DESCRIPTION PLOTr is a graphing tool that is based on the cloud. The users can login to the website, input their data and plot a graph for that data on the website itself. Users have multiple options to modify the graphs as needed. The users can also save the output graph on the cloud using S3.
PHP Amazon EC2 Amazon S3 SimpleDB TECHNOLOGIES PHP Amazon EC2 Amazon S3 SimpleDB
PHP Had zero knowledge about PHP As it turns out, PHP is supported well by AWS and is fast enough for my application
SIMPLE DB Used to keep a database of user login information Works well for easy databases Will need to switch to dynamoDB in future
ARCHITECTURE S3 STORAGE EC2 INSTANCE -User Files -LAMP Server -PHP files -HTML -CSS -JavaScripts browser SIMPLE DB -User Login Information
PHP Cloud Services AWS changes faster than we would imagine WHAT I LEARNT PHP Cloud Services AWS changes faster than we would imagine
PROBLEMS FACED Display Drivers for Amazon Linux AMI OCTAVE Scripting for certain functions was trial and error and hence took time
FUTURE WORK Make 2-tier user login system Enable direct uploads from the same page Provide extra features to different types of users