal Outbreak and Relevant Statistics Outbreak began in December of 1999 Occurred in the Bacs-Kiskun area which is in Hungary 600-1000 people get diagnosed with meningococcal in the US each year 10-15% of the people diagnosed die Among those who survive, 1 in 5 live with permanent disabilities
Meningococcal Prevention Wash your hands Stay clean Practice good hygiene Don’t share germs Get the vaccination to prevent the disease from spreading
Zika Virus and Stats Disease spread by Aedes species mosquito or sex Can cause severe birth affects if mother is infected Mild symptoms include fever, headache, rash, joint/muscle pain As of March 2017, 84 countries report Zika 3,795 pregnant women in U.S. territories with possibility of Zika
Malaria and Stats Spread by the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito If not treated within 24 hours, may lead to severe illness and death Symptoms include chills, fever, vomiting 429,000 malaria related deaths 3.2 billion people live in areas at risk for malaria
Outbreaks Zika outbreak began in Brazil in 2015 Concerns arose due to summer Olympics held in Rio de Janeiro Recent Malaria outbreak in Limpopo 3,000 cases and 15 deaths Now less than a hundred (as of May 15, 2017)
Prevention Mosquito sprays/ insect repellent Mosquito netting Protected sex Not sharing needles, blood
Cervical Cancer Cervix: duct on lower uterus Found through Pap Test, treatable Abnormal cell growth 12,820 diagnosed each year, 4,210 die each year SL
HPV- human papilloma virus Forming of warts (papilloma) in the genital area Includes more than 150 viruses Leads to cancer Very common- most sexually active people will get one type 79 million people have it now, 14 million new people infected every year SL
HPV- continued The impacts are deadly, not actual virus The impacts are deadly, not actual virus Everywhere in U.S. 3,700/10,000 die of cervical cancer HPV is not the only cause of cervical cancer SL
Gardasil Vaccine Pros Cons Could possibly prevent genital warts or detect anal cancer Long lasting protection Some serious side effects: swelling of area shot, head ache, dizziness, nausea Has been banned in Japan and other countries Long process SL
Liver Cancer Purpose of liver - Continuous Filter Two main types of liver cancers: Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Metastasis Multiple Causes: Birth defects Alcohol abuse - Cirrhosis Hepatitis B and C
Symptoms Upper abdominal pain Unplanned weight loss Loss of appetite Muscle weakness Jaundice Enlarged liver
Liver Cancer Statistics 700,000 diagnosed annually world wide, 600,000 do not survive Tripled since 1980 Most common treatments: Radiation Therapy Surgery
Hepatitis B Viral infection that attacks the liver Acute vs. Chronic Contact with fluids or blood Leads to further complications; Cirrhosis and HCC High risk of death
Hepatitis B 257 million living with Hepatitis B 887,000 deaths world wide in 2016 Cirrhosis and HCC Vaccine does exist – 95% success rate All infants recommended to receive shot with 24 hours of birth Pros and Cons
D What is the definition of Ebola? A disease that kills you A disease that only infects people in the Congo Named after Neisseria Meningitides A highly infectious and fatal disease, that results in many deaths D
C Where did the outbreak of Meningococcal occur? Congo India Hungary United States C
Where did the Zika outbreak start? Argentina Texas Brazil Canada C
D How many people are at risk of getting Malaria? 7 million 3.2 billion D
Cervial Cancer is: A. Not curable B. Always deadly, every time C. Curable D. Can happen for males and females
B What is the proper acronym for HPV? A. Hepititis Pappaliom Virus B. Human Papilloma Virus C. Harry Perry Virus D. Human Papilloma Vaccine B
Which of the following is not a potential cause of liver cancer? A - Birth Defects B - Alcohol Abuse C - Unhealthy Eating Habits D - Hepatitis B
It is recommended newborns get the Hepatitis B vaccination within ______ of birth. A - 2 weeks B - 12 hours C - 24 hours D - 2 days
Overview Recent outbreaks Ebola, Zika, HPV Spread and prevention Relevant