The Preterite Tense for regular verbs Spanish One ch.10-3
The Preterite Tense The preterite tense is used to discuss completed actions in the past. ie...Yesterday he ATE the sandwich. 2. The preterite tense is a simple tense meaning it is made up of just one word. ie...Ayer él COMIÓ el sandwich. 3. The preterite tense is only one of two past tenses in Spanish. (You will learn the imperfect tense in level 2)
To Conjugate é amos aste ó aron Find the stem by dropping the last two letters off of the infinitive form of the verb. ie….habl ar Then add the appropriate verb endings. AR é amos aste ó aron
To Conjugate í imos iste ió ieron Find the stem by dropping the last two letters off of the infinitive form of the verb. ie….com er Then add the appropriate verb endings. ER / IR í imos iste ió ieron
Orthographic Spelling Changes * Remember that you CANNOT change the sound of a letter by conjugating. Orthographic spelling changes will regularly occur in AR verbs whose stems end in C, G, or Z. C - QU G - GU Z - C
Stem Changes * AR and ER verbs DO NOT have stem changes in the preterite. Only IR verbs that have a stem change in the present tense, only have a one letter stem change in the preterite and only in box 3 and 5. ie…dormir dormí dormimos dormiste durmió durmieron
Preterite Usages What is do you use to use the preterite to describe? Specific completed events in the past.
Comprehension Questions Which boxes contain accents? Box 1 and 3 How do you conjugate the verb NADAR in the preterite tú form? Nadaste
Sentence Examples Hablé con mi hermana ayer. I talked with my sister yesterday. Juan bailó el lunes. Juan danced on Monday. Tomaste los refrescos a la fiesta. You drank soft drinks at the party.
Sentence Examples Limpiaron la casa. They cleaned the house. Cantamos en el gimnasio después del juego. We sang in the gym after the game.