3g Medical Imaging R&D with liquid xenon Compton telescope Hervé Carduner, Jean-Pierre Cussonneau, Samuel Duval, Jacob Lamblin, Eric Morteau, Patrick Le Ray, Tugdual Oger, JS Stutzmann, Dominique Thers (Nantes) Toshiaki Tauchi, Tom Haruyama et al. (Tsukuba) Workshop FJPPL’09, 18-19 May 2007, KEK, Japan Wednesday, 18 May 2009
A new medical imaging approach with liquid xenon : the 3 imaging + ( 44Sc) nuclide + Compton Telescope + TEP camera = 3D reconstruction event by event in counting mode 44Sc will be produced by ARRONAX Geant4 simulations with liquid xenon Compton telescope : - High spatial resolution (0.1 mm) - Light for trigger - Charge for energy measurement 44Sc C.Grignon, PhD Thesis Soon published on JINST DL ~ 1-2 cm along the LOR targeted
3g Imaging : expected plan Scandium isotopes availability and radiolabelling : 2011 - research production on Arronax : Arronax and Subatech - research Chemistry and radiolabelling : Inserm and Subatech Compton telescope for small animal : 2011 - research on liquid xenon cryogenic : KEK and Subatech - research on photodetection : WIS and Subatech 2007 – 2010 : R&D 2011 : small animal prototype XEMIS2 XEMIS2 XEMIS1
XEMIS1 1st prototype
KEK-developed High-Power Pulse tubeCryocooler -Cooling power up to ~200W @165K
Cryogenics Since march 2007: - Liquefaction of 30 kg of Xe → liquefaction rate and circulation flow : ~ 1.5 kg / hour Very stable operation !!!
Experimental setup Tests with 22Na source (β+ and 3rd @ 1,257 MeV)
Signals… light photoelectric charge compton + photoelectric Cathode : -18000 V charge PMT, G~1.106 Micromesh 0V compton + photoelectric Single Anode : +450 V
511 keV g absorption in LXe 12 cm depth 511 keV g (NIST : 3,4 cm) Q = C*V = 3pf * 40mV/1.602e-19 = 749e3 electrons 40 mv en entree de la capa => 2000 mV mesures => 375e/mVE chantillonnage a 500 MHz sur 80 ms 511 keV g
Electrons absorption by impurities in liquid xenon 12 cm drift length Edrift = 1.5 kV/cm 1 meter life length Q = C*V = 3pf * 40mV/1.602e-19 = 749e3 electrons 40 mv en entree de la capa => 2000 mV mesures => 375e/mVE chantillonnage a 500 MHz sur 80 ms High purity xenon achieved after 1 month of circulation …
Ionization electrons collection by Micromegas micromesh NEW Edrift Egrid Full collection of electrons with Micromegas for field ratio > 50 Beginning of the R&D with pixels on the anode
T and P tests on segmented anode (vacuum-liquid xenon windows) Liquid xenon side PRELIMINARY Vacuum Helium Pressure Vacuum side In progress … Expected xenon Maximum pressure First results : < 10 µm deformation in experimental conditions No failure up to at least 4 bars at -145ºC Validation of segmented anode ceramics and connector technology soon on the prototype
FE Electronics R&D for pixels read-out on anode with liquid xenon IDEF-X 16 channelsAsics Flat - connectors Kapton feed-through At room temperature, Noise : 125 e- + 4.46 e-/pF Noise < 300 e- targeted on anode with liquid xenon
3g imaging conclusions First steps with liquid xenon technology 2007-2008 : First steps with liquid xenon technology Promising for the future 2009-2010 : Cryogenics R&D Low noise front-end electronics R&D Photo detection with GPM R&D R&D foresee until 2010 … XEMIS1 Compton Telescope Prototype 3 x 3 cm2 XEMIS2 Compton Telescope for small animal imaging Ready for end of 2011 …
THGEM-GPM R&D for light detection a THGEM Holes diameter d = 0.3 - 1 mm Pitch a = 0.7- 7 mm Breskin et al., NIM A 598(2009) Principle in liquid xenon Ehole Edrift ~ 0 Etrans MgF2 Liquid xenon grid Segmented anode Ne + 5%CH4 Photoelectric effect Transfert Signal induction CsI photocathode Hit UV photon Gamma ray Amplification Goal : minimize photo-detection cost
Gain measurements at room T THGEM-GPM : First tests with soft X rays Gain measurements at room T CsI photocathode THGEM g GPM LXe conversion volume SegmentedAnode MgF2 window Next tests soon at WIS with photocathode S. Duval, PhD Thesis