LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR DISABLED USERS (L.E.D.) Research Index National Study: Northern Ireland March 2012
GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE SITUATION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES WITHIN NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland (NI) has one of the highest incidences of disability in the UK Overall 21% of adults were found to have a disability but this rises from 5% for year group; 11% year groups and 23% year group. Nearly two-thirds (64%) of working age disabled people in Northern Ireland are economically inactive, which is 3 times the rate for non- disabled people and much higher than for the UK as a whole where 44% of disabled people of working age are economically inactive. 42% of disabled people of working age had no qualifications compared to 16% without a disability.
TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES MAINSTREAM PROGRAMMES Vocational Training Training for Success ApprenticeshipsNI Employment Programmes Steps to Work Pathways to Work
TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES SPECIALIST PROGRAMMES Access to Work (NI) Workable (NI) Job Introduction Scheme European Funded Specialist Programmes
LEGISLATION The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Welfare Reform Bill (2012) The Disability Discrimination Act (1995) The Northern Ireland (1998) Act The Human Rights Act (1998) The Special Education Needs and Disability Order (NI) (2005
NORTHERN IRELAND POLICY OBJECTIVES Success through Skills: the Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland Essential Skills for Living Strategy Equality and Social Inclusion – Governments strategy for tackling poverty and social exclusion, Physical and Sensory Disability Strategy and Action Plan 2012 – Acquired Brain Injury Action Plan Bamford Review – the Review report set out a vision of equality of opportunity, self-determination and full citizenship for people with a learning disability or mental ill health. A Healthier Future (DHSSPS Consultation on Pathways to Success A Strategy for those not in education, employment or training (NEET).
ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL STAKEHOLDER ISSUES UK Government Perspective Northern Ireland Government Perspective Aspirations of People with Disabilities Employers Perspective
INNOVATIVE LEARNING APPROACHES Cedar Foundations Vocational and Employability Service. TARGET GROUP Cedars project focuses on those with complex disabilities including congenital disabilities (e.g. cerebral palsy) and acquired disability (e.g. spinal injury) and emerging needs (e.g. Aspergers). It supports those with brain injury, often resulting from road traffic accidents or stroke. Participants may have sensory disabilities including visual impairments.
MODEL OF SERVICE 1.Vocational Profiling, Facilitated Transitions and Action Planning 2.Employability Skills: Foundation Training – skills for life and personal development, enabling participants to operate more effectively in education, work and community settings. In Tech – specialist ICT services, including accredited training, assessment and support to use assistive technology. Vocational Rehabilitation – specialist support for people with BI/other conditions in managing current abilities for work/training following cognitive, behavioural and physical impairment. Preparation for Work – unique training targeting disability-related barriers to entering work/training, including career guidance, job search skills, meeting employer expectations. 3.Vocational Skills: Provision of wide-ranging work placements and employment opportunities with tailored support. Access to an extensive range of inclusive, community based educational, vocational and social opportunities.
PROJECT OUTCOMES Cedar sets a range of challenging performance targets for the Vocational and Employability Service to ensure that the project can achieve significant outcomes. Targets for project outcomes are as follows: Positive Outcomes OutcomeCompletersAll Participants Positive sustainable outcomes 90%71% Employment Outcomes - open, full/part-time, supported, permitted work or voluntary employment 40%32% Training Outcomes - further training, further education or progression to statutory programmes 35%28% Community Outcomes - inclusive roles that promote development of employability skills 15%11%
SERVICE DELIVERY Staff Partnership Working Engagement with Employers Case Studies
RATIONALE FOR SUSTAINABILITY Focus on Mainstream Partnership working across Health/Social Services, Employment/Learning and Voluntary Sectors Comprehensive Vocational Profiling Person Centred Practices for Support & Training Specialist Staff Training Negotiating work place and role adaptations & support mechanisms Maximising opportunities against existing skills base Monitoring and review Structure, routine and consistency of holistic model Quality Framework
CHALLENGES TO SUSTAINABILITY Securing of financial resources on a long-term basis Dialogue with statutory match funders Framing service provision to reflect the Department for Employments strategic priorities Engagement with key policy makers, Government Departments and Agencies Engagement with elective representatives (MLA)s. Minsters and Assembly Committees Involvement in working groups to shape the commissioning intent of the Northern Ireland Commissioning structure Collaborative working with other major voluntary sector organisation to identify mainstreaming solutions