Phylum: Name of Phylum Common Name Invertebrate ppt Template 08 Name(s) of group members Note: if in blue, you should delete & put in your own information
Phylum name Common name 3 Examples w/ a picture of each
Name of example the next 9 slides will be about Picture of example
Symmetry Asymmetrical, radial, bilateral?
Level of Organization Cell, tissue, organ, organ system
Feeding Complete or incomplete tract? What chemicals are used for digestion?
Respiration (How?) Method? Structures? Where?
Internal Transport Open or closed? Method? Organs?
Excretion method? structures? organs
Response Cephalization? Brain? Nervous system? Where? Organs, structures? Where?
Movement Type(s) of muscles? Method, structures?
Reproduction Sexual or asexual? Hermaphrodite or separate sexes? Internal or external fertilization?
Cool or Amazing Fact