Preventing Barriers in Cancer Services for Iowans with Disabilities Iowa Cancer Summit October 19, 2017 Karin Ford, MSPS Maggie Ferguson, MS
Objectives Grant background and activities Outcomes Outcomes from site visits Increasing options
Office of Disability and Health Funding since 1996 Inclusive Health and Wellness Initiative for Iowans with Disabilities Grant activities have include Accessibility Inclusion Disaster planning Advocacy Technical assistance
Numbers in Iowa ACS, American Community Survey BRFSS, Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System Approximately 12 %, or 373,137 Iowans live with one or more disabilities Iowans with disabilities are more likely to: smoke (35.4% vs 16.0%) be obese (45.1% vs 27.3%) be inactive (44.1% vs 25.6%) Woman with disabilities in Iowa over 40 are less likely to get a mammogram
Site Visits of Breast and Cervical Cancer Centers in Iowa 2014-2015 completed 16 site visits across Iowa Focus was on physical access Parking Entry Interior circulation Bathrooms Exam rooms Changing areas
Site Visits of Mammography Clinics in Iowa Guidance for staff Asking if patient would need assistance or accommodation Including extra time for the appointment Can patient transfer from wheelchair to chair Can patient sit independently Can patient remain steady for pictures Can patient lift and move arms
Results/Findings Physical locations were accessible Parking lots and signage Health staff knowledgeable
Why the Low Numbers? Reoccurring themes PWD assume the office isn’t accessible Have limited transportation Health professionals approach care for PWD differently
New Approach Began promoting accessibility to providers Simple as including accessibility logo Provided guidance on printed material in alternate formats Ensuring websites are accessible
Tips for Developing Disability-Friendly Practices Anticipate needs; ask about accommodations when scheduling Use person-first language Improve health literacy of patients with disabilities Use inclusive marketing strategies Partner with Disability Service Providers
Opportunities to Address Health Disparities Collaboration with people with disabilities and family members Encourage providers to discuss healthy eating, physical activity, weight status 14 Weeks to a Healthier You
Resources Iowa Department of Public Health University of Iowa Center for Disabilities and Development
Contact Information Karin Ford 515-242-6336 Maggie Ferguson 515-281-8465