Maps for the Masses: The Oregon Spatial Data Library Good morning! Thank you for this opportunity to speak with you today about Oregon Spatial Data Library. My name is Kuuipo Walsh and am a Faculty Research Assistant with the Institute for Natural Resources and managed the OSDL project. I will be presenting today with Ruth Vondracek, the Head of Research and Innovative Services at OSU Libraries and Manager of the Oregon Explorer Program. Ruth is stepping in for Marc Rempel, the lead programmer on this project, as his wife is expecting their second child at any moment! It has been a natural fit for INR and OSU Libraries to collaborate on creating the Oregon Spatial Data Library, part of a digital library called the Oregon Explorer because OSU Libraries is a leader in the effort to develop digital collections relating to natural resources and NR has been tasked by the Oregon Legislature to create an information management system to help policy makers make decisions about natural resources. Western Association of Map Libraries Friday, March 19, 2010 Ruth Vondracek, Kuuipo Walsh, Marc Rempel OSU Libraries, Institute for Natural Resources
Oregon Explorer portals Current Portals Data Portals Launched: October 2007 We organize our portals into three categories, geographic or regional portals, topic based portals and data portals. Our two data portals which go hand in hand are: 1.the Oregon Imagery Explorer which provides access to aerial imagery flown in the summer 2005. 2. The Oregon Spatial Data Library which provides access to more that 200 spatial datasets, including statewide base layers, called framework layers Launched: November 2009
Oregon Imagery Explorer: accessing .5 m Color Imagery Our most popular portal by far for students, researchers, local, state, federal agency staff and NGO’s is the Oregon Imagery Explorer. For example, a student in the botany and plant pathology department mentioned that the having the imagery so easily available has made her project much easier. They stream imagery, download imagery or view imagery. It serves the 2005 orthoimagery as a WMS and as downloadable data. We will start serving the 2009 orthoimagery this summer, and currently have links to the compressed county mosaics of the 2009 imagery. “I'm delighted that recent aerial photo imagery is so easily available for the state, and in such a high resolution - thank you! The Oregon Imagery Explorer has made my project, and I'm sure that of many others, much easier.” - Student in the Botany and Plant Pathology Department, 1/26/2010
Background Partnership/funding with State of Oregon Department of Administrative Services Geospatial Enterprise Office (GEO) Purpose To provide a front-end to the GEO A-Z list that enables searchable results User defined downloads Distributed data extraction Scalable to add other repositories Building on our success with the imagery portal, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services Geospatial Enterprise office ask us to provide a front-end to the GEO A-Z list. The A-Z list is just a long list of data sets you may browse. The user can define their download: can draw a square or polygon to define the area they want to download, the output file format (ESRI shapefile/geography markup language (GML)/KML, etc. OE doesn’t store all the data on OSU library servers, but all pulls in data from a distributed network. Harvest other people’s metadata.
Framework data The near-term objective of the project was to serves the public domain Framework data (i.e., complete statewide geographic themes) and other available datasets as possible. The targeted primary users for the Oregon Spatial Data Library are staff of agencies participating in the Oregon Geographic Information Council (OGIC), including Federal, State, and local governments and tribes.;
Required and Desired Features Using a list of high-level functional requirements provided by OGIC representatives and the Oregon Spatial Data Library planning team, the OSU team refined this list to articulate required and desired functionality for the portal in the areas of 1) searching, 2) map viewing, 3) output/downloading, and 4) other. The team then gathered information about ESRI’s GIS Portal Toolkit (GPT 9.3) and assessed the ability of this software to meet functional requirements and desirables.
Oregon Spatial Data Library Anticipate our newly launched Oregon Spatial Data Library as being as popular as our Oregon Imagery Explorer. We provide easy ways to find, access and share geospatial data. We are currently collaborating with the UO Libraries to help the provide access to 100 of UO’s geospatial datasets. Increasing the number of datasets all the time.
Oregon Hazards Explorer Oregon Hazards Explorer topic portal that allows users to access available hazards data and report on known hazards for specific areas of interest. The targeted primary users for the Oregon Hazards Explorer are staff of the Department of Land Conservation and Development and the general public; The Oregon Hazards Explorer is a web-based, digital library housed at the Oregon State University Libraries. The web-portal is the result of a collaboration among various stakeholders including staff from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD); librarians and Oregon Explorer staff from the OSU Libraries; staff from the Institute for Natural Resources; financial support from DLCD; and input from members of the Hazard/Preparedness Framework Implementation Team. Phase 1 of the portal was made public in June of 2009. The project was started as a response to a key recommendation of a Needs Assessment conducted by the Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience in 2005 to develop a one-stop data portal for hazard related data. We confirmed with the Hazards Framework Implementation Team in 2008 that there was still a need for a one-stop portal for all hazard data in Oregon. Launched June 2009
Usage Ave. # visits/day : 42 Total # of visits since 2/10: 1,293 According to our web statistics, our most popular features are the GIS Mapping tools, our multi-media stories, …. Note: Began tracking usage tracked on February 15, 2010
Acknowledgements: The Oregon Spatial Data Library was developed through a partnership of Oregon State University (OSU) Libraries, Oregon University System Institute for Natural Resources, and the Department of Administrative Services Geospatial Enterprise Office (DAS-GEO). Funding was provided by DAS-GEO through a grant from the U.S. Geological Survey. Funding for Phase 1 development of the Oregon Hazards Explorer was provided by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development through a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The site is hosted by OSU Libraries and INR.
OSDL Contacts and Resources: Project Report ExternalContent/OSDL/final_report.pdf Kuuipo Walsh Institute for Natural Resources The Valley Library (541) 737-3795 Ruth Vondracek Oregon State University Libraries The Valley Library (541) 737-9273 Marc Rempel (541) 737-4744 Questions? Feel Free to contact us.