Department of modern foreign languages ü] Home learning menu Department of modern foreign languages ü] The best thing we can do to help learn a language is simply to learn and practise new words. You are going to be given a list of words to try and learn by doing one or more of the tasks below. The aim of all of these homework tasks is to try to put the words into our long-term memory. This will also improve your confidence in the subject if you know you have more words stored away in your mind. You may be tested on the words in your next lesson. Remember, the aim is to increase the number of words in your long-term memory, so you might need to spend additional time revising them in order to achieve this. LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK WORD PUZZLES Ask your teacher for a sheet with some word puzzles on. They will help you learn the new words. CREATIVE Being creative can help you learn vocabulary – make, draw, design a picture, poster, object etc. to help you learn the words. This is a tried and tested, traditional way of learning vocabulary. Write the word out, say it out loud, cover it up, write it down, then check it. You will need to do this at least 5 times for each word. WORD QUIZ Collect a word quiz from your teacher – it will help you get to grips with the new words. BRAINTEASERS These are similar to the word puzzles, but are more challenging – give it a go! OTHER You can create your own task if you wish, but check it first with your teacher. The aim of the task has to be to try to commit new words to your long-term memory. REMEMBER: Having done this task, how well do you know these words? You may need to take responsibility for your own learning and spend a little extra time trying to learn them as best you can. Found it easy? Why not research 5 – 10 additional words you might want to use on your current topic?
HW: Word quiz Write out the words / phrases Department of modern foreign languages ü] Write out the words / phrases Write out the words / phrases missing out the letter E or O Write them out in rank order – highest to lowest? Best to worst? Write them out in categories – different genders? Types of words? Count up the number of syllables / beats each word / phrase has Count up the number of characters (letters and spaces) a word / phrase has Try to put the words / phrases into a whole sentence See if you could change any of the words / phrases – can they be adapted to say something else? Are there other words you could add? Write the word / phrase out backwards – then write it out forwards again
HW: Look, say, cover, write, check Department of modern foreign languages ü] Copy the words into this column first Look at the word, say it, cover it, write it, then check it – 1st try Look at the word, say it, cover it, write it, then check it – 2nd try Look at the word, say it, cover it, write it, then check it – 3rd try Look at the word, say it, cover it, write it, then check it – 4th try Look at the word, say it, cover it, write it, then check it – 5th try