What is the general function of the digestive system?
Which is chemical and which is mechanical digestion? Breaking down food into smaller bits Mixing food with substances to make it digestible.
Which of these are alimentary canal structures and which are accessory organs? Large intestine, small intestine, kidney, liver, pancreas, stomach, gall bladder, esophagus, teeth
What is the difference between the alimentary canal and accessory organ?
List, in order, the six general sections of the alimentary canal.
What is saliva and what are the names of the three glands that make it? 1 2 3
What enzyme is released by the salivary glands that begins carbohydrate digestion and where does it begin?
What are the parts of the tooth? 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
Match these words with their function: deglutition, mastication, maceration, segmentation, haustral churning Chewing, peristalsis in the small intestine, peristalsis in the large intestine, swallowing, stomach churning
Where is the fundus in the stomach? What is a sphincter? What is the pylorus? What is rugae?
What is the name of the acid of gastric juice What is the name of the acid of gastric juice? What is the name of the substance that begins protein digestion?
Which of these organs secretes bile Which of these organs secretes bile? Stomach, kidney, liver, pancreas Where is it stored?
What digestive function does the pancreas have?
What is the function of bile?
Which of these organs have haustra? Stomach, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas
jejunem, ileum, duodenum Which is the middle section of the small intestine? What happens there? jejunem, ileum, duodenum
Which part of the large intestine is shaped like an S? Descending, ascending, cecum, sigmoid, rectum, anus
List, in order, the sections of the large intestine.
What is an ulcer, where can it occur and how is it treated?
What organ can get cirrhosis and what is it?
What organ can get hepatitis and what is it?