President’s Administrative Innovation Fund: Connecting IT Subject Matter Expertise CIO Council Update October 17, 2017 Tuesday 2:10pm-3:00pm Smith 561
Purpose and Intended Outcome The President’s Administrative Innovation Fund (PAIF) awarded funding to 9 innovation projects in FY17 and 8 innovation projects in FY18; A number of those projects had/have an IT component Anne Margulies suggested IT become involved earlier in the proposal/judging process vs. after funding awards are made Intended Outcome Discuss and decide on process for IT review/inclusion during the PAIF proposal/pre-judging phase for FY19 – see attached slides
President’s Administrative Innovation Fund 9/18/2018 President’s Administrative Innovation Fund Mission To catalyze administrative innovation and collaboration across Harvard by investing in staff-generated, creative solutions that enhance our ability to support faculty and students. Guiding Principles Support innovation and collaborative projects Scale improvements Recognize success Areas of Focus Innovation in academic administration Innovation in service delivery Innovation in talent development
Last Year’s PAIF Proposal Timeline (for FY18 funds) End of February Announce Year 2 of the Innovation Fund March Info sessions, workshops, and proposal support April 17 Proposals due June 14 Final round judging Summer Assignment of Advisors May First round of judging 2017
FY19 Funds - Proposed PAIF Timeline 9/18/2018 FY19 Funds - Proposed PAIF Timeline Mid-January Announce Year 3 of the Innovation Fund February- March Info sessions, workshops, support to include IT subject matter “consulting” April 1 Proposals due June Final round judging Award Decisions Assignment of Advisors April IT Review of Proposals First round of judging May Finalists prepare for Final Round Judging Presentations (~Shark Tank) 2018 For Discussion – to develop processes for: IT Subject Matter Consulting IT Review of Proposals Assignment of Advisors
President’s Administrative Innovation Fund (PAIF) Awards Appendix: President’s Administrative Innovation Fund (PAIF) Awards FY17 and FY18
FY17: Innovation Fund Recipients Cross-University Executive Education Program Goal: To create an executive education program that draws from offerings across the University. Automated Allocation Innovation Goal: To create a user-friendly, freely-available, web-based tool that will facilitate allocation challenges throughout the University. Launch Analytics Staff Consortium Goal: To create a community of practice for staff across Harvard involved in analytic work. Faculty Support Administrators Network Goal: To enhance administrative support for faculty through professional development and sharing of best practices. Building a Participant Pool for Accessibility Testing Goal: To create a process for recruiting people who use AT to serve as potential testers for Harvard interfaces and to build a database of contacts. Check-in Safe Abroad Goal: To rapidly communicate with Harvard faculty, staff, and students who are traveling abroad during time of crisis and to share data om real time. 21st Century Mailing Goal: To reduce costs of direct mail and increase the efficiency of processing returns and updated address information. Healthy Building Materials Academy Goal: To create a pathway for reducing the use of certain chemicals of concern in the University’s capital projects. Harvard Financial Training Goal: To identify financial training needs and to outline a plan for enhancing the training of finance staff throughout the University.
Accessible Technology Procurement FY18: Innovation Fund Recipients Accessible Technology Procurement Goal: To develop a sustainable and shareable system to track accessibility in the procurement system. Capital Assets Goal: To streamline the inventory process at a University level by volunteering departments from a few schools to pilot an asset tracking technology program. Clever Chemical Goal: To answer the question, “What chemical inventory management technology will provide the best combination of operational efficiency, safety, compliance, sustainability, and benefit to university stakeholders?” Flexible Work Environments Goal: To develop the start toward a shared pathway to more efficient use of office space and new ways of working on the Harvard campus. The Future of Commencement Goal: To make Commencement Week activities more secure and sustainable with a transition from paper to digital tickets. Macro Pack Goal: To save employees time and reduce errors throughout the University by creating macros that automate routine tasks in Excel. Central Admissions Institution Database Goal: To improve the way that external institution data is collected and stored by Admissions Offices across Harvard and the my.Harvard system. Nudge Portal Goal: To design a uniquely “One Harvard” approach to the adoption of administrative innovations that is based on insights from behavioral economics and “nudge” research.