Teaching Tools Introduction to various tools for Beginning Teachers. Lisa S. Thoman PSRC Lead Teacher for Technology Integration
What type of technology are you using in the classroom? Who is utilizing the equipment? Students using technology, fears? Some T.U.F. Decisions…
Building Technology Fluency FLIP your Thinking & Knowledge Direct Instruction for students learning a new skill Create a problem for the students to solve using the new skills CREATE the Challenge Allow the students to collaborate & unpack the problem given to the students EMPOWER Student Leadership Students who share work – take ownership Peer to Peer teaching – establishes understanding Create.Collaborate = Unpack.Ownership
Please go to… http://www.robeson.k12.nc.us/domain/80 OR PSRC Homepage Technology (Yellow Toolbar) Scroll down to Technology Integration Select Beginning Teachers (Side Toolbar)
Templates already made for Smart Notebook 11 Software for teachers to use Website: http://exchange.smarttech.com Create a FREE Account Click Search and Begin!
Website: https://www.gaggle.net/ Applications Tab (side toolbar) Email Calendar Digital Locker Assignment Drop Boxes
Website: https://prezi.com Road Map to an Interactive Presentation to make learning engaging. Upload “Already-made” presentations from PowerPoint
Website: https://www.dropbox.com Cloud based storage Access on or off-line All information saved can be shared with colleagues Mobile (all devices, app-ready)
Website: http://www.appitic.com/index.php/home/the-app-directory
ELA Websites http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/ http://www.textproject.org
Gmail – Email Calendar Drive – Cloud Storage Docs, Sheets, Slides (similar to Microsoft Office) Sites – Building Websites Vault – Archiving Digital Content
Q & A ??
Lead Teacher for Technology Integration Information PSRC Technology Website http://www.robeson.k12.nc.us/domain/78 Lisa S. Thoman Office: 910.272.5008 Cell: 910.374.1506 Lead Teacher for Technology Integration