Moving Toward Zero Waste in the Residence Halls
Overview 1. Sustainability Mission of Student Housing 2. Composting in the halls? 3. Campus partners 4. Overview of The Bucket Program 5. Common Questions
Sustainability Mission The definition of sustainability is: to meet the current populations needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs, Brundtland Commission (1987). Institutionalize sustainable practices Use LEED as a guide Educate residents and staff Collaborate with campus organizations Integrate sustainability Model sustainable practices
Zero Waste In the Residence Halls Zero waste RA programs Aggieware Purchasing (what comes into the halls) Tracking and evaluation Recycling and composting reevaluation …zero waste by 2020
Composting in the Halls? There are several challenges to creating a comprehensive composting program in the residence halls…
Composting in the Halls? Compost collection Cleaning the containers Pest control (rodents and fruit flies) Roommate issues Compost contamination Environmental Health & Safety Other options have been ruled out Worm bins Compost bins on Housing grounds
Campus Partners University Dining Services seven core sustainable practices Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) health, safety, and environmental consulting resource
Campus Partners Know the issues and work with them early in the process current existing practices product details cleaning/packing process storage weight documentation enforcement
Materials Overview The Bucket Cambro Rounds Poly 2 and 8 quart
Process Overview 1.Students pay a deposit for a composting bucket deposit is $5 for 2 qt. (individual) bucket deposit is $10 for 8 qt. (room) bucket 2.Sign The Bucket Agreement
Process Overview Bucket Agreement must talk to roommate refer to The Bucket website for updates who to contact with questions must be returned with lid fastened return every three days or when: it is full there is a strong odor it is contaminated with insects or flies Housing staff or roommate request it emptied specific return times 1:00 to 2:00 pm 4:45 to 5:30 pm 7:00 to 8:00 pm failure to follow rules loses deposit
Process Overview 3.Bucket Website will cover rules 4.Residents will be informed to return the bucket every three days or when there is an odor, pest issue, etc. (return time based on which occurs first) 5.Residents will return bucket to the DC during specific times
Process Overview 6.Residents will print their name and return date on a label, that will be placed on the returned bucket 7.After labeled, the DC will give the resident a clean bucket of the same size 8.If not contaminated, it is handled like all other compost
Process Overview 10.If it is contaminated, notify the Manager. The Manager will Richard Ronquillo and include the student name for follow-up. Contents would be disposed of as deemed appropriate by manager. Richard will meet with residents and have an educational conversation or remove them from the program.
Process Overview Leaving the program At any time, residents can come to the Housing office with a clean bucket to get their deposit back. They will also fill out a cancelation survey. At the end of the year, residents will be asked to return bucket, complete a survey, and the deposit refund will be mailed to their billing address.
Program Cost Initial material cost of $500 8qt Cambro round poly qt Cambro round poly lid2.31 2qt Cambro round poly qt Cambro round poly lid1.40 Deposits will cover all lost or damaged containers and/or lids
Pilot Program, Spring 2010 The Bucket program was piloted in Cuarto, spring of participants weekly compost: 4.64 lbs to 0.31 lbs per bucket total compost diverted during the 6 week pilot: lbs (about 3 automotive tires)
Future Changes The program is a step toward incorporating compost collection in the residence halls. Vision for two years in every room: Mixed Recyclables Landfill Compost
Contact Richard Ronquillo Patrice Stafford