Effective Design Practices Chadia Abras PhD In this session we read about instructional design background and inception. We also were introduced to the theories and approaches behind the designs and models.
Design Principles Framework Brief Overview of Theories Objectives Design Principles Framework Brief Overview of Theories Learner-Centered Design This will be a brief presentation highlighting the importance of the framework supporting the many design models. We will talk about approach to design very briefly, then we we will analyze the learner-centered approach to design very carefully.
Design Principles Framework When talking about education, we usually refer to Learning Theories and their influences on Teaching and Learning. However, instructional design draws on a larger array of theories including Communications in which the importance of message and feedback is key. The Systems Theory is just as important, in it there is a reliance on seeing the big picture in any process. However, Instructional Design, like Teaching and Learning remains heavily grounded in Learning and Instructional Theories. Development Theories and especially the work of Piaget are another key influence on ISD. I will not get into details about these theories, since they were well laid out in your readings. Use this chart when trying to create the concept map, or the visual representation of the theories involved and the importance of each in Instructional Design.
Learner-Centered Approach However, regardless of what theory influences the design model, a learner-centered approach is highly recommended. Knowing the learners and their needs will ultimately lead to an effective instructional model. In a Learner-Centered Design, the learner is central when it comes to designing from knowledge, community and instructor perspectives.
Instructional Process instructor training course management design technology instruction delivery preparation LEARNER If we follow the process of a learner-centered design, we then start by assessing the needs of our learners, in higher education we are most likely dealing with a non-traditional learner, who is self-directive, self-motivated, and self-disciplined. Not a traditional learner Self-directive Self-motivated Self-disciplined
Instructional Process instructor training course management design technology instruction delivery PREPARATION LEARNER Prepare the learners on the use of technology After assessing the needs of the learner we then prepare them on the use of technology involved in instruction delivery.
Instructional Process instructor training course management design technology INSTRUCTION DELIVERY preparation LEARNER We then decide on instruction delivery, online , or blended, keeping in mind that we will be relying on a collaborative model, using a learner-centered and a constructivist approach. Collaborative learning Learner-centered approach Constructivist approach
Instructional Process instructor training course management design TECHNOLOGY instruction delivery preparation LEARNER LMS Synchronous Asynchronous Streaming Presentation Tools Web 2.0 Tools We then start planning the technology to best fit the instruction, what LMS to use, synchronous or asynchronous. Whether we want to use media, and any of the web 2.0 tools.
Instructional Process instructor training course management design technology instruction delivery preparation LEARNER Then we start the course design using the model chosen for instruction delivery. Design for Online / Blended / Web-Enhanced delivery
Instructional Process instructor training COURSE MANAGEMENT course design technology instruction delivery preparation LEARNER Feedback Positive reinforcement Assignment management Course management is paramount in any instruction delivery, we need to keep in mind that learners need timely feedback, positive reinforcement, and timely and effective feedback on assignments.
Instructional Process INSTRUCTOR TRAINING course management design technology instruction delivery preparation LEARNER Design Deliver Manage Use of technology Changing role For success in any instruction delivery instructor training is paramount, the instructor needs to be part of the design, need to be trained on the delivery of instruction, course management, and the use of technology. In the new model of instruction, the teachers have a changing role: They are content experts, they are a bridge between knowledge and practice. Teachers are content experts, they are a bridge between knowledge and practice (Moore, 1997, p. 223)
Think of the big picture Activity Concept Map Think of the big picture keep it simple Be creative As you think about creating your concept map, keep in mind a learner-centered approach to design, then build the theory components around it. Think of the big picture, keep it simple, and be creative.