Allison Tatum Elizabeth Trevino Sara Pinckard Chapter 7 Types Of Networks! Allison Tatum Elizabeth Trevino Sara Pinckard
Networking Basics Network: a collection of computers and peripherals that are connected together so they can communicate information and share resources. Server: In a network workstations and sharable peripherals are connected together to a single, more powerful computer. *Peripherals- an auxiliary device that works in conjunction with the computer such as: printer, scanner, modem, external flash drive, mouse, keyboard, CD-ROM drive.
Types of Networks Local Area Networks: Smaller networks that connect machines in local areas, such as a classroom or school. Wide Area Network: A network that connects machines over a wide area, such as schools in a district or districts in a state. Wireless Network: Information is transmitted via wireless technology rather than across actual wires.
Protocols Bandwidth Security Privacy A common method of communication for networks, so all network components understand each other. Bandwidth Network communication channels vary in size and speed. The less bandwidth the slower the connection. Security Networks limit access to only those users that have the right to use the network. This requires a login name and password. Privacy Some areas are public and available to all users. Confidential data should not be posted in these areas.
Resource Sharing Shared Data Shared Administrative Tools Shared Academic Tools Shared Hardware Communication Through Email
Pathways to Telecommunication Modems: translating devices Home-to-Network Connection: “dial-up” Digital Subscriber Line (DSL): high speed, digital phone line connection. Cable Modem: uses cable television lines, is potentially faster than DSL but is not available in all areas.
Internet The Internet is the international network of networks.
Resources Lever-Duffy, J., McDonald, J., Mizell, A.,(2005). Teaching and Learning with Technology. (2nd ed.) New York: Pearson Education Inc. “Local Area Network”(2003). Retrieved February 1, 2006. from