NASA Agency Report Andrew Mitchell Deputy Project Manager / Technical


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Presentation transcript:

NASA Agency Report Andrew Mitchell Deputy Project Manager / Technical Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) March 18, 2016 9/18/2018

NASA Earth Science Division (ESD) Overview NASA ESD priorities: advances Earth system science delivers societal benefit through applications development and testing provides essential global spaceborne measurements supporting science and operations develops and demonstrates technologies for next-generation measurements, and complements and is coordinated with activities of other agencies and international partners

NASA’s Earth Science Division Research Flight Applied Sciences Technology 3

Earth Science Instruments on ISS: Formulation Implementation Primary Ops Extended Ops Landsat 9 PACE NI-SAR SWOT TEMPO JPSS-2 (NOAA) RBI, OMPS-Limb Sentinel-6A/B GRACE-FO (2) ICESat-2 Earth Science Instruments on ISS: RapidScat, CATS, LIS, SAGE III (on ISS), TSIS-1, OCO-3, ECOSTRESS, GEDI, CLARREO-PF CYGNSS ISS SORCE, TCTE (NOAA) NISTAR, EPIC (NOAA’S DSCOVR) QuikSCAT EO-1 Landsat 7 (USGS) SMAP Terra Fleet - Earth Science Division - Missions (with color key; editable) Dec. 15, 2015 Credit: NASA/J. Mottar ------------------------------ SLIDE INFO UDATE EJD PER FREILICH DECISIONS FEB 4, 2016 Changed “Altimetry FO (Formulation in FY16) to “Sentinal-6A/B” On Landsat 9, removed comma and TIRFF Change I was going to make – “NISTAR, EPIC (NOAA’s DSCOVR) to green primary ops was already corrected Dec. 15, 2015 – Updated: TEMPO changed to Implementation phase; NISTAR, EPIC changed to Primary Ops phase; ; OCO-3 and ECOSTRESS changed to Implementation phase; Aquarius removed; slide now fully editable. JMottar May 18, 2015 – Added to SMD Multimedia Library. May 18, 2015 – Updated the outdated 2014 version: TRMM was removed; NISTAR, EPIC (NOAA's DSCOVR) were added; SMAP icon was updated; moon at top left was removed; color key moved to top left.-JMottar ID: I-EA-15-0040 (image) ID: SL-EA-15-0068 (slide) Suomi NPP (NOAA) Aqua CloudSat Landsat 8 (USGS) CALIPSO GPM Aura GRACE (2) OSTM/Jason 2 (NOAA) OCO-2

NASA Earth Science Data System (ESDS) Program Vision Make NASA’s free and open earth science data interactive, interoperable and accessible for research and societal benefit today and tomorrow. 9/18/2018

ESDS Mission Statement The Earth Science Data System Program oversees the lifecycle of earth science data with the principle goal of maximizing the scientific return from NASA’s missions and experiments for research and applied scientists, decision makers and society at large. 9/18/2018

ESDS is Responsible for: Actively managing NASA’s earth science data as a national asset. Developing unique data system capabilities optimized to support rigorous science investigations. Processing instrument data to create earth science data records. Upholding NASA’s policy of free, full and open sharing of all data, tools and ancillary information for all users. Engaging members of the earth science community in the evolution of data systems. 9/18/2018

Earth Science Data System Goals DAAC and Core System Perspective Set the standard for the archival and delivery of science-quality data related to planet Earth. No data loss with resilient backups. Easily add new data products at lower cost (long-tail, aircraft, in situ). Data available in all systems (download, metadata, visualization, analysis, etc.) as soon as it is ingested. Provide consistent harmonized services for data, metadata and services to facilitate interdisciplinary earth science investigations. Standard levels of service including system performance (operator and user perspectives), uptime, and data set interoperability. Metadata consistently available through all interfaces and continually updated. Quickly deploy new technologies across the enterprise (process/infrastructure/features). Ensure data is documented precisely and fully, and access to data and services are useful and useable by a wide community of users. Ubiquitous DOIs and linkages to citations and articles. Translations among science nomenclatures. Quality and error characterizations (especially format and projection conversions). Engaging earth science and computer/developer content on websites and tools guided by UI/UX Improve data system capabilities through continual evolution and community engagement. Adopt and develop new technologies to increase efficiency of archival, distribution and services. Open source ALL software. Work with Science Teams and PIs, UWGs, ESDSWG, ESIP and presentations at conferences. ACCESS Program (..reimagined..) and competitively selected science portals. 9/18/2018

Core DAAC Functions + Processing Demonstration Planning for prototypes is underway to evaluate advantages, risks, and costs of using commercial cloud technology for core DAAC functions. Web Object Storage and distribution prototype Store and distribute data from Amazon S3 Capture performance and usage metrics to understand cost drivers for storage and egress fees (tall poles). Work with Amazon on cost models to support petabyte scale archives. ARIA Processing Demonstration Prototype ARIA is a JPL developed processing system for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). The ARIA processing prototype demonstration will tests capability and cost to generate higher level. Evaluate cost of bringing algorithms to data - one of the underlying assumptions for cloud computing. Ingest/Archive Prototype Develop software to utilize capabilities of commercial clouds for the efficient ingest, archive and management for the unique requirements for satellite, airborne and in situ earth science data. DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT 9/18/2018

Application Hosting Hosting applications in the cloud offers the clearest path to improve efficiency. Over the next 2 years, core applications will be adapted to work within commercial cloud environments. Metadata Search and Order System Common Metadata Repository (CMR): Provides sub-second search and discovery services for over 250M spatial objects using openly available APIs. Catalog of data from all DAACs and many international agencies. Visualization System Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS): Full resolution imagery from NASA instruments publically provided through open standards based APIs and the Worldview web client. Earthdata Web Infrastructure Platform for developing and hosting science websites and portals interacting with spatial data, includes requirement management, code development, testing and deployment to operations. Earthdata Login Centralized mechanism for user self-registration and profile management across EOSDIS Core applications provide a foundation for future science discipline specific applications to be developed on a shared, common architecture, as well as the opportunity to build new applications that leverage the shared services provided by the platform. DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT 9/18/2018