Accuracy Activity: Be a Mind Reader 3.4 Accuracy Activity: Be a Mind Reader
To prepare Before working with students: Devise 5 clues for target word (on slide). Clue #1 should always be: “The word I’m thinking of is on the board.” Clues #2, 3, and 4 should target ORTHOGRAPHIC concepts (this word has a blend/digraph, etc.) Clue #5 should always target the word’s meaning clearly enough for all students. Or use provided clues on next ‘hidden’ slides
To play Tell S. to number their papers 1-5. Display slide with words. State each clue aloud. S. must write a complete word after each clue (builds spelling automaticity). Occasionally ask, Did anyone have to change his/her word? Why? Provide last clue ask: What’s the word? S. answer chorally. Ask: Raise your hand if you had the word on the last clue? (All S. raise hands). Say: Keep your hand up if you had it on the 4th clue (3rd clue, etc.)
accept comment publish concept classic inspect except excess sketchpad access The word is on the screen. The word has two syllables. The word has a vowel with a short sound in both syllables The word’s first syllable has a trigraph. The word refers to something used by artists. **sketchpad** The first syllable is a closed syllable. The word has a soft c (sounds like /s/). The word means an idea or theory. **concept** The word has a vowel with a short ‘e’ sound in the second syllable. The word has a soft c (sounds like /s/) in the second syllable. The word means to enter or approach a place. **access**