DO NOW 1/8/18 Considering a time when you read something, fiction or non-fiction, and considered it good writing. What made that book, story, article, essay, meme, tweet or piece good. List 3 characteristics of good writing.
For sale: baby shoes, never worn. E. Hemingway
…the Six-Word Memoir project was born. BACKSTORY Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response? “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” In November 2006, Larry Smith, founder of SMITH Magazine, gave the six-word novel a personal twist by asking his community to describe their lives in exactly six words. Bittersweet “Cursed with cancer, blessed with friends” Poignant “I still make coffee for two” Inspirational “From migrant worker to NASA astronaut” Hilarious “Married by Elvis, divorced by Friday” …the Six-Word Memoir project was born.
A Few More... After Harvard, had baby with crackhead. 70 years, few tears, hairy ears. Watching quietly from every door frame. Catholic school backfired. Sin is in! Born in the desert, still thirsty. The psychic said I'd be richer. Painful nerd kid, happy nerd adult.
How to write a 6 Word Story... In order to narrow down a life into six words, a writer needs to begin with many words and ideas.
JUST WRITE List as many words, topics, memories, or personality traits as you can about yourself – activities you do, items, belongings, places you like, and feelings you have. Don’t edit. Don’t worry about spelling–just write. Write as much as you can.
Example Teacher, wife, enthusiasm, coffee, overworked, smores, colorful, justice, missions, laughter, moving, sister, friend, grumpy kitty, travel, corgies, Christian music, inspirational, contemplative, hands and feet, questions without answers, cards, planning, preparing, connecting, chocolate, reading, children, compassion, guidance, support, mentor, walks, autumn, apple cider, leaves, crisp fresh air, heirloom rings, surprise, analyze…
CIRCLE Read your list of words Circle the two or three words that stand out for you
Example Teacher, wife, enthusiasm, coffee, overworked, smores, colorful, justice, missions, laughter, moving, sister, friend, grumpy kitty, travel, corgies, Christian music, inspirational, contemplative, hands and feet, questions without answers, cards, planning, preparing, connecting, chocolate, reading, children, compassion, guidance, support, mentor, walks, autumn, apple cider, leaves, crisp fresh air, heirloom rings, surprise, analyze…
PICK Pick one item and freewrite about the thought. Write about that idea, object, role, or event Whatever comes to mind is fair game.
Compassion Compassion drives me to the questions about social justice and our role around the world. What can I do? Is it enough? Aren’t we more effective together but how can we all work together? What should I do independently even if community doesn’t choose to? How can I show care and compassion to brothers and sisters around the world, in my neighborhood? I feel wrapped up in these questions without clear answers...
SYNTHESIZE Combine the individual elements into an understandable whole Write a 6 word phrase that captures the essence of what your topic means to you.
DRAFT Play with the words and create at least four drafts of 6 word memoirs. Get help from your peers Create your 6-word memoir final draft on large notecard. You will turn in your notecard and your draft papers
Start changing our world through compassion.
Alzheimer's: meeting new people every day.
Met wife at her bachelorette party.
Family portrait: everyone smiles but me.
I picked passion. Now I'm poor.
Normal person becomes psychotic on Twitter.
Yale at 16, downhill from there.
The smallest coffins are the heaviest.
Siri, delete Mom from my contacts.
One bullet is a lifetime supply.
I met my soulmate, she didn’t.
Passengers, this isn’t your captain speaking.
Roses brought home. Keys didn’t fit.
He hit send, then a tree.
What's your return policy on rings?
Roses brought home. Keys didn’t fit.
Start changing our world through compassion.
Simple girl in a complex world.
On the pursuit of happiness… still.
Lost in thought… be back later.
Girl loved boy… boy never knew.
Then, I just turned the page.
Eat, sleep, basketball, then repeat.
Found on Craigslist: table, apartment, fiance.
Promises are given but RARELY kept.
Note to self… don’t have kids.
Without light, there would be darkness.
Did anyone every find SESAME Street?