L W K What do you want to know about pollinators and pollination? Pollinator Project 2/12/16 L 1. 2. 3. 4. W What do you want to know about pollinators and pollination? Materials: K What do you know about pollinators and pollination? 33L 33R
Catalyst Complete the “Know” and “Want to Know” sections of your KWL chart. K W L What are you curious about? What do you want to know more about? What do you already know about pollinators and pollination?
Many pollinators have adapted to specific flower traits to obtain the greatest reward Many flowers have adapted to the likes and needs of specific pollinators ensuring the passing along of their genetic material.
Read the Article pay extra special close attention to your pollinator Use the text tags to mark up your article
1. Interview a different pollinator to yourself 2. Create a rough sketch of a flower based on their answers
Reminder: You must write your own question for 3 &4 first!
1. Find a like pollinator and brainstorm what an ideal flower would be for you (minimum 5 on your mind map) 2. Sketch your flower 3. Raise your hand you must justify your design to me FIRST before gathering your supplies
Supplies Do not be wasteful 2-3 pipe cleaners per group Paper plates, pipe cleaners, pom- poms, popsicle sticks, felt, GLITTER!!!!, staples, glue gun, colored crayons, markers, and pencils Do not be wasteful 2-3 pipe cleaners per group 3-4 pom-poms per group ½ piece of felt per group I am Master of the Glue Gun (very hot!!) You probably will not finish today, that’s ok. Your teacher has left time tomorrow to do so.
Examples of relationship between plant and pollinator HUMMINGBIRDS Prefer red and orange flowers Poor sense of smell Have a long bill and long tongue for getting to nectar BEETLES Like fruity smelling flowers Are clumsy fliers so need good base to land on FLIES Don’t use color nor do they drink nectar Attracted to foul smells BATS- attracted to musty smelling flowers which must be large & sturdy BEES Prefer brightly colored and sweet smelling flowers and nectar that is not deeply nestled Have specialized pollen collectors on hind legs and/or abdomen Don’t see red, but Do see blue, yellow, and ultraviolet BUTTERFLIES Have long tubed shaped proboscis (for feeding/sucking) Have good color vision; bad sense of smell MOTHS Good sense of smell Nocturnal, attracted to white or pale colored flowers that are visible at night
L W K What did you learn about pollinators and pollination? Pollinator Project 2/12/16 L 1. 2. 3. 4. W What do you want to know about pollinators and pollination? Materials: K What do you know about pollinators and pollination? 33L 33R