Welcome to the Third NSSLHA Meeting of the Semester! We are happy to have you here!
Family Day on November 4th We need volunteers!! If you are interested, email me with questions and volunteering commitments at isunsslha.president@gmail.com Schedule for the Day Welcome Presentation: 8:15am in Schroeder Hall 130 Session 1: 9:30am- 10:00am Session 2: 10:05am- 10:35am Session 3: 10:40am-11:10am Individuals who are studying abroad in Greece are welcome to join Dr. Harbers and Dr. Friberg to talk about the trip! Otherwise, join up for a complimentary lunch in the Eckelmann- Taylor Speech and Hearing Clinic
Undergraduate Student of the Month... Kristin Williford- “Kristin knows how to handle herself well while assisting others. She is always positive and encouraging to everyone in the department. She is a role model to all of us!” -Macy Pohlman
Graduate Student of the Month... Annie Heineman- “She is the GA for Voice and does so much work for Dr. Vinney. On top of that, she is an amazing clinician and makes her own materials for her clients. She is a boss.” -Angela Lezza
Faculty Member of the Month... Mrs. Tyra- “She is always in a good mood. When you walk in the classroom, she always brightened my day. She eases your nerves and always is passionate about what she does!” -Morgan Bails and Katie Stallion
Get YO fro YO! Go to Cherry Berry anytime from 4-9pm tomorrow to get frozen yogurt! Walkable distance, near Buffalo Wild Wings! 4-6pm is $4 fill a cup...this would be the best time to go! GREAT DEAL! Take a picture of your receipt or your ice cream and send it to Morgan for 1 NSSLHA hour!
Sign up to work tables gets released at 9pm tonight!
S.O.A.R Training Monday November 13th at 6:30pm in SCH 115! PLEASE BE ON TIME! Maggie is making this accomodation for us and is going out of her way to come to campus! Please RSVP to Courtney by November 10th! This training will allow you to learn about the volunteer program and also volunteer whenever you want for the rest of the school year!!
Bake Sale! November 15th from 10-3pm outside of Schroeder 130 For those baking, please drop off baked goods in the student workroom (there will be a box) the day before OR drop off goods at 9:45am the morning of. Your name MUST be on the item being dropped off. Please package items to be sold for about 50 cents- $1, you should be donating about a dozen items. Workers: Courtney will meet the first person working at 9:45am to set up! Please be on time to your shift so the person before you can make it to their next class! The sign ups are full, but to check to see if you’re working or baking…. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c044ba5a622a2fd0-bake1 http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c044ba5a622a2fd0-bake
BASKETBALL CONCESSIONS! (woot! woot!) December 2nd 1-6pm (5 hours, hours will roll over to next semester, GO FOR ALL-STAR STATUS!) NO JEANS! You must wear black or khaki pants, closed toed shoes, and have your hair tied back. More instructions will be given the day of This opportunity is probably NSSLHA’s biggest money maker!! Come help be apart of that! It’s fun!!! Sign up goes live at 9pm tonight on Facebook! Be sure to write your tshirt size in the comments!
Home Sweet Homes Game Night! 2-4pm on Sunday December 3rd Bingo with adults and other fun activities for the kids Please bring a prize to donate, this can be the following: Adults: Bus Passes Small bags of lotions, lipstick, or chapstick Gift cards Walmart, target, other grocery places or something fun like starbucks! Kids: Dollar Store toys (but no stickers) Kids jewelry IF INTERESTED, YOU MUST CONTACT COURTNEY...I have specific instructions for you that you must complete in order to volunteer!
Mentor/Mentee Program Emails have been sent out! Some forms were submitted without a name! If you still want to do it there’s a possibility you can do it just email me isunsslha.secretary@gmail.com Thank you to everyone who signed up!
Final day to submit hours The last day to submit hours will be when the Fall semester ends December 15th Volunteer hours link https://drive.google.com/open?id=1haddb4_FKz6UWDw818WT1sAot0dQeBXsYVmK4JjjSn A The semester is starting to rap up so please continue turning hours in! I will most likely be sending out hours to all members over Thanksgiving Break to give you an idea where you are at Remember you have the opportunity to use 3 outside hours.
Secret Message for Attendance I will only accept secret message requests until Monday at midnight Does everyone think this deadline for the secret message fair? Email to contact me about attendance or hours: isunsslha.secretary@gmail.com
CSD 115 If you are here for Mrs. McClure’s CSD 115 class come see me when the meeting is over!
Treasurer Thank you to everyone for being flexible in meeting up with me to pay dues and for showing up when you told me you would. It is greatly appreciated! If you write an IOU or “pay later” on the snack bar sheet, PLEASE be sure to remember to come back and pay for your item(s). Thank you!
Materials Center -We’ve got new book catalogues for the month of November! These are located in the MC and Student Workroom! THANK YOU to all who have bought books so far! -Thank you to the MC Clinic Cleaners! All the slots are filled for the semester :) Be sure to come if you signed up! -NSSLHA Volunteers - Thank you for turning in your schedules!
Study Abroad COOKBOOK PRESALE ORDERS GOING ON NOW! Help us with our biggest fundraiser of the year!! :) $10 per cookbook, get them just in time for the holidays :)
Our Special Guest for the Evening... Sarah Sadler!