INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PREVENTION AND EARLY WARNING OF FOREST FIRES -MKFFIS- Stevko Stefanoski, MSc, Head of Department Crisis Management Center (CMC) 1
FOREST PROTECTION AND FOREST FIRES RISK IN MACEDONIA The problem of forest fires was became evident in 2007 when they reached major proportions and required use of many resources, including support from other countries, NATO and other international organization, In the summer of 2007, the Macedonian CMS mechanism was used for the first time, Post crisis situations and analysis showed the necessity for an Integrated System of Prevention and Early Warning of forest fires, That was one of direct reason to initiate the proposal for technical cooperation with the Government of Japan. 9/18/2018
2. PROJECT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PREVENTION AND EARLY WARNING OF FOREST FIRES PROJECT DURATION: Three years, from May 2011 – May 2014, IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: Crisis Management Center (CMC), cooperation with: MAFVE, PEMF, Hydro met service, And other. Overall Goal: To reduce occurrences of massive forest fires by strengthening the capacity for prevention and early warning of forest fire. Project Purpose: To strengthen the capacities of the CMC for transmitting information to the relevant national authorities for prevention and early warning of forest fires and coordination.
2. PROJECT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PREVENTION AND EARLY WARNING OF FOREST FIRES Outputs: National system for forest fire risk assessment is developed, National coordination mechanism of information sharing and cooperation among domestic relevant institutions for prevention and early warning of forest fire is reinforced.
2. PROJECT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PREVENTION AND EARLY WARNING OF FOREST FIRES The activities to achieve the set objectives: 1.Design of a Forest Fires Risk Assessment Methodology, 2. Identify and collect data and information useful for the forest fire risk assessment, 3. Establish an integrated GIS system/database, including software, hardware and other equipment, necessary training, 4. Prepare and publish GIS hazard maps for forest fires, 5. Design a Forest Fire Damage and Consequence Assessment Methodology, 6. Hold necessary training,
Overview of implemented project activities: 3. PROJECT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PREVENTION AND EARLY WARNING OF FOREST FIRES Overview of implemented project activities: 1. Forest Fires Risk Assessment Methodology established, 2. Conceptual design of “Integrated system for prevention and early warning of forest fires“ identified and established 3. The necessary equipment for the integrated system for prevention and early warning of forest fires identified and delivered
Forest Fires Risk Assessment Methodology 2. PROJECT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PREVENTION AND EARLY WARNING OF FOREST FIRES Forest Fires Risk Assessment Methodology 1.1. Elements and tools for Forest fires risk assessment: Risk of Forest fire Risk element Risk assessment tool Hazard 1. Hot spot map 2. Fire history map Exposure 1. Forest vegetation map 2. Damaged forest value map Vulnerability 1. Vegetation Dryness map 2. Fire Weather Index map Coping Capacity 1. Topographic map, vector data, 2. Suppression resource table
Time / spatial resolution 2. PROJECT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PREVENTION AND EARLY WARNING OF FOREST FIRES 2. Necessary information to develop tools for assessing the risk of forest fires Map Necessary data Data provider Time / spatial resolution 1) Hot spot map 3900 and 10800 nm channel of MSG-SEVIRI (-IR039*, -IR108*, -PRO*) every 15 minute; 3 km by 3 km Fire Products of Terra/Aqua-MODIS (MOD14*, MYD14*) 2 to 4 times a day; 1 km by 1 km 2) Vegetation Dryness map Vegetation Index and Water Index that are collected by Terra/Aqua-MODIS Through web site of a specific US agency. once a week 3) Fire Weather Index map Temperature, moisture, wind speed, wind direction, rain fall Automatic Weather Stations through Hydro-Met once a day 4) Forest vegetation map Species, ages, tree diameter, wooden mass, etc. PEMF once a year 5) Fire history map Fire report PEMF, MAFWE event by event basis 6) Topographic map etc. 1/25,000 digital map AREC 7) Suppression resource table Fire suppression equipment, fire fighter PEMF, DPR, CMC, Fire Brigade 8) Damaged forest value table Price of wood per cubic meter, volume of damaged wood event by event
1. Data Collection Management Data Collection from HydroMet MKFFIS Satellite data Vegetation Dryness map 1. Data Collection Management Meteorological data FWI map Hot spot maps Existing Object Data Vegetation map 2. Processing/Analysis Forest fire history map Maintenance of Forest Data (GFIS) Forest Inventory with maps Political / managerial boundary maps Sss Data collection and management Processing and spatial analysis Visual/spatial Presentation – map layers 3. Presentation Forest Planning Base maps - AREC Capturing Initial forest fire reports from PEMF regional offices Capturing Official forest fire reports from CMC regional offices Implementation
AWS’s Map AWS Density EXISTING JICA 2011 Popova Shapka Ponikva Sveti Nikole Gjjurishte Jasen Pozarane Mavrovo Pozar Jasenovo Drugovo Kozuf Topolcani
3. PROJECT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR PREVENTION AND EARLY WARNING OF FOREST FIRES As a result of the set project activities, the Conceptual design of the system has been turned into a real Web-based system, as a tool and technical exchange platform for cross-institutional communication and multi-sectoral forest fires risk management. The new system is recognizable as Macedonian Forest Fires Information System –MKFFIS: