Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses Bucharest-Magurele 1 Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses ~One Step towards Nuclear Quantum Optics Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany Wen-Te Liao Supervised by Dr. Adriana Pálffy Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Keitel
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses Motivation-Control the nuclear state 2 isomer state keV triggering level keV keV Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer (NCPT) Stokes pump isomer triggering
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses Motivation-Nuclear Battery K. W. D. Ledingham, P. McKenna, and R. P. Singhal, Science 300, 1107 (2003) Stokes pump 3 isomer state ground state Store very large quantities of energy
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses Drive MeV transition with 10keV photon 4 XFEL Photon energy ~10 keV Nuclear states 0 ~10 keV ~100 keV > MeV T. Tajima, Report on the ELI Science, p.14 (2009). T. J. Bürvenich, J. Evers and C. H. Keitel, PRL 96, (2006). Blue shift Accelerated Nuclei !! γ
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses 5 Ion accelerator and XFEL are NOT put together now
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses ELI will put compact ion-accelerators and Table-Top-XFELs together 6 T T-XFEL M. Fuchs et al., Nature Phys. 5, 826 (2009). compact ion-accelerator M. Dunne, Science 312, 374 (2006) NCPT
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses STIRAP Stokes Pump delay 7 K. Bergmann, H. Theuer and B. W. Shore, RMP. 70, 1003 (1998). stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP)
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses XFEL 8 Temporal coherence is low. Coherence time ~ 0.2 fs The Technical Design Report of the European XFEL
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses Seeded XFEL (SXFEL) E. L. Saldin et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 475, 357 (2001). 9 transversely and temporarily coherent
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses XFEL Oscillator (X-FELO) K.-J. Kim, Y. Shvydko and S. Reiche, PRL 100, (2008). Y. V. Shvydko et al., Nature Phys. 6, 196 (2010) transversely and temporarily coherent 10 Diamond Reflectivity ~ 100%
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses Two Schemes Nuclear beam S P S P Cross One Color Scheme Central frequency of P and S are the same. Parallel Two Color Scheme Central frequency of P and S are different. 11 γ γ W.-T. Liao, A. Pálffy, C. H. Keitel, arXiv: v1.
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses Results for One-Color Scheme 12 Increased W.-T. Liao, A. Pálffy, C. H. Keitel, arXiv: v1. Fully coherent XFEL: Photon energy = 25 keV Bandwidth = 2 meV 5 < γ < 36
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses Conclusion NCPT can be observed with laser peak intensity >. 13 ELI-NP provide very unique stage for NCPT. W.-T. Liao, A. Pálffy, C. H. Keitel, arXiv: v
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses Acknowledgement 14 Dr. Adriana Pálffy Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Keitel
Wen-Te Magurele Nuclear Coherent Population Transfer with X-Ray Laser Pulses 15 Thanks for your attention