Missing Work Due by Fri DEC 12 Thursday, December 1, 2016 Your Learning Goal: After students explore several websites, they will understand different types of forces and the direction of the vectors for each force. Table of Contents: Forces Trackstar* – 24R Pre-write (24L): A car is on a hill. The force of gravity is acting on the stationary car. Draw the vector for gravity. Homework: Missing Work Due by Fri DEC 12 Agenda: Do Now Forces Webquest Refletion
Date Assignment Pg # 11/3/15 What Causes & Prevents Motion? 19R Table of Contents Date Assignment Pg # 11/3/15 What Causes & Prevents Motion? 19R 11/5/15 Forces Everywhere! * 20R 11/6/15 Combining Force Vectors * 21R 11/10/15 Balanced vs. Unbalanced Forces 22R 11/12/15 How does Mass effect Force? 23R 12/1/16 Forces Trackstar * 24R
12/1/16 Forces Trackstar Catalyst: A car is on a hill. The force of gravity is acting on the stationary car. Draw the vector for gravity. 12/1/16 Forces Trackstar 24L 24R
Today's research focus: Let’s see how much you remember!
Laptop Rules Please do not open the laptop until I tell you to do so. When you are carrying it, hold it with two hands. The laptop should be flat on your table. Do not put it on anything. Put the laptop in the middle of the table. Do not put it on the edge. Do not touch the screen or hit the keys hard. Do not have drinks (including water) next to the laptop. Do not go to any other websites or programs (like Photo Booth).
Forces Trackstar Open up “Google Chrome” Type in trackstar.4teachers.org Find “View Track #.” Type in “457961” and click “Go.” Click “View in Frames.”
Open up “Google Chrome” Type in trackstar.4teachers.org (NO www)
Find “View Track #.” Type in “457961” and click “Go.”
Click “View in Frames.”
24R 24L 12/1/16 12/1/16 Forces Trackstar Forces Trackstar Catalyst: A car is on a hill. The force of gravity is acting on the stationary car. Draw the vector for gravity. Reflection: Which concept about forces is the most confusing for you? Why? 12/1/16 Forces Trackstar 24L 24R