Brigade S-1 Operations Course SHOW SLIDE: ADMINISTER THE EVALUATION REPORTING SYSTEM (ERS) SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours/Methods 3 hrs/30 mins Small Group Instruction 1 hrs/00 mins Practical Exercise (Performance) 4hrs/30 mins Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Today we are going to discuss Evaluation Reporting System Method of Instruction. Conference/discussion Instructor to Student Ration: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Small Group Instruction INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDANCE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the current operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least 1 of the 8 critical variables: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment and time. MOTIVATOR. Evaluation reports have a direct impact on a Soldier’s career progression, to include promotions, schooling, assignments, and retention. Human Resources (HR) professionals manage the system and help ensure evaluations are not only technically correct, but also that they are submitted in a timely manner. At some point in your career, each of you will be either be a rater, a senior rater, or a reviewer of an evaluation report, in addition to receiving evaluation reports as a rated officer, warrant officer or NCO. It is critically important to a Soldier's career that the evaluation reporting system be properly managed. Administer Enlisted Promotions (Active Component) May 2016 Senior Leader Training Division Adjutant General School
Terminal Learning Objective ACTION: Administer Enlisted Promotions and Selections (Active Component) CONDITIONS: Given classroom instruction, AR 600-8-19 (Enlisted Promotions and Reductions) and applicable MILPER messages and an awareness of Operational Environment (OE). STANDARD: Communicate the objectives of the enlisted promotion system. Define the principles of the decentralized, semi-centralized, and centralized enlisted promotion systems. Identify promotion responsibilities of the S-1. Score 70% or higher on the Brigade S-1 final exam. SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Inform students of the TLO requirements. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM 385-30, Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation 350-29.Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM 3-11.4, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM 3-11.5, Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination. RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL. Low. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. EVALUATION: You will be evaluated on the Brigade S-1 final exam. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. This block of instruction deal primarily with AR 600-8-19; however, the instructor should also be familiar with eMILPO, The Automated Promotion Point Worksheet User’s Manual, and the U.S. Army Human Resources Command (AHRC) enlisted selections and promotions website:
Outline Objectives of the Army Enlisted Promotion System Promotion Authorities System Overview Decentralized Semi-Centralized Centralized Summary SHOW SLIDE: OUTLINE INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN. The Army’s Promotion system provides principles of support, standards of service, policies, tasks, rules, and steps governing the promotion and reduction of its personnel. Promotions are made through a system of centralized, semi-centralized, and unit-level selections. It is important for all personnel involved in the promotion system to understand that Soldiers from their unit may be comprised of Soldiers from the AC, ARNG, or RC. Each component has its own separate promotion policies, rules, and steps governing promotions. When conducting promotions at unit level, commanders and S-1s need to be knowledgeable of each component’s policies and rules. NOTE: The graphic is from a collection at the U.S. Army Center of Military History entitled, “The Noncommissioned Officer: Images of an Army in Action.” It is titled, “Give Me 10”, Georgia 1960.
Enlisted Promotions System Objectives Fill authorized positions with and recognize “Best Qualified” Soldiers Provide for Career Progression and rank that are in line with potential Provide for equitable promotion system Preclude promotion of unproductive or not best qualified Soldiers Attract and retain the highest caliber career Soldiers to select-train-educate-promote SHOW SLIDE: ENLISTED PROMOTIONS SYSTEM OBJECTIVES Learning Step/Activity 1. Communicate the objectives of the enlisted promotion system Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 25 mins The objectives of the Army’s Enlisted Promotions system are: Fill authorized enlisted spaces with the best qualified Soldiers Provide for career progression and rank that are in line with potential Recognize the best qualified Soldiers Attract and retain the highest caliber career Soldiers Preclude promotion of unproductive or not best qualified Soldiers Provide for an equitable promotion system NOTE: Facilitate a student-centered discussion on which objective they think is the most important and if the objectives of the enlisted promotion system are being met. AR 600-8-19, para 1-5
Enlisted Promotions Process Selection Process Enlisted Promotions Process Conducts selection board where Senior Army Leaders select the most qualified Soldiers for future promotion Senior Enlisted Promotions Produces a list of all Soldiers selected for promotion in sequence order based off of DOR, BASD, and DOB Army Needs Determined by Senior Army Leaders based on current and future Force Structure Enlisted Promotions Branch Produces a list of all Soldiers eligible for promotion consideration/selection Force Alignment Division (FAD) Determines the number of Soldiers required (by grade and MOS) to meet current and future mission requirements Junior Enlisted Promotions Manages Promotion Standing List and publishes monthly cut-off Scores to meet Army readiness requirements Department of the Army Secretariat
Promotion Authorities DECENTRALIZED: (Chapter 2) Advancements to SPC/CPL and below Promotion Authority: Unit Commander (CDR) SEMI-CENTRALIZED: (Chapter 3) Promotions to SGT and SSG Promotion Authority: Battalion Commander (LTC or higher) CENTRALIZED: (Chapter 4) Promotions to SFC thru SGM Promotion Authority: Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) (Human Resources Command) SHOW SLIDE: PROMOTION AUTHORITIES NOTE: Inform students that the main chapters concerning active component enlisted promotions in AR 600-8-19 are 2, 3, and 4. - Chapter 2: The unit commander is the authority for decentralized promotions (except waivers to SPC – the BN CDR controls them). - Chapter 3: Even though the BN CDR is the promotion authority for semi-centralized promotions, the Army still decides what the promotion point level is for promotion to the next rank. This is the Army’s way of controlling the NCO strength of a specific MOS at any given time. - Chapter 4: Centralized promotions are managed by HQDA for the Army. It is becoming more and more of the Soldier’s responsibility to ensure they are ready for the board and that their board file is correct.
Decentralized Promotions PV2, PFC and SPC/CPL SHOW SLIDE: DECENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS Learning Step/Activity 2. Define the principles of the decentralized, semi-centralized, and centralized enlisted promotion systems Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 25 mins NOTE: Transition slide to decentralized promotions The decentralized promotion system for promotions to SPC and below. Company, troop, battery, and separate detachment CDRs are authorized to promote Soldiers to the grade of PV2, PFC, and SPC.
Decentralized Promotions Monthly Unit Enlisted Advancement Report (AAA-117 from eMILPO) is the base document for decentralized promotions Automatic promotions are done by the Total Army Personnel Database (TAPDB) once the Time-in-Service (TIS) and Time-in-Grade (TIMIG) requirements are met Commanders may promote Soldiers with a waiver if room exists within the waiver restriction Soldiers must be in a promotable status on the effective date of promotion To deny promotion, commanders must submit a DA Form 4187 to the S-1 no later than the 19th of the month preceding the month of automatic promotion. Table 2-1. Appropriate counseling must occur when denying a Soldier automatic promotion HR Specialist will conduct a monthly audit of 10% to ensure waivers are correctly computed and executed Promotion Criteria Advance to: Normal Accelerated Limit TIS TIMIG PV2 6 4 20% assigned PFC 12 2 SPC/CPL 24 18 3 Published monthly by HQDA (AHRC) TIS: months - determined by Basic Active Service Date (BASD) TIMIG: months - determined by Date of Rank (DOR) para 2-3 Promotion Waivers Waivers to PV2 and PFC are calculated by S-1 based on the number of assigned Soldiers at the company-level at that rank Waivers to SPC are calculated based on the number of authorized Soldiers at the battalion-level at that rank SPC waivers are distributed at the BN CDR’s discretion BN CDR must sign enlisted advancement report Use the first day of the promotion month when calculating eligibility Waivers may only be used on the 1st day of the month SHOW SLIDE 28: DECENTRALIZED SYSTEM OVERVIEW There are many aspects to the decentralized promotion system. The AAA-117, Unit Enlisted Advancement Report, is provided from eMILPO. Soldiers are automatically promoted within the Total Army Personnel Database (TAPDB), provided they have met their Time in Service (TIS) and Time in Grade (TIMIG) requirements. (3) Commanders may promote Soldiers with a waiver provided they have promotion capability within the percentage waiver restriction as outlined in para 2-5. Waivers do not have to be given just because they are available. Waivers should only be given if the commander feels that the Soldier is performing at the next level (better than peers). (4) In order to get promoted, the Soldier must be in a promotable status on the effective date of promotion. (5) If a unit commander elects not to recommend a Soldier for promotion on the automatic promotion date, then a DA Form 4187 denying the promotion will be submitted no later than the 20th day of the month preceding the month of the automated promotion. (6) Counseling is an important step for both decentralized and semi-centralized promotions. If the Soldier is fully eligible but not recommended for promotion, counseling must take place initially when the Soldier attains eligibility and then at least quarterly thereafter (para 1-27).
Currently Advanced w/Waiver Calculate PFC Waivers EXAMPLE Currently Advanced w/Waiver PV2 11 Assigned 01 PFC 26 Assigned 02 26 Total Assigned PFC Strength SHOW SLIDE: CALCULATE PFC WAIVERS - EXAMPLE In a unit, assume you have 26 total assigned PFCs and two were already advanced with waiver. (1) Determine how many waivers are available this month for promotion to PFC. NOTE: Click the mouse to see next build. (2) The unit has 26 total assigned PFCs NOTE: Click the mouse to see next build. (3) By regulation, waivers are limited to 20% per rank. (4) .20 times 26 is 5.2 maximum waivers available for the unit. NOTE: Ask students if there are really 5.2 waivers available then click the mouse to see next build. (5) NO! Waivers must always be round down to the lowest whole person. (6) Next you must determine the number of Soldiers you currently have on waiver. (7) There are two Soldiers currently on waiver. (8) There are 3 new waivers available for your unit to PFC this month. x 0.20 Limit by Regulation 5.2 Maximum total waivers in unit 5 Always round down -2 # currently advanced w/waiver 3 Number of waivers available this month
Calculate SPC/CPL Waivers Currently Advanced w/Waiver EXAMPLE PFC 26 Assigned 02 SPC 48 Authorized 03 SHOW SLIDE: CALCULATE SPC/CPL WAIVERS In a unit, assume you have 48 total authorized SPCs and three are already advanced with waiver. (1) Determine how many waivers are available this month for promotion to SPC. NOTE: Click the mouse to see next build. (2) The unit has 48 total authorized SPCs NOTE: Click the mouse to see next build. (3) According to HQDA, the limit for waivers to SPC this month is 17%. Waiver percentages are published monthly by AHRC and can be obtained from within the DA Promotion Cutoff Scores. The percentage generally remains around 17%. NOTE: Click the mouse to se next build. (4) .17 times 48 is 8.16 maximum waivers available for the unit. NOTE: Ask students if there are really 8.16 waivers available then click the mouse to see next build. (5) NO! Waivers must always be round down to the lowest whole person. (6) Next you must determine the number of Soldiers you currently have on waiver. (7) There are three Soldiers currently on waiver. (8) There are 5 new waivers available for your unit to SPC this month. These waivers can be distributed however the Battalion Commander sees fit. 48 Authorized Strength x 0.17 DA imposed limit this month 8.16 Maximum total waivers in unit 8 Always round down -3 # currently advanced w/waiver 5 Number of waivers available this month
Decentralized Timeline Example Promotion Month – 1 Month Generate AAA -117 on the 2d to 5th working day of the month and forward within 1 working day to unit Cdr BN S-1 screens report and computes waiver allocations NLT 10th of month unit CDR approves/disapproves promotions on AAA-117 and completes a DA Form 4187 and DA Form 268 for Soldiers denied automatic advancement and returns to S-1 NLT 19th of month, BN S-1 inputs transactions for Soldiers denied automatic advancement Prepares a DA Form 4187 for all advancements with waivers Complete grade change (GRCH) transactions 1st of month, begin advancements of recommended Soldiers Waivers can only be used on 1st of month 2d workday of the month, ensure FLAG is lifted for Soldiers denied automatic promotion SHOW SLIDE: EXAMPLE DECENTRALIZED TIMELINE If a Soldier is going to be promoted at any time other than automatic (ahead or behind) the unit must submit a DA Form 4187 and a grade change transaction (GRCH). If a commander wants to deny automatic promotion, he/she must attach a counseling statement to the DA Form 4187 for the first month, then at least quarterly thereafter. If a commander takes NO action, the Soldier will get promoted when they meet the TIS/TIMIG requirements. The only way to correct this erroneous promotion is for the commander to submit a DA Form 4187 explaining the circumstances of the erroneous promotion within the remarks section and sign a de facto statement if the Soldier has already received entitlements. Although there is no time limit for this transaction, commanders should react within a reasonable amount of time.
Enlisted Advancement Report Recommend Advancement YES NO PV2, PFC, SPC, CPL Advance to Automatic, no action required Circle, Initial & Submit 4187 No action required Part Eligible Need Waiver Not Circle & Initial. Submit 4187 and grade change (GRCH) if waiver available 1 3 2 SHOW SLIDE: REVIEWING THE ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT REPORT The AAA-117 report from eMILPO is the Unit Enlisted Advancement Report. If a commander elects not to recommend a Soldier for promotion on the automatic promotion date, the DA Form 4187 denying the promotion must be submitted by the 19th of the month prior to promotion (para 2-3d). If the correct code is used in eMILPO for the FLAG, it will be lifted automatically on the 2nd working day after the automatic promotion would have taken place. This allows the Soldier to be promotable the following month (para 2-3e). S-1s should check eMILPO to ensure FLAGs have been lifted. Use FLAG code “PA” to initiate a FLAG, and FLAG code “PE” to lift a FLAG. Forward DA Form 4187 to the PROM with the Enlisted Advancement Report (AAA-117). Keep a copy in the BN S-1 promotion files along with a copy of the AAA-117, and keep a copy in the Soldier’s local file (para 2-3i).
Roles and Responsibilities Decentralized Promotions Battalion S-1 Print and screen AAA-117; forward to unit commanders or BN CDR, as appropriate Compute waiver allocations Prepare DA Form 4187 for non-automatic promotions Input transactions for Soldiers denied promotion NLT 19th Prepare promotion certificates Lift FLAGs on 2d working day of next month Conduct monthly 10% audit and provide training Brigade S-1 Review subordinate units to ensure waivers are used appropriately SHOW SLIDE: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR DECENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS AR 600-8-19 is worded so that the roles and responsibilities at the BN level are assigned to the “BN HR” which is the BN S-1 section. Similarly, the regulation never specifically mentions the roles and responsibilities of the BDE S-1. Instead, it references the PROM (Promotion Work Center). Under Personnel Services Delivery Redesign (PSDR), the BDE S-1 serves as the PROM. In legacy units, the PROM is the Personnel Services Battalion (PSB). BN S-1 responsibilities include: (1) Print and screen AAA-117; forward to unit commanders or BN CDR as appropriate. (2) Compute waiver allocations. (3) Prepare DA Form 4187 for non-automatic promotions. (4) Input transactions for Soldiers denied promotion NLT the 19th of the month. (5) Prepare promotion certificates. (6) Lift FLAGs NLT the 2nd working day of next month. BDE S-1s are responsible for reviewing subordinate units calculations to ensure waivers are used appropriately. AR 600-8-19, Tables 2-1, 2-2, 2-3
SHOW SLIDE: PROMOTION REPORT – UIC SELECTION Issue all students an eMILPO training database username and password. The user name is c??.s?? The first pair of question marks represents the classroom that you are using, for example (c71 or c22). The second pair of question marks represents the student’s number, for example (s13 or s44). The user name for student 10 in classroom 25 will look like this: c25.s10). The password will be 0p-lim-e for all users. Note: The first character is a number and not a letter. Have students login and follow along as you go through the slides. When the students have logged on to the AHRS Web Portal Main Menu, have them select “eMILPO”. They are taken to the eMILPO Main Menu. Select the Enlisted Advancement Report (AAA- 117) under the Promotions category. Students have the option to select one or more UICs then click "View" to proceed. For this exercise have Students select UIC (WS_ _ _ _) Report type “PFC”. Have the students replace the first 2 dashes with the class number and the last 2 dashes with their student number + 50 (e.g. a student in class 11 with a student number of 07 would enter WS1157). The Enlisted Advancement Report (AAA-117) is the primary document used to determine advancement eligibility of Soldiers in the grades E1 to E4 assigned or attached to a unit.
Enlisted Advancement Report 20151001 W30101 SHOW SLIDE: ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT REPORT; HAS 3 ANIMATIONS There are 3 parts to the AAA-117. Review each part (eligible, eligible with waiver, not eligible) The CO CDR circles yes/no for each Soldier and signs. Although the unit CDR is the approval authority for decentralized promotions, the BN CDR is the reviewing authority for promotions to SPC with a waiver. The BN CDR (S-1) will realign waiver allocations throughout the battalion. Thus, they must both sign the AAA 117. Not eligible are flagged/denied promotion. Can still promote if they meet the timeline and the flag is erroneous or the transaction hasn’t been made on time. Notice that the AAA-117 automatically determines who meet the TIG/TIS qualifications for full or waiver eligibility. It also calculates the number of waivers authorized and currently in use. Of course, the S1 needs to scrub this for accuracy. Why?
Check on Learning Q: What is the base document used for decentralized promotions? A: The monthly Unit Enlisted Advancement Report (AAA-117) from eMILPO. Q: How are waivers to PV2, PFC, and SPC calculated? A: Waivers to PV2 and PFC are calculated on the number of assigned Soldiers at the company level for that rank. Waivers to SPC are calculated on the number of authorized Soldiers at the BN level for that rank. Q: True or False. BN S-1s input transactions for Soldiers denied automatic advancement NLT 10th of the month. A: False. NLT 19th of the month. SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity.
Semi-Centralized Promotions SGT and SSG SHOW SLIDE: SEMI-CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS NOTE: Transition slide to Semi-Centralized Promotions – SGT/SSG The Army G-1 has routinely approved modifications to the semi-centralized promotion process and continue to make modifications and adjustments to continually improve on the Army’s ability to select the best-qualified Soldiers for promotion. Pay particular attention to the S1NET Message Summaries that are sent out for updates and changes.
Semi-Centralized Promotions Improves the Army’s ability to promote “Best Qualified” Soldiers Reduces perceptions of unfairness by instilling more objectivity Emphasizes: “Soldier Skills are important” SHOW SLIDE: SEMI-CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS The semi-centralized promotions system provides for the following: Best Qualified Soldier for selection Importance of Soldier Skills “Warrior Ethos” Reduced perceptions of unfairness by replacing subjective areas (e.g., commander’s and board points) with objective measurements (e.g. weapons qualification, APFT, credit for deployments, timely completion of NCOES) Executable in any environment (paperless as much as practical) Eliminated Promotion Point Work Centers – Significant reduction of admin support on the S-1s and MPD and supports a expeditionary brigade-centric Army Significantly improved data accuracy of both personnel and training records – gives AHRC better information – required Soldiers to ensure their records are reflective of them and better prepares their records for initial review when eligible for their first centralized selection boards (SFC Board) Accommodates promotions in all Operational Environments Leverages technology to reduce the admin workload on S-1s
Semi-Centralized Promotions System Roles Company Commander Recommends Soldiers when they are ready Denies Command Integration to SGT & SSG when they are not CSM’s Role (Board): Validates Company Commander’s Recommendation – GO / NO GO Battalion Commander: Promotion Authority - approves/disapprove Soldiers to promotion recommended list Human Resources Command Maintains Recommended List – OML by MOS Establishes Cutoff Scores Determines monthly promotion requirements SHOW SLIDE: SEMI-CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS SYSTEM ROLES It’s important to understand that the critical roles and responsibilities inherent in today’s semi-centralized promotion system remain steadfast. Company Commander’s Role – The commander still ultimately responsible for recommending or denying a Soldier’s recommendation for promotion. CSM’s Role – Boards are still conducted and serve to validate a Company Commander’s recommendation. Battalion Commander’s Role – No change. The battalion commander remains the Promotion Authority. His or her role is totally unchanged. HQDA (AHRC) – Continues to maintains oversight, establishes promotion list (OML by MOS), Cutoff Scores, and monthly requirements.
Semi-Centralized Promotions Responsibilities Field AHRC Battalion Commanders (LTC or higher) have promotion authority Receive and monitor promotion points from the field Conduct promotion boards Determine promotion cut-off scores by MOS/grade Integrate Recommended Soldiers on HQDA List Announce monthly by-name promotion list Execute Promotions – Orders and Ceremonies Conduct and supervise enlisted personnel functions Conduct audits SHOW SLIDE: SEMI-CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS RESPONSIBILITIES The responsibilities for semi-centralized promotions are split between the field and Human Resources Command (AHRC). Although the field recommends and boards Soldiers for promotion, AHRC establishes cut-off scores and the number of promotions based on the strength of each MOS/grade. Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA-294) The S-1 runs the AAA-294 each month and provides to the company commander/first sergeant. The command team reviews the report and the commander circles YES/NO for each Soldier and returns the report to the S-1. Commanders often use their review of the AAA-294 as an opportunity to review their Soldier’s adverse actions (Flags). They will often send the necessary paperwork to lift a flag along with the annotated report.
Semi-Centralized Promotions Disqualifiers Below are some reason that disqualify a Soldier from being eligible for promotion: Does not meet MEL/MES requirements – Does not meet the NCOES requirement APFT greater than 1 YR - Expired APFT data in eMILPO APFT blank - No APFT data in eMILPO Army Physical Fitness Test failure Enrolled in the Army Body Composition Program Adverse action - Indicates that a Soldier is currently flagged ETS less than 90 days Denied Automatic Integration Immediate reenlistment prohibition (IMREPR CD) SHOW SLIDE: SEMI-CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS Disqualifiers NOTE: Have students lift a flag using the eMILPO training database (NEXT SLIDE). The next slide builds as the students work the eMILPO database.
Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) Privates through Sergeants will have a PPW Different PPW for Soldiers competing for SGT and SSG Soldiers are only able to view and print their PPW from the AKO website using their CAC Login or AKO login Soldiers must report to their BN S1 HR Specialist/MPD for ERB updates Soldiers need to report to S3/G3 ATTRS representative for updates and to ensure all training data is current and up to date SHOW SLIDE: PROMOTION POINT WORKSHEET (PPW) Privates through Sergeants will have a PPW Different PPW for Soldiers competing for SGT and SSG Soldiers are only able to view and print their PPW from the AKO website using their CAC Login or AKO username and password. Soldiers must report to their BN S1 HR Specialist/MPD for ERB updates Soldiers need to report to S3/G3 ATTRS representative for updates and to ensure all training data is current and up to date
By Unit Identification S-1 Reports By Unit Identification Code (UIC) Individual Soldier SHOW SLIDE: S-1 REPORTS NOTE: This is build slide. First click with drop down the Individual Soldier PPW; second click will drop down the UIC PPW. NOTE: These screen shots were taken from material/information initially provided by AHRC. Expect the appearance of the graphics will change as the new system evolves. The purpose/intent of this slide is to discuss the S-1 Reports and not to focus on what the screen shots should look like. There are two S-1 Reports available – Individual Soldier and by Unit Identification Code (UIC). CLICK. From the control access authorization screen, click on S1 Report (by Soldier SSN). Enter SSN and select retrieve SSN Report. This report will display name, rank, SSN, current total promotion points, previous points, and date. If the Soldier is flagged, the flag reason code and flag report type will display. CLICK. From the control access authorization screen, click on S1 Report (by UIC). Enter the UIC code and press the retrieve UIC button. This report will display name, rank, SSN, current total promotion points, last update, flagged (will display eligible or ineligible), previous points, previous points date and a remarks column for the UIC.
Promotion Point Worksheet The HR specialist accesses the PPW using eMILPO and has three options: View current PPW (pre-board) Integrate Soldier on HQDA Promotion List (post-board) Remove Soldier from HQDA Promotion list (as needed) SHOW SLIDE: PROMOTION POINT WORKSHEET (PPW) NOTE: These screen shots were taken from the PPW User Manual provided by AHRC dated 28 Apr 11 and are subject to change as the system evolves. The PPW is accessed via eMILPO. After clicking the View Current PPW, page one of the PPW will display. (SHOWN IN DETAIL ON NEXT FOUR (4) SLIDES).
Promotions & SSD NCOES Relationship ELIGIBILITY IMT SSD 1 BLC SSD 2 ALC SSD 3 SLC SSD 4 SMC SSD 5 SSD 1 completion is required prior to board appearance to SGT BLC graduation is a requirement for promotion to SGT SSD 2 completion is required prior to board appearance to SSG ALC graduation is a requirement for promotion to SSG SSD 3 completion is required prior to board appearance to SFC SLC graduation is a requirement for promotion to SFC SSD 4 completion is required prior to board appearance to MSG Graduation from U.S. Army Sergeants Major Course is required for promotion to SGM
Monthly Promotion Board Cycle 2nd Duty Day NLT 3rd Duty Day Within 5 Duty Days 19th 20th – 4th NLT 4th 8th BN S1 - By the 2d duty day of the month prior to the board month, print the Enlisted Promotion Report (AAA-294) using the automated system (eMILPO) Unit CDR - Return completed report to the BN S1 within five duty days of the month prior to the recommended board month with appropriate counselings. Unit CDR - Review the report for accuracy and identify Soldiers to be recommended for promotion. CDR will circle YES for those recommended or NO for those not recommended. If a Soldier is fully eligible they must be counseled by their first line supervisor. BN S1 - Review AAA-294 and submit deny Command List Integration (CLI) transactions by the 19th of the month in eMILPO for Soldiers circled NO by the Commander . Prepares board MOI for the monthly promotion board. BN S1 - Schedule a promotion board as early as the 20th of the month proceeding the board month such that all Soldiers recommended for board appearance will be completed no later then the 4thday of the board month. BN S1 - Conduct promotion board. Prepares board proceedings for approval after completion of the board. Obtain promotion authority Signature. Integrate Soldiers immediately, NLT the 8th of the board month. BN S1 - Review report for accuracy and forward the report to the appropriate unit CDR no later than the 3d duty day. AAA-294 - SPC/CPL and SGT Eligible with CLI Points added to the report An exception may be authorized at the request of the promotion authority when combat/security requirements warrant for Promotion Boards A Promotion Board must be conducted (MFR will be on file when a Promotion Board is not conducted) A 1SG serving as the president of the board will make the board invalid (All Soldiers appearing before this board will receive a HQ DA Flag, no exceptions)
Promotion Boards Eligibility Criteria Battalion CSM–with NCO Support Channel Input – validates Company Commander’s recommendation to the promotion authority (GO / NO GO) Boards will be conducted – exceptions may be authorized at the request of the promotion authority when combat / security requirements warrant No hands-on testing. Question and answer format only Factor To SGT To SSG TIS *Command List Integration PZ 35 months SZ 17 months 47 months PZ 71 months SZ 47 months 83 months TIG PZ 7 months SZ 5 months 11 months PZ 9 months SZ 6 months MIL ED Must have completed SSD(Level 1) Graduate of WLC (or higher level of PME) prior to board appearance CIV ED Must have high school diploma, GED, or an associates or higher degree SHOW SLIDE: PROMOTION BOARDS The promotion board’s mission is to validate the potential of Soldiers recommended for promotion by the unit CDR. The board will make a recommendation of yes (recommend) or no (do not recommend) to the promotion authority for each Soldier considered. A board may be tasked, as a separate action, to consider Soldiers for removal from a recommended list. Promotion boards are convened by the promotion authority (battalion commander). Wherever practical, boards are conducted at battalion or similar level. Boards convened at this level will consider all Soldiers assigned or attached to that battalion or similar command. Where feasible, Soldiers in a company- or detachment-sized unit geographically isolated from their organic battalion or similar level command may be considered by a locally convened board with the approval of the organic battalion or similar command. Boards will convene on a monthly basis except in those instances where no Soldiers, are recommended for promotion. The BN HR specialist will schedule a promotion board such that all Soldiers recommended for board appearance will be completed no later than the 4th day of the board month for the active component. **As an exception provision, when the operational environment dictates, the promotion authority may seek authorization from HQDA (DCS, G-1, ATTN: DAPE-MPE-PD, 300 Army Pentagon, Wash DC 20031-0300) to rely solely on the recommendation of the Bn CSM – who can make validating recommendations based on one-on-one interaction with the recommended Soldier. The intent of this exception authority is to mitigate excessive risk on the battlefield and to ensure Soldiers are not placed in harm’s way solely to satisfy an administrative requirement. BOARD COMPOSITION Promotion authority will appoint, in writing, a minimum of three voting members President must be CSM or SGM (unless officer present) Voting members must be one grade senior to those being considered Include minority member if reasonably available At least one voting member will be same gender as Soldiers recommended
Promotion Board Proceedings Board President informs (in writing) to the promotion authority of recommendations as soon as possible following the board Promotion authority makes the final decision to integrate a Soldier onto the promotion recommended list (for AC, no later than the 8th day of the calendar month) Soldiers approved for integration are now promotable S-1 access PPW via eMILPO and activates the Soldier’s promotion score for inclusion onto their respective promotion list Soldiers not recommended for promotion will be formally counseled by first-line leaders on deficient areas for improvement Soldiers must be provided a copy of approved promotion board proceedings SHOW SLIDE: PROMOTION BOARD PROCEEDINGS No major changes to legacy process other than the information required on the board proceedings Board President informs (in writing) the promotion authority of recommendations as soon as possible following the board Promotion authority makes the final decision to integrate a Soldier onto the promotion recommended list (for AC, no later than the 8th day of the calendar month) Soldiers approved for integration are now promotable S-1s access PPW via eMILPO and activates the Soldier’s promotion score for inclusion onto their respective promotion list INTEGRATE. After the promotion authority approves and signs the promotion board proceedings, the S-1 integrates each Soldier onto the HQDA promotion list, from the PPW Edit/View screen. The Integrate Soldier Warning will display. If you do not want to integrate the Soldier onto the HQDA promotion list, click on New SSN. If you are sure that this Soldier should be integrated onto the HQDA promotion list, click the Integrate Soldier onto HQDA Promotion List button. The current PPW will display. Soldiers’ promotion points will be sent to the Total Army Personnel Database (TAPDB). When Soldiers update their personnel and/or training records through eMILPO and/or ATRRS their promotion points will continue to update TAPDB.
Monthly Promotion Cycle Promotion score adjusts automatically when ANY promotion-related data changes in the Soldier’s record On the 11th day of each month, HQDA “captures” all promotion scores and produces order of merit lists for all MOS to determine promotions for the 1st day of the following month SHOW SLIDE: MONTHLY PROMOTION CYCLE This chart (from AR 600-8-19) represents the monthly promotion cycle. Improvements result in a Soldier being recommended for promotion, boarded and approved for integration to the recommended list by the 11th day of any given month – that Soldier (if promotion score is met) can be promoted on the 1st day of the following month. KEY POINTS: Soldier’s promotion score used for 1st day of (e.g., Sep 2012) will be based on the automatically calculated score captured at midnight (EST) on the 11th day of Aug 2012. SOLDIERS MUST ensure that all personnel and training information is accurate in the database. This is not a new requirement – but it now impacts your promotion score. SOLDIERS MUST ensure that all personnel and training information is accurate in the database.
Promotion Audits The Promotions Branch conducts promotion audits on Soldiers with 798 promotion points and at the request of the promotion authority. Soldiers selected randomly by AHRC on month 10% audit. AHRC will notify the soldier and the unit of specific records being audited. S-1 will conduct Audit when directed by AHRC Report and will have 7 calendar days to email the packet to AHRC. Failure to return the packet or request an extension will result in the Soldier being removed from the promotion standing list. If it is found the record contains inflated, erroneous, or falsified information in eMILPO or EDAS the unit, S1/MPD or promotion work centers will be notified of who submitted the transaction and when the data was submitted integrity of this system is essential. CDRs reserve the right to investigate and take action as necessary to preserve the integrity of the promotion system in cases of suspected fraud. On a monthly and recurring basis, CDRs have responsibility to review, monitor, and verify the promotion recommended list of all Soldiers assigned to command and conduct a promotion audit. SHOW SLIDE: S-1 AUDIT REPORT
Guidance from AHRC Upon being selected for promotion by AHRC and appearing on the HQDA by- name selection list Current APFT SSD-1 completion (SPC/CPL) WLC graduation (SGT) Not flagged or barred from reenlistment Meets Service Remaining Requirements (SSG), Units must notify a Soldier of SRR requirements Requesting a copy of the promotion board proceedings or any other documentation i.e. awards, college transcript, etc. to validate a Soldier’s list status or promotion score is not required. This action should have been completed prior to the release of the HQDA by-name selection list. Board Recorders must be used and will verify board proceedings reflect board member GO / NO-GO votes ETPs for promotions are no longer authorized eMILPO updates to the ERB may take up to 48 hours to transfer and update the PPW. All accredited universities must have a valid course code in eMILPO and the option to use institution code “Unknown” is eliminated. SHOW SLIDE: RECENT UPDATES AND GUIDANCE FROM AHRC AHRC issued additional guidance for the Semi-Centralized Promotion (SCP) System which includes: - reinstatement of the use of a board recorder for the conduct of SCP boards - discontinuation of Exceptions to Policy (ETP) for promotions - introduction of the process / procedures for Administrative Records Corrections (ARC) - clarification of the integrate & remove function in the Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) - transaction processing time for information submitted into the PPW via the ERB - announcement of the removal of the “unknown” institution in EMILPO - information on MEL/MES errors, correspondence courses, military education, weapons qualification, Airborne advantage, APFT, EDAS PT/PP screen, promotion transactions and audits -Current APFT on the promotion effective date (FIRST OF THE MONTH) -Completed SSD-I - board eligibility criteria for promotion recommendation to SGT -Graduated WLC – board eligibility criteria for promotion recommendation to SSG (1 FEB 15 will change to SSD 2) -Meets Service Remaining Requirements for promotion to SSG -On a monthly and recurring basis, S-1/MPD’s SHOULD review, monitor and verify the promotion point worksheet and the promotion recommended list status of all Soldiers assigned to the command to include the screening of all CLI Soldiers -The date the cut-off scores are published is not the effective date of the promotion. Promotions are effective the first day of every month See the MILPER message for details on each of these changes.
Command List Integration (CLI) (1 of 2) Soldiers integrated onto the recommended list receive: 39 points when competing for SGT 14 points when competing for SSG Commander’s role is unchanged Retains authority to deny integration if Soldier is not trained and ready Points awarded are one point less than the minimum qualifying APFT score to ensure these Soldiers will not be selected for promotion until all others, properly recommended and boarded, are promoted Inclusion of other points is not authorized Must be graduates of SSD level 1 for SGT Must be a graduate of WLC for SSG SHOW SLIDE: COMMAND LIST INTEGRATION Command List Integration is an important and critical policy change incorporated over the past 6 years. It sends a message that Soldiers, after being otherwise fully eligible for promotion recommendation in the primary zone for one year, should be trained and prepared for promotion to the next rank. Ultimately – that’s the mission of the NCOs in the unit – training their subordinates for increased responsibility. This policy supports personnel and unit readiness by grade and MOS and is an important aspect of ensuring units are manned properly to complete their missions. Minimal points are awarded to ensure Soldiers automatically integrated onto the promotion list are not otherwise selected for promotion before any Soldier who was otherwise recommended, boarded and integrated onto the list in the normal process. These points are one point less than the minimum points a Soldier can achieve on the APFT scale.
Command List Integration (CLI) (2 of 2) S1/MPD’s must submit a ‘Deny Promotion List Auto Integration’ transaction through eMILPO; failure to deny integration by the 19th of the month will result in the Soldier being integrated onto the promotion recommended list and possibly promoted CDRs must formally counsel all Soldiers denied CLI pointing out deficient areas for needed improvement to qualify for future promotion consideration Soldiers that are flagged, have IMREPR codes, failed APFT, expired APFT or blank APFT will be removed through an automated process To regain promotable status Soldiers must attend a promotion board or be recommended for CLI Requests to remove CLI Soldiers from the promotion recommended list will be forwarded to Documentation will accompany the request
Administrative Records Correction (ARC) Instances in which an ARC will not receive favorable consideration: Failure to integrate a Soldier onto the promotion recommended list by the 8th day of the month Failure to update a Soldier’s record (including records updated improperly) Failure to remove a flag or reenlistment eligibility code Failure to remove a previous promotion projection date MEL/MES code not updated Instances in which an ARC will receive favorable consideration: Flag - “case closed favorably” or “erroneous submitted” Verified error within an HR automated system AR 600-8-19, para 3-34
AHRC Common Trends How Can You Help Failure to integrate Soldiers onto the promotion recommended list by the 8th of the promotion board month Failure to submit promotion transaction within 30 days Failure to submit the ‘Denial Promotion List Auto Integration’ transaction by the 19th of each month to prevent CLI Erroneously submits the ‘Denial Promotion List Auto Integration ‘ transaction Board Soldiers prior to meeting eligibility requirements Select incorrect military education/correspondence course codes in eMILPO Submit timely record updates correctly Assist Soldiers in reviewing their PPW and ERB for accuracy Conduct audits on PPWs prior to HQDA promotion selection announcements How Can You Help
Battlefield Promotions Expeditiously promotes courageous and extraordinary Soldiers who perform at levels of increased responsibility on the battlefield. AR 600-8-19, para 11-2 & 11-3 General Guidelines AHRC publishes allocations quarterly ASCC G-1 establish procedures in the AOR Soldiers are only authorized one battlefield promotion to an NCO rank A physical appearance before a board is not authorized Promotion Eligibility Serving in or under combat conditions SGT and below Not Flagged No TIS/TIG requirements Soldiers do not incur additional service remaining requirements E2 – E4 are exempt from waiver allocations SHOW SLIDE: BATTLEFIELD PROMOTIONS AR 600-8-19, Chapter 11 The enlisted battlefield promotion policy provides commanders with an opportunity to accelerate and expeditiously promote courageous and extraordinary Soldiers, across all Army Components, who willingly and unhesitatingly accept and flawlessly perform at levels of increased responsibility on the battlefield. Battlefield promotions are predicated on extraordinary performance of duties while serving in combat or under combat conditions. Battlefield promotions will not be used in lieu of personal commendations/awards. Specified ASCCs will receive battlefield promotion allocations (by enlisted pay grade) from HQDA, DCS, G-1 (DAPE-MPE-PD) on a quarterly basis. ASCCs will establish procedures within their respective AOR to ensure enlisted battlefield promotions do not exceed the allotted allocations for each quarter. Unused promotion allocations will not carry over from one quarter to the next quarter. The effective date of promotion will generally be within the designated quarter. All promotion instruments will include the following statement: This promotion is a result of extraordinary performance of duties while serving in combat or under combat conditions. No additional service-remaining requirements are incurred as a result of this promotion.
Promotion Ceremonies Conduct ceremony on the effective date of promotion Early promotions authorized when effective date is on a non-duty day Promotion certificate may not be substituted for promotion order Promotion certificate will be prepared by unit or HR for promotion authority AR 600-8-19, para 1-24 SHOW SLIDE: PROMOTION CEREMONIES Promotion ceremonies are held on the effective date of the promotion. If the promotion date falls on a non-duty day, the ceremony can be held on the last duty day prior to the promotion. It is the BN S-1’s responsibility to create the promotion document, even if it is going to be signed by the BDE commander. Soldiers who were reduced and then re-promoted to the new rank will receive a new promotion certificate. Soldiers must understand that the promotion certificate is not their promotion order. Soldiers must keep their promotion order for their records; the promotion order is the official documentation of the promotion.
Check on Learning Q: What are rules for conducting Semi-centralized promotion board? A: Question and answer only; no hands-on tasks Promotion authority appoints an odd number of voting board members and one non-voting recorder Can be mixed (officer/enlisted) or not Voting members at least 1 grade senior of recommended Soldiers Gender/ethnic representation Q: What three options does the S-1 have when accessing the Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) via eMILPO? View current PPW Integrate Soldier on HQDA Promotion List Remove Soldier from HQDA Promotion List SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct Check on Learning and summarize learning activity.
Centralized Promotions SFC thru SGM SHOW SLIDE: CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS – SFC THRU SGM NOTE: Transition slide to centralized promotions
Centralized Promotions Board President General Officer A IN B AR/EN C FA/AD D SIG E MP/MI F QM/CM/AC G OD H MED I AG/CH/ FI/LGL J AV/TC K REC/RET/ BAND/PAO L SF/CA/PSYOP Minimum of 5 members including commissioned officers and senior NCOs; female and minority representation, if available President of board is a General Officer Non-selects for promotion are not given specific reasons No Soldier may personally appear before the board Letters to the board are authorized, but discouraged Centralized Selection Boards Overview Commander, AHRC promotes Soldiers to the ranks of SFC, MSG, and SGM Selection and promotion authority by HQDA does not deprive local commanders of the authority to reduce Soldiers in the rank of SFC, MSG, and SGM for inefficiency or conviction by civil court AHRC announces the criteria for primary and secondary zones of consideration for each grade before each board via MILPER message and email SSG, SFC, and MSG may decline consideration for promotion SHOW SLIDE: CENTRALIZED SYSTEM OVERVIEW The Commander, AHRC promotes Soldiers to the rank of SFC, MSG, and SGM. Primarily, centralized promotions rely on the Soldier to ensure their records are up-to-date prior to the board meeting. Selection and promotion authority by HQDA does not deprive local commanders of the authority to reduce Soldiers in the rank of SFC, MSG, and SGM for inefficiency or conviction by a civil court. Criteria for primary and secondary zones of consideration for each grade are announced by the AHRC before each board. Soldiers in the rank of SSG, SFC, and MSG may decline consideration for promotion and, if applicable, attendance at the U.S. Army Sergeants’ Major Academy (USASMA).
Centralized Promotion Requirements CRITERIA DOR & BASD TOTAL ACTIVE FEDERAL SERVICE MIL ED* CIV ED (Announced by AHRC prior to board) 6 10 ALC USASMC HS/GED 8 SLC Minimum TIMIG 36 months Waivers are not authorized for military education for promotion to SFC and MSG – must attend requisite NCOES course. AHRC will announce DOR & BASD requirements. SHOW SLIDE: CENTRALIZED PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS 1. Service obligations for promotion (all Army Components). Soldiers incur a 36-month service obligation (or TPU service remaining requirement) upon accepting promotion to SFC, MSG and SGM. 2. Promotion Eligibility. (Time in Grade) (AC and USAR only). Soldiers competing for consideration to SFC and MSG must have a minimum of 36 months TIG for secondary zone consideration effective with FY12 selection boards. 3. Promotion Eligibility (Time in Service) (USAR (less AGR) only). a. Minimum TIS for MSG is 8 years b. Minimum TIS for SGM is 10 years
Centralized Promotion Board Timelines (1 of 2) AHRC Pre-Board Functions Unit Pre-Board Functions C-150 Zones of Consideration established from DMPM Prepare/Staff MILPER Message C-120 Release MILPER Message Begin promotion list eligibility maintenance Flag AERs/NCOERs Special Population Scrub - Army Parachute Team, Special Bands, AMU, SMD C-120 - C-90 - C-60 - C-5 Continue promotion list eligibility maintenance TAGD - CMOAC EPMD - Retirements & Separations Branch SMD - Controlled records for updates EPMD - NCOES Branch EPMD - Reclassification Branch for MOS verification DA G-1 – CPMOS Progression Charts C-60: My Board File opens C-5: Transfer board to DA Secretariat – Where the board is conducted C-120: Conduct an eMILPO query to identify eligible population (BN S1 / MPD / BDE S1) C-120 - C-90 - C-60 - C-5: Refresh eMILPO query and monitor suspense dates established by MILPER Message C-60 Ensure My Board File opens for those eligible NCOs If My Board File is not available for your NCOs contact Enlisted Promotions Branch to verify eligibility (BN S1) NOTE: C = Board Convene Date
Centralized Promotion Unit Post Board Functions Board Timelines (2 of 2) Post Board Functions Unit Post Board Functions R+1: Attest List applications are conducted by Promotions Branch and DA SEC R+20 Attest List sent to DMPM for approval Internal system functions and reviews conducted R+25 DMPM approves Attest List Sequence numbers assigned Statistical data produced / further review and screening conducted Prepositioning documents/TAG approval R+30: Official release via AHRC/S1 Net websites R+30 Ensure NCOs are in a promotable status Place a suspension of favorable actions (FLAG) for any NCO that is on a centralized promotion list NOTE: R = Board Recess
AC Centralized Promotion Rates SFC thru SGM Promotion Rates Rank Previous Year Promotion Rate FY14 Average Pin on Point (YRS) RCP SFC (42A) 24.44% (.05%) 16 yrs 26 MSG 11.8% (.019%) 18 yrs 29 SGM 13.5% (16.8%) 24 yrs 32 This data comes from AHRC, SGM Enlisted Promotions Branch Future Promotion Opportunity targeted to future requirements Expect increase time in grade for SFC, MSG, and SGM
Roles and Responsibilities Centralized Promotions Battalion S-1: Notify Soldiers in the zone of consideration for promotion Ensure Soldiers are counseled regarding the service remaining requirement and procedures for declining promotion Prepare certificate of promotion Prepare removal documentation, if necessary Brigade S-1: Review HQDA selection list and notify AHRC of any discrepancies Forward initial FLAG to AHRC for Soldiers on promotion list Forward reclassification orders on Soldiers who are reclassified while on promotion list Screen the monthly sequence number memorandum and by-name list for promotions Ensure promotions orders are provided to BN S-1 SHOW SLIDE: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS NOTE: Refer students to AR 600-8-19, Tables 4-1, 4-2, and 4-4 to discuss BN and BDE S-1 roles and responsibilities. BDE S-1s have the most interaction with HQDA regarding centralized promotions. However, most contact with Soldiers is done by the BN S-1. Although promotion lists are released from HQDA to the BDE S-1, it is still the BN S-1’s responsibility to notify Soldiers and prepare promotion certificates. As with anything, the BDE S-1 should supervise and provide guidance to BN S-1s to ensure the successful accomplishment of the mission. AR 600-8-19, Tables 4-1, 4-2, 4-4
Qualitative Service Program (QSP) QUALITATIVE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (QMP) BOARD Applies to SSG and above who have between 19 and 31 years AFS Designed to ensure Senior NCOs serve in a manner consistent with good order and discipline Senior NCOs are subject to QMP if they receive one of the following documents since their last promotion General Officer Letter/Memorandum of Reprimand Conviction by Courts-Martial or Article 15, UCMJ Relief for Cause Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report Senior Rater Rating of 4 (Fair) or 5 (Poor) in the overall Performance or Potential blocks on an NCOER Academic Evaluation Report (DA Form 1059) indicating NCOES Course Failure Over-Strength Qualitative Service Program (os-qsp) BOARD Applies to NCOs in grades SSG-CSM in specific PMOS/grade where the Army’s 12-month operating strength projection exceeds its goals PROMOTION STAGNATION QUALITATIVE SERVICE PROGRAM (PS-QSP) BOARD Applies to NCOs in grades SSG-CSM in a specific PMOS/grade where promotion stagnation exists Performance-based, force shaping process Improves NCO Grade Applicable to: Active Component NCOs USAR-Active Guard Reserve NCOs SHOW SLIDE: QUALITATIVE SERVICE PROGRAM In March 2012, the Army implemented two new Qualitative Services Programs in addition to the QMP. QMP. The Qualitative Management Program is a program designed to enhance the quality of the force. QMP was suspended following partial mobilization in 2003; however, was reinstated in July 2009. The QMP considers Senior NCOs (SSG-SGM) whose performance, conduct and/or potential for advancement may not meet Army standards. NCOs selected for QMP are denied continued service. OS-QSP. The Over-Strength Qualitative Service Program Board considers NCOs (SSG-CSM) in specific PMOS/grade where the Army’s 12-month operating strength projection exceeds its goal. PS-QSP. The Promotion Stagnation Qualitative Service Program Board considers NCOs (SSG-CSM) in specific PMOS/grade where promotion stagnation exists. NCOs identified by the OS-QSP and PS-QSP Boards who are not eligible for retirement will be afforded the opportunity to volunteer into a shortage MOS, if qualified. As an S-1, you may be involved in the notification process, in addition to providing sound advice to the commander and Soldier, on available options.
Standby Advisory Boards (STAB) Initial consideration - File was not seen by a previous promotion board due to error Reconsideration - First award of MSM or higher was omitted or another Soldiers document was placed in file by mistake Removal - On promotion list w/sequence number; however, before being promoted committed an offense that warrants consideration for removal SHOW SLIDE: STANDBY ADVISORY BOARDS STAB: One of the final missions of a centralized board is the convening of Standby Advisory Boards (STAB). The three basis for STABs are shown here. A STAB for Initial Consideration may occur if a record which was within an established promotion zone of a particular board was not reviewed by that board, for whatever reason (e.g. incorrect BASD excluding Soldier from zone of consideration). A Reconsideration STAB may occur if a record going before a board was found to contain a major material error or where an official change was made in the record (e.g. an Article 15 belonging to SSG Smith was found in SSG Jones' file, and SSG Jones was not selected for promotion). The final basis for a STAB to be conducted is when a board receives a request submitted through command channels, recommending an NCO be removed from a published promotion list. Requests for STABs are covered in AR 600-8-19, Enlisted Promotions and Reductions, Chapter 4.” ** Imperative Soldiers and Chain of Command review AR 600-8-19, Chapter 4, para 4-13 before submitting request for STAB **
S-1 Takeaways The Semi-Centralized Promotion System: Identifies the best-qualified Soldiers for promotion Supports an expeditionary Army Improves Personnel / Training data accuracy Stay engaged in the process (CSM / NCOIC / Warrant) Checks and Balances (Quality Control) Ensure subordinate S-1s and HR Specialists understand the process and their responsibilities Lean forward on Promotion Ceremonies (On hand supplies, certificates, narrator, etc.) Monitor the “Big 3” Boards (SFC, MSG, SGM/CSM) SHOW SLIDE: BDE S-1 THINGS TO KNOW Learning Step/Activity 3. Identify promotion responsibilities of the S-1 Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:16 Time of Instruction: 5 mins The new semi-centralized promotion system identifies best qualified Soldiers for promotion; supports an expeditionary Army; improves personnel / training data accuracy Be involved in the process (CSM/NCOIC/Warrant) Checks and Balances (Spot Check Soldiers) Ensure Bn S1s understand responsibilities Promotion Ceremonies (On hand supply, narrator) Monitor the “Big 3” Boards (SFC, MSG, SGM/CSM) Promotions affect Soldiers’ lives and their Families Promotions affect Soldiers’ lives and their Families!
Check on Learning Q: Who announces the criteria for primary and secondary zones of consideration for each grade before the board? A: The Commander, AHRC Q: Under what circumstance is written communication to the board president encouraged? A: It is only encouraged when there is something that is not provided in the Soldier’s records that the Soldier feels will have an impact on the board’s deliberations. Q: True or False. Soldiers who are not selected for promotion will be provided specific reasons for non-selection. A: False. Soldiers are not provided specific reason for non-selection. They may consult the statistical analysis portion of the promotion list or they may write to the Career Professional Development NCO of their respective branch for an analysis on how to enhance their careers. Per AR 600-8-19, the S-1 / Bn HR section should be prepared to assist Soldiers, if necessary. SHOW SLIDE: CHECK ON LEARNING NOTE: Conduct a check on learning and summarize the learning activity.
Summary Objectives Promotion Authorities System Overviews Decentralized Semi-Centralized Centralized Responsibilities QMP/QSP Programs SHOW SLIDE: SUMMARY NOTE: Summarize lesson and poll students for questions on conduct final checks on learning.
Terminal Learning Objective ACTION: Administer Enlisted Promotions and Selections (Active Component) CONDITIONS: Given classroom instruction, AR 600-8-19 (Enlisted Promotions and Reductions) and applicable MILPER messages and an awareness of Operational Environment (OE). STANDARD: Communicate the objectives of the enlisted promotion system. Define the principles of the decentralized, semi-centralized, and centralized enlisted promotion systems. Identify promotion responsibilities of the S-1. Score 70% or higher on the Brigade S-1 final exam. SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE