Report received by intake worker CPS INTAKE Report received by intake worker Known or unknown individual Child from birth to 18 years Report of conditions indicating Child Maltreatment Screen Out Early Intervention? Accepted for Services 24 hour 2-5 Day 9/18/2018
REPORTERS Mandated Reporters Who Requirements Protections Non-Mandated Reporters Who Requirements Protections 9/18/2018
THE HAPPY FAMILY Harry and Hazel Happy live with their two children, Henry, 5, and Hannah, 3. The agency receives a report that Mr. And Mrs. Happy are using illegal drugs and Henry and Hannah are left to find their own food and clothes. 9/18/2018
INVESTIGATION Interviews Drug Screens Collaterals Photographs Criminal History Others Drawings Video Audio Tapes Medical Reports Psych Evals Drug Assessments 9/18/2018
HAPPY INVESTIGATION Findings: Positive drug screens Children begging for food Children not properly clothed No visible adult supervision 9/18/2018
DISPOSITION Substantiated Open Unsubstantiated Closed 9/18/2018
HAPPY DISPOSITION Case was substantiated for substance abuse and neglect. The CPS case was opened and a safety plan was developed with the parents. On-going CPS services began. 9/18/2018
ON-GOING CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES DIRECT SERVICES Case Management Services Family Service Worker CONTRACT SERVICES Homestead Services Assessments PUP Funds for variety of needs 9/18/2018
HAPPY FAMILY ON-GOING CPS SERVICE PROVISION Substance Abuse Assessments Parents in Drug Treatment Parenting Classes Family Service Worker Case Management Services Pup Funds for Drug Screens, Rental and Utility Deposits, and Child Care 9/18/2018
PLACEMENT SERVICES Authority for Placement Special Circumstances Temporary Court Temporary Voluntary Permanent Court Permanent Voluntary Special Circumstances Physician Takes Custody Safe Place for Newborns Short-term Emergency 9/18/2018
HAPPY PLACEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Happy failed to comply with the safety plan and the agency determined that the children could no longer be safely cared for by their parents. The agency contacted the court and received a shelter care order. Henry and Hannah were taken into custody. 9/18/2018
PLACEMENT RESOURCES Types of Placements Parent Relatives/Kinship Care Family Foster Care Group Home Child Care Institution Hospital Emergency Shelter Independent Living Programs Other 9/18/2018
FUNDING SOURCES Federal State County Private Child Support Initial IV-E IV-B Medicaid 9/18/2018
LEVELS OF FUNDING Regular Foster Care Special Foster Care Private Foster Care Institutional Care Level-of-Care MATCH 9/18/2018
HAPPY FOSTER CHILDREN Henry and Hannah Happy were placed in a DFCS family foster home. Because of their age and no special needs indicated, the per diem is the regular per diem. Initial funding for per diem is authorized and they are eligible for Medicaid. Mr. and Mrs. Happy are referred to Child Support Enforcement. 9/18/2018
ASSESSMENT AND PERMANENCY PLANNING Developed with Case Manager and Parents within 30 days of the child’s removal from the home. Initial Case Plan Comprehensive Assessment completed by contract provider within 30 to 45 days after the initial hearing. Presented to DFCS at a Multi-Disciplinary Team meeting. First Placement/ Best Placement Comprehensive Assessment 9/18/2018
ASFA REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMANENCY PLANNING Permanency Plan in Place Within 12 Months Permanency Hearings Reasonable Efforts to Finalize Permanency Plan Compelling Reasons for Not Selecting Preferred Plan Mandatory Filing for TPR Concurrent Planning 9/18/2018
PERMANENCY PLAN OPTIONS Reunification Adoption Guardian Live With Fit and Willing Relative Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (Long-term foster Care or emancipation) 9/18/2018
CASE REVIEWS JUDICIAL Juvenile Court Reviews Citizens Panel Reviews NON-JUDICIAL DFCS In-House Panel Reviews Case Summary 9/18/2018
HAPPY INITIAL CASE PLAN Based on findings from the FPBP Comprehensive Assessment and the prior CPS history, a case plan was developed which included: Continued drug treatment Required drug screens which must be negative for 6 consecutive months Work on housing and income issues Work on parenting skills 9/18/2018
SERVICES TO PARENTS DFCS Case Management First Placement/Best Placement Wrap- Around Services Family Preservation Programs Other formal and informal resources 9/18/2018
SERVICES TO HAPPY PARENTS Case Manager Face-to-Face Contacts Family Service Worker for home management improvement Substance Abuse Treatment PUP Funds for improving housing Referral for Food Stamps Parent Aide for parenting skills 9/18/2018
SERVICES TO CHILDREN Comprehensive Assessment Medical Needs Psychological/Mental Health/Developmental Needs Educational/Spiritual Development/Social and Recreational Needs Supplemental Supervision Safety Needs 9/18/2018
SERVICES TO HAPPY CHILDREN DFCS Case Manager Face-to-Face Contacts FPBP Comprehensive Assessment Medical and Dental Care Developmental/Educational Services Supplemental Supervision Child Restraint Devices 9/18/2018
INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM Title I of the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 is the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program Eligible Youth: 14-21 in Care or Under 21 and eligible for ILP when placement authority ended. Independent Living Services: Education Vocational/Employment Preparation Life Skills Personal Development Health Education 9/18/2018
ADOPTION SERVICES Pre-Adoption Planning Child History Recruitment Placement 9/18/2018
ADOPTION SERVICES Post-Placement Services Supportive Services Wrap-Around Services Crisis Intervention Finalization 9/18/2018
ADOPTION SERVICES Adoption Assistance Monthly Assistance Medicaid Non-Recurring Expenses Special Services 9/18/2018
POST-ADOPTION SERVICES Referrals to agency and community resources Referrals to Adoptive Parent Support Groups Referrals to Support Groups for Adoptees Crisis Intervention Services Tutorial Services Referral to MATCH if appropriate Respite 9/18/2018
PERMANENCY FOR HAPPY CHILDREN TPR Foster Parents to Adopt Conversion of Foster Home Adoption Final 9/18/2018