Chet Collett – Director Flight Ops Engineering Alaska Airlines
© 2016 Alaska Airlines - Confidential Agenda AC 150/5200-30D Reporting WET Runway Conditions RCAM / Vertical and Horizontal FAA Digital NOTAM System Bugs © 2016 Alaska Airlines - Confidential
AC 150-5200-30D Errata Did a fairly good job of capturing the TALPA ARC Recommendation But it included some language that caused runway closures when there was no operational hazard:
AC 150-5200-30D Errata Required WET Runway Reporting October 1, 2016 was the implementation date
Wet Runway Reporting 1.12.23 Wet Runway. A runway is wet when it is neither dry nor contaminated. For purposes of condition reporting and airplane performance, a runway can be considered wet when more than 25 percent of the runway surface area within the reported length and the width being used is covered by any visible dampness or water that is 1/8-inch or less in depth. Note: A significant change to condition reporting includes the requirement and ability to report ‘Wet’ when visible dampness, or water that is 1/8-inch (3.3 mm) or less in depth exists on any surface (runways, taxiways, aprons, holding bays). This change is largely due to the airplane performance differences that exist between wet, dry, or runways with water greater than 1/8-inch (3.3 mm) in depth.
AC 150-5200-30D Errata Then on September 30, 2016 . . . FAA Published CertAlert 16-06
Wet Runway Reporting 28 days after the FAA made WET runway Reporting optional Moderate to Heavy rain at LGA with NO FICON Could a 5/5/5 100% WET FICON have alerted the flight crew?
WET vs Standing Water – Effects of Rainfall Intensity Aircraft Performance differences are huge. DRY WET Standing Water Greater than 1/8 INCH
RCAM – Vertical
RCAM – Horizontal
Landing RCAM
© 2016 Alaska Airlines - Confidential Takeoff RCAM © 2016 Alaska Airlines - Confidential
Digital NOTAM System (DNS) Bugs Percentage of coverage bug
Another example (real world) ANC 12/002 ANC RWY 33 FICON 50 PRCT ICE, DRY, DRY SANDED OBSERVED AT 1612010204. 1612010205-1612020205 ANC 12/003 ANC RWY 07R FICON 60 PRCT ICE, DRY, DRY SANDED OBSERVED AT 1612010205. 1612010205-1612020205 In this case the ICE on the first third of these runways should have been either RWYCC 1 or 3 (Dependent on upgrade capability) – so 3/6/6 or 1/6/6 Instead, NO RWYCC were able to be generated by the DNS
Digital NOTAM System Bugs Slippery When Wet
Slippery When Wet Should be a NOTAM – NOT a FICON
DNS should not allow WET or Contaminated RWYCC above 3/3/3
Other Issues that have been Problematic FICON and ATIS do not provide the same information (and required information for Takeoff) FICON: !ORD 12/491 ORD RWY 28R FICON 5/3/3 100 PRCT WET, 30 PRCT 1/4IN WET SN, 100 PRCT 1IN WET SN OBSERVED AT 1612120337. 1612120337-1612130337 ATIS: ORD ATIS INFO Y 0351Z. 26008KT 5SM BR OVC008 01/M01 A2975 (TWO NINER SEVEN FIVE). ARR EXP VECTORS ILS RWY 28C APCH. READBACK ALL RWY HOLD SHORT INSTRUCTIONS. DEPS EXP RWYS 22L, 28R. NOTAMS... RWY 4L, 22R CLSD, RWY 9L, 27R CLSD, RWY 10R, 28L CLSD, RWY 15, 33 CLSD. RWY 27L ILS OTS. BA ADZYS ARE IN EFCT. RWY 22L RWY CONDITION CODE,, 5 , ,, 5 , ,, 5 ,,AT, ,, 0142Z RWY 27R CONDITION CODE,, 3 , ,, 3 , ,, 3 ,,AT, ,, 0155Z RWY 27L RWY CONDITION CODE,, 3 , ,, 3 , ,, 3 ,,AT, ,, 0155Z RWY 28R RWY CONDITION CODE,, 5 , ,, 3 , ,, 3 ,,AT, ,, 0338Z RWY 28C RWY CONDITION CODE,, 5 , ,, 5 , ,, 5 ,,AT, ,, 0312Z . USE CAUTION FOR MEN AND EQUIP AT NUMEROUS SITES ON THE FIELD. CPDLC SERVICES, AVAILABLE. WHEN READY TO TAXI CONTACT GND METERING ON FREQ 121.67. ...ADVS YOU HAVE INFO Y.
In Conclusion Alaska Airlines sincerely hopes the FAA will schedule an industry “After Action TALPA Symposium” to discuss how the first year of implementation went. This symposium should include Airports, Airlines, Aircraft Manufacturers and Regulators It should include: Wet Runway Reporting – Future Plans Digital NOTAM System – Bug Fixes AC 150-5200-30F (Draft Recommendations)
Local Time Date Runway Airport Initials (24 hr) Flight # Is the portion of the Runway that is being maintained MORE THAN 25% covered with a contaminant? Yes, assign Runway Condition Codes and complete the Matrix Report (blue box) No, DO NOT assign Runway Condition Codes but complete all other sections of the Matrix Report if any contamination is present (blue box) Dry 6 5 Frost 3 2 GREATER Than 1/8" 1/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 4 Ice 1 Wet Ice, Water OVER Compacted Snow, Snow OVER Ice Wet (Damp) Water or Slush Slush 1/8" or Less 2" or More Compacted Snow -15°C or Colder Warmer than -15°C Wet Snow or Dry Snow 1/8" or LESS Depth Dry or Wet Snow OVER 1/8" or LESS 1st Rwy Third - For Coverage 25% or Less , Enter Code 6 - Circle (or Mark) any contaminant below that covers more than 25% of the Rwy Third. Record the most restrictive code in the box to the right. - Circle (or Mark) Only for: Water, Slush, Wet Snow, Dry Snow, or Any Snow OVER Compacted Snow Below Min Friction Level Classification - Wet Slippery Dry 6 5 Frost 3 2 GREATER Than 1/8" 1/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 4 Ice 1 Wet (Damp) Slush Water or Slush 1/8" or LESS Below Min Friction Level Classification - Wet Slippery 1/8" or Less 2" or More Wet Ice, Water OVER Compacted Snow, Snow OVER Ice Dry or Wet Snow OVER Compacted Snow Depth -15°C or Colder Warmer than -15°C 2nd Rwy Third Wet Snow or Dry Snow Water, Slush, Wet Snow, Dry Snow, or Any Snow OVER Compacted Snow 1/8" or LESS - For Coverage 25% or Less , Enter Code 6 - Circle (or Mark) any contaminant below that covers more than 25% of the Rwy Third. Record the most restrictive code in the box to the right. - Circle (or Mark) Only for: Dry 6 5 Frost 3 2 GREATER Than 1/8" 1/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 4 Ice 1 Wet Ice, Water OVER Compacted Snow, Snow OVER Ice 1/8" or Less 2" or More Compacted Snow -15°C or Colder Warmer than -15°C 1/8" or LESS Depth Dry or Wet Snow OVER 1/8" or LESS Below Min Friction Level Classification - Wet Slippery Wet Snow or Dry Snow Wet (Damp) Water or Slush Slush 3rd Rwy Third - For Coverage 25% or Less , Enter Code 6 - Circle (or Mark) any contaminant below that covers more than 25% of the Rwy Third. Record the most restrictive code in the box to the right. - Circle (or Mark) Only for: Water, Slush, Wet Snow, Dry Snow, or Any Snow OVER Compacted Snow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “ Matrix Report . . . _ _ _ Rwy __/__/__ (Airport) ( #) _ _ _ (inch) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Highest Depth only for Slush, Wet Snow or Dry Snow and Standing Water [Water 1/8 “ or less report as WET with no depth]) (Contaminant Type [Report in terms in Green Boxes, Water 1/8 “ or less report as WET]) Condition Codes) (Remarks to be transmitted) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____________________” (Date) (Time) (% Coverage - 10, 25, 50, 75, or 100%) _ _ _ (%) Misc. Data ° C Yes or No Active Precip? Outside Air Temp Adjusted Runway Condition Codes (ONLY If Downgrade or Upgrade Assessments Used) Requires an explanation in the comments section below Rwy Mu Sand Deicing Chem Time Applied Rwy Treatment Used? Decel CFME Before After (If Applicable)