Human Body Systems & Functions
Cardiovascular System Immune System Nervous System Muscular System Excretory System Digestive System Cardiovascular System Reproductive System Respiratory System
Digestive System Function 1) Break down food into nutrients 2) Absorb necessary nutrients 3) Get rid of any waste
Digestive System MOUTH Breaks food into smaller pieces Saliva starts digestion
Digestive System ESOPHAGUS Transports chewed food to stomach
Digestive System STOMACH Bag-like muscular organ responsible for breaking food down Produces acid for food digestion
Digestive System SMALL INTESTINE Highest amount of chemical digestion *larger than a tennis court Highest amount of chemical digestion Villi cells absorb nutrients
Digestive System LARGE INSTESTINE No digestion Absorbs water from food Prepares undigested food for elimination
Respiratory System Function 1) Allows you to breathe 2) Accepts oxygen and releases carbon dioxide 3) Adds oxygen to blood
Respiratory System LARYNX Contains vocal cords Produces sound when air enters and vibrates vocal cords
Respiratory System TRACHEA Called windpipe Moves air from nose to lungs
Respiratory System LUNGS Two spongy, air-filled organs Inflate when breathe in and deflate when breathe out
Respiratory System ALVEOLI Tiny grape-like sacs located in the lungs Responsible for gas exchange Send oxygen to the blood Given carbon dioxide for release
Cardiovascular System Function 1)Transports materials throughout body 2) Transports nutrients and oxygen to cells
Cardiovascular System HEART Muscle located in center of chest Size of fist Pumps blood throughout body
Cardiovascular System VEINS “Blue” Return blood from other organs back to heart Contain oxygen-poor blood
Cardiovascular System ARTERIES “Red” Carry blood from heart to other organs Contain oxygen and nutrient rich blood